Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Plague is caused by

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungus

D. Fleas

Correct Answer :

A. Bacteria

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What is the correct answer?


Scrub jungle Is characterised by

A. heavy rainfall

B. no rainfall

C. poor rainfall

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


The study of heart is called

A. haematology

B. cardiology

C. pathology

D. nephrology

What is the correct answer?


Ecology of a population is known as

A. demecology

B. synecology

C. autecology

D. space ecology

What is the correct answer?


The function of ribosomes is

A. Secretion

B. Excretion

C. Power house of the cell

D. Protein synthesis

What is the correct answer?


Fishes send out their nitrogenous waste as

A. ammonia

B. urea

C. uric acid

D. sweat

What is the correct answer?


The spores of Puccinia formed on the leaves of wheat are called

A. Basidiospores

B. Ascidiospores

C. Uredospores

D. Pycnospores

What is the correct answer?


Calcium and phosphorus assimilation will depend on sufficient intake of

A. vitamin B complex

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin C

What is the correct answer?


Higher plants take up nitrogen as

A. Nitrites only

B. Nitrates only

C. Nitrates and Ammonia

D. Urea

What is the correct answer?


The term 'Fauna' means

A. plant kingdom

B. animal kingdom

C. neither

D. Both

What is the correct answer?


The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called

A. hibernation

B. aestivation

C. laziness

D. lethargy

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Which one of the endocrine glands disappears after puberty?

A. Thyroid

B. Thymus

C. Adrenals

D. Pituitary

What is the correct answer?


Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

What is the correct answer?


The life cycle of Malarial Parasite consists of two phases in man. Where do they occur?

A. In RBC and liver cells

B. In WBC and RBC

C. In lymph

D. In gall bladder and pancreas

What is the correct answer?


Blood cancer is otherwise called

A. Leukaemia

B. Leucoderma

C. Leucocytopenia

D. Erythrocemia

What is the correct answer?


The association between leguminous plants and bacteria is

A. parasitic

B. saprophytic

C. symbiotic

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Eugenics is the application of genetics to improve

A. crop plants

B. fruit trees

C. cattle

D. human beings

What is the correct answer?


Organisms which synthesise their own food are called

A. autotrophs

B. heterotrophs

C. saprotrophs

D. auxotrophs

What is the correct answer?


Chromosome theory of inheritance was propounded by

A. Sutton and Boveri

B. Mendel

C. Muller

D. Beadle and Tatum

What is the correct answer?


The biogenetic law was proposed by

A. Alfred Russel Wallace

B. Charles Darwin

C. Ernst von Haeckel

D. Lamarck

What is the correct answer?


Blood of cockroach is

A. red

B. bluish

C. greenish

D. colourless

What is the correct answer?


Plants growing in sunlight are called

A. sciophytes

B. hydrophytes

C. xerophytes

D. heliophytes

What is the correct answer?


Diseases in plants can be caused by

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. fungi

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Which organelle in the cell, other than nucleus, contains DNA?

A. Centriole

B. Golgi apparatus

C. Lysosome

D. Mitochondrion

What is the correct answer?


Wallace's line is a line

A. drawn by Darwin

B. across the mountains

C. between two zoo-geographical areas

D. between different classes of animals

What is the correct answer?


Polyploid wheat does not normally show an increase in

A. size

B. vigour

C. length of the life cycle

D. resistance to desease

What is the correct answer?


Timberline shows

A. a line of trees

B. the limit of the forest

C. annual rings

D. height of trees

What is the correct answer?


Appearance of offspring resembling their remote ancestor is called

A. Atavism

B. Lethality

C. Mutation

D. Progeny

What is the correct answer?


Pearl is secreted by the __________ of the pearl oyster.

A. foot

B. mantle

C. gills

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The hormone that is responsible for secondary sexual character in the male is

A. oestrogen

B. progesterone

C. testosterone

D. prolactin

What is the correct answer?


Kwashiorkar is a deficiency disease

A. due to poor intake of proteins

B. due to poor intake of carbohydrates

C. due to (a) and (b)

D. due to poor intake of lipids