Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Ohm's law can be used only to a _____ circuit or component.

A. Unilateral

B. Exponential

C. Trivalent

D. Linear

Correct Answer :

D. Linear

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A substance that attracts pieces iron

A. Conductor

B. Semiconductor

C. Magnet

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The emf induced in a coil due to the change of its own flux linked with it is called

A. Mutually induced emf

B. Dynamically induced emf

C. Statically induced emf

D. Self induced emf

What is the correct answer?


If two similar charges 1 coulomb each are placed 1 m apart in aira then the force of repulsion is

A. 8 × 10^6 N

B. 9 × 10 ^9 N

C. 10^6 N

D. 5 × 10^6 N

What is the correct answer?


Hysteresis is a phenomenon of _________ in a magnetic circuit.

A. setting up constant flux

B. lagging of H behind B

C. lagging B behind H

D. leading B ahead H

What is the correct answer?


Flux linkages equals

A. Flux times area of core

B. Flux times number of turns times area of core

C. Flux times number of turns times length of core

D. Flux times number of turns

What is the correct answer?


The greater percentage of materials is _________.

A. diamagnetic

B. paramagnetic

C. ferromagnetic

D. non-magnetic

What is the correct answer?


What is the practical unit of electrical energy?

A. Watt

B. Kilowatt-hour

C. Kilowatt-second

D. Megawathour

What is the correct answer?


The permeability of permalloy is

A. Very much greater than permeability of air

B. Slightly greater than permeability of air

C. Slightly less than permeability of air

D. Equal to the permeability of air

What is the correct answer?


The lagging effect between flux density of the material and the magne

A. Permeance

B. Eddy current

C. Hysteresis

D. R eluctance

What is the correct answer?


Back emf refers to the

A. Current equal to the applied emf

B. Opposing emf

C. Current opposing the applied emf

D. Voltage opposing the applied emf

What is the correct answer?


Used to maintain strength of magnetic field

A. Container

B. Air gap

C. Keeper

D. S ource

What is the correct answer?


A theorem which states that an electric current flowing in a circuit produces a magnetic field at external points equivalent to that due to a magnetic shell whose bounding edge is the conductor and whose strength of the current.

A. Joule's law

B. Faraday's law

C. Volta's theorem

D. Ampere's theorem

What is the correct answer?


What is the reluctance of a magnetic path having a length of 2x 10^-3m and crosssectional area of 2.5 x 10^-3 m^2?

A. 6366 A, t/Wb

B. 6000 A, t/Wb

C. 8x10^-3 A, t/Wb

D. 0.8 A, t/Wb

What is the correct answer?


The potential at a point due to a charge is 15 V. If the distance is times, the potential at the point will be

A. 5 V

B. 18 V

C. 45 V

D. 15 V

What is the correct answer?


The B-H curve for ________ is a straight line passing through the origin.

A. cobalt

B. air

C. hardened steel

D. soft iron

What is the correct answer?


Magnetic effects of the earth as a huge magnet with north and south poles.

A. Diamagnetic

B. Ferromagnetic

C. Terrestrial magnetism

D. Terrestrial ferromagnetism

What is the correct answer?


The total number of magnetic lines of force in a magnetic field is called

A. Magnetic flux

B. Magnetic flux density

C. Magnetic flux intensity

D. Magnetic potential

What is the correct answer?


Temporary magnets are commonly employed in

A. electric instruments

B. motors

C. moving coils loudspeakers

D. magnetos

What is the correct answer?


The unit of flux is _____ in cgs system.

A. Tesia

B. Gilbert

C. Maxwell

D. Oersted

What is the correct answer?


What type of bond is formed when there exists some form of collective interactions between the (negatively charged) electrons and (positively charged) nuclei in a solid?

A. Ionic

B. Covalent

C. Metallic

D. Van der Waals

What is the correct answer?


How much is the flux in Weber in the above problem?

A. 2 x 10^-5

B. 2 x 10^-3

C. 2 x 10^5

D. 2 x 10^3

What is the correct answer?


A 6- V battery is connected across a solenoid of 100 turns having a resistance of 2 ?a Calculate the number of ampere turns?



What is the correct answer?


States that the ratio of the thermal conductivity is proportional to the absolute temperature for all metals.

A. Wien's displacement law

B. Hartleys law

C. Hall's law

D. Wiedemann Franz law

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following materials has the highest dielectric strength?

A. Glass

B. Oiled paper

C. Mica

D. Air

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Silicon dioxide is a good

B. The current carriers in conductors are valence electrons

C. For conductorsa the valence electron are strongly attracted to the nucleus

D. The valence electrons are located in the nucleus of an atom

What is the correct answer?


Lenz' law states that the direction of the induced emf and hence current

A. Is determined by the rate of current flux

B. Is found by the right hand rule

C. Is found by the left hand rule

D. Always opposes the cause producing it

What is the correct answer?


A principle that states that only two electrons with different spins are allowed to exist in a given orbit

A. Bohr's principle

B. Pauli exclusion principle

C. Avogadro's principle

D. Coulomb's principle

What is the correct answer?


A magnetic material losses its ferromagnetic properties at a point called

A. Curie temperature

B. Inferred absolute temperature

C. Room temperature

D. Absolute temperature

What is the correct answer?


If the resistance of a material 2 m long and 2 m^2 in area of cross-section is 1.6 ×10^-8 ?a then its resistivity is

A. 3.2 × 10^-8 ?-m

B. 1.6 × 10^-8 ?-m

C. 0.64 × 10^-8 ?-m

D. 0.16 × 10^-8 ?-m

What is the correct answer?


The dielectric constant of most materials lies between

A. 1 and 10

B. 10 and 20

C. 20 and 50

D. 50 and 100