Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


One of the disadvantages of multimedia is:

A. cost

B. relativity

C. adaptability

D. usability

Correct Answer :

A. cost

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Graphics software acts as a very powerful tool to create _________

A. Images

B. animated pictures

C. both a and b

D. system interface

What is the correct answer?


A ____________ can be added to your presentation and then used to go to a variety of locations ---- for example, a web address, an e-mail address, a custom show or document, just to name a few.

A. menulink

B. toollink

C. hyperlink

D. slidelink

What is the correct answer?


when the projection is obtained by projecting points along parallel lines that are not perpendicular to the projection plane is called _________

A. isometric projection.

B. perspective projection

C. oblique projection

D. cavalier projection

What is the correct answer?


The point at which a set of projected parallel lines appear to coverage is called as a ?

A. vanishing point

B. convergence point

C. point of delusion

D. point of illusion

What is the correct answer?


Sometimes it may require undoing the applied transformation, In such a case which of the following transformation will be used?

A. shear transformation

B. translation

C. reflection

D. inverse transformation

What is the correct answer?


The SRGP package provides the ________ to wide the variety of display devices.

A. interface

B. connection

C. link

D. way

What is the correct answer?


The ______ is a program whose function is to start the computer software operating when power is turned on.

A. Loader

B. Multi programming

C. None of the above

D. Bootstrap loader

What is the correct answer?


In slide ______ view, you see the entire presentation displayed in miniature. This view is used to arrange the slides in your presentation, as well as, to add animations, transitions and timing.

A. sorter

B. arranger

C. shaper

D. creator

What is the correct answer?


The purpose of display processor is _________ from the graphics routine task

A. to free the CPU

B. To free the secondary memory

C. to free the main memory

D. Both a and c

What is the correct answer?


The ________ master controls the format and placement of the titles and text you type on slides, as well as, background items and graphics you want to appear on every slide.

A. copyright

B. slide

C. design

D. layout

What is the correct answer?


The process of planning your multimedia presentation is known as a:

A. storyboard

B. design

C. development

D. layout

What is the correct answer?


______________ is the special effect used to introduce each slide in a slide presentation.

A. Animation

B. Transition

C. Mapping

D. Bulleting

What is the correct answer?


The best hidden surface removal method used for complex scenes with more than a few thousand surfaces is ?

A. octree method

B. depth sorting method

C. depth buffer algorithm

D. a and c

What is the correct answer?


Devices that are used primarily to transport data between the processor and the user are known as ____

A. Data transfer device

B. Basic storage devices

C. Networking devices

D. Data presentation device

What is the correct answer?


The process of determining the appropriate pixels for representing picture or graphics object is known as _______

A. rasterization,

B. animation

C. both a and b

D. representation

What is the correct answer?


The instruction -> Add LOCA,R0 does,

A. Adds the value of LOCA to R0 and stores in the temp register

B. Adds the value of R0 to the address of LOCA

C. Adds the values of both LOCA and R0 and stores it in R0

D. Adds the value of LOCA with a value in accumulator and stores it in R0

What is the correct answer?


The translation distance pair (tx, ty) is called _________

A. translation vector

B. shift vector.

C. both a and b

D. Rotation vector

What is the correct answer?


Designed to create a particular look, a __________ contains color schemes, slide and title masters with custom formatting and fonts styles.

A. template

B. presentation

C. slide

D. background

What is the correct answer?


A two dimensional rotation is applied to an object by repositioning it along a _________

A. circular path in the x-y plane.

B. straight path in the x-y plane.

C. diagonals path in the x-y plane.

D. upward in the x-y plane.

What is the correct answer?


The region code 0000 represents the _________

A. viewing window

B. left clipping window

C. right clipping window

D. bottom clipping window

What is the correct answer?


Images included in many software titles are called _________.

A. clipart

B. .jpg files

C. popups

D. .tiff files

What is the correct answer?


Which registers can interact with the secondary storage ?




D. R0

What is the correct answer?


A process of changing the position of an object in a straight line path from one coordinate location to another is called ____________

A. Translation

B. rotation

C. motion

D. both b and c

What is the correct answer?


A bilinear transformation can be simulated by the transformation ?

A. transformation, rotation and stretching

B. translation and rotation

C. rotation, stretching and inversion

D. rotation, stretching, inversion and translation

What is the correct answer?


the line segment from the view plane to the view reference point is called __________

A. view-distance

B. Projection distance

C. view-path

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


A ____________ is a series of slides displayed in a particular sequence.

A. placeholder

B. template

C. layout

D. slide show

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. It is understood by programmer

B. It is understood by a computer

C. It is understood to use

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


A scaling transformation changes the _________ of an object

A. size

B. location

C. shape

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


The process which divides each element of the picture into its visible and invisible portions, allowing the invisible portion to be discarded is called __________

A. clipping

B. Windowing

C. both a and b

D. Projecting

What is the correct answer?


RGB system needs ________ of storage for the frame buffer.

A. 100 megabytes

B. 10 megabytes

C. 3 megabytes

D. 2 Gb