Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Natural system of classification has the basis of

A. morphology

B. Phylogeny

C. both (a) and (b)

D. ontogeny

Correct Answer :

C. both (a) and (b)

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is represented by the largest number of species ?

A. Insecta

B. Protozoa

C. Mammalia

D. Aves

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The term "Monera" stands for

A. all prokaryotes

B. bacterai, blue green algae and sinlge celled eukaryotes

C. bacteria, blue green algae and single celled eukaryotic animals

D. single celled eukaryotes and prokaryotes

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Euplectella (Venus flower basket) is a

A. porifer

B. protozoan

C. coelentrate

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A. Reptilia

B. Squamata

C. Chelonia

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A. 100 legs

B. 50-100 legs

C. As many legs as body segments

D. As many pairs of legs as body segments

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The concept of homology can be applied to

A. gross structures of the body

B. physiological mechanisms

C. biochemical similarities

D. all of these

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Spider is not included under class insects because of

A. absence of walking legs

B. absence of mandibles

C. absence of wings

D. presence of walking legs

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Which of the following is not a part of true body cavity ?

A. Pleural cavity

B. Pericardial cavity

C. Peritoneal cavity

D. The cavity inside the stomach and intestine

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Which of the following is a matching set of groups in animal classification ?

A. Annelida, Porifera and Mammals as phyla

B. Hydrozoa, Mollusca and chordata as phyla

C. Protozoa, Reptilia and Mammalia as classes

D. Insecta, Cephalopoda and Aves as classes

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Which of the following is homiother-mous ?

A. Lizard

B. Frog

C. Rabbit

D. Cuttlefish

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Which of the following belongs to Mollusca ?

A. Starfish

B. Dogfish

C. Silver fish

D. Goldfish

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Diploblastic body with cellular grade of organisation and cellular mesogloea is characteristic of

A. protozoal

B. porifera

C. coelenterata

D. annelid a

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Which one of the following is a coelenterate ?

A. Tea cucumber

B. Sea urchin

C. Sea horse

D. Sea pen

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A. star fish

B. cartilagenous fish

C. jellyfish

D. cuttlefish

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A. tortoise

B. turtles

C. sea hares

D. none of these

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Temperature regulation is found in

A. Fish

B. Rat

C. Frog

D. Lizard

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A. Silver fish

B. Goldfish

C. Silver carp

D. Seahorse

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A. plants

B. animals

C. microorganisms

D. living organisms

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A. flat worms

B. roundworms

C. tapeworms

D. blind worms

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Which of the following belongs to the same phylum ?

A. Mollusca, cockroach, centipede

B. Turbellaria, cestoda, trematoda

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

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A. genus

B. order

C. class

D. species

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A. asymmetrical

B. symmetrical

C. bilaterally symmetrical

D. radially symmetrical

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Sea horse is a

A. fish

B. mammal

C. bird

D. none of these

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The generic name of apple snail is

A. Limax

B. Pila

C. Sepia

D. Murex

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Which of the following is not a diploblas-tic group ?

A. Porifera

B. Coelentrata

C. Annelida

D. Platyhelminthes

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A. Onychophora, Myriapoda, Arachnida

B. Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthozoa

C. Polychaeta, Hirudiniea, Oligochaeta

D. Gastropoda, Rhizopoda, Scaphopoda

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A. well developed body cavity with alimentary canal

B. dorsal tubular nerve cord

C. ventrally situated heart

D. all of these

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A. Geographical isolation

B. Reproductive isolation

C. Behavioural isolation

D. Hybrid in viability

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A. hag fish

B. eel

C. flyingfish

D. seahorse

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A. Giraffe

B. Crocodile

C. Shark

D. Ostrich