Current Affairs January 2024


In following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternatives.

What is the correct answer?


Precautions are to be taken with any one who seems ______.

A. contagious

B. infectious

C. diseased

D. defiled

Correct Answer :

B. infectious

Precautions are to be taken with anyone who seems infectious. [ infectious means likely to transmit or spread in a rapid manner. Contagious and diseased is not used in this context because they refers to already having infection].

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


After a short holiday Rajni came back totally_______.

A. rejuvenated

B. reborn

C. refurbished

D. revamped

What is the correct answer?


The varsitys poll process for ___________ of new candidates has ___________ poor response with only ten thousand applications being received till date.

A. entrusting, seen

B. registration, evoked

C. entrance, made

D. admission, made

What is the correct answer?


They ________ their seats away from the curved wall panels to give themselves more space as the flight attendant brought drinks from the gallery, which was ________ with familys favorite snacks and beverages.

A. Swiveled, stocked

B. Hinged, lacquered

C. Pended, embellished

D. Retracted, thronged

What is the correct answer?


It is a story of two men and a batch of ______________ armoured cars.

A. deceased

B. diseased

C. decrepit

D. defeated

What is the correct answer?


The Romans were _________ science.

A. bad in

B. bad to

C. bad for

D. bad at

What is the correct answer?


Her uncle died in a car accident. He was quite rich. She suddenly _________ all her uncles money.

A. succeeded

B. caught

C. gave

D. inherited

What is the correct answer?


Infant mortality rate in China has____ from 200 per thousand to 14 per thousand.

A. retarded

B. declined

C. contracted

D. minimised

What is the correct answer?


Most political leaders acquire their position by causing a large number of people to believe that these leaders are ___________ by altruistic desires.

A. actuated

B. convinced

C. categorized

D. led

What is the correct answer?


He is a popular teacher. He seems to be ______ for that profession.

A. cut down

B. cut off

C. cut in

D. cut out

What is the correct answer?


The influence of the environment on man is revealed by an_____ study.

A. anthropological

B. ecological

C. epigraphic

D. numismatic

What is the correct answer?


When you want to digitalise a city __________ with millions, you dont bet __________ the odds.

A. proceeding, into

B. teeming, against

C. undergoing, adhere

D. dangling, for

What is the correct answer?


As the weekend finally rolled around. the city folk were only ___ happy to settle down and laugh their cares _____.

A. just, afar

B. too, away

C. extremely, off

D. very, up

What is the correct answer?


________ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.

A. Although

B. However

C. Because

D. Despite

What is the correct answer?


Skeptics would not ___________ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it ___________ around the sun.

A. permit, orbits

B. accept, revolves

C. experience, circles

D. assume, went

What is the correct answer?


Satyajitrays films ________ all barriers of caste, creed and religion. They are universal.

A. transcend

B. transcends

C. trancend

D. transend

What is the correct answer?


It will take some time for many South Koreans to ___________ the conflicting images of North Korea, let alone to___________ what to make of their northern cousins.

A. reconcile, decide

B. understand, clarify

C. make out, decide

D. reconcile, understand

What is the correct answer?


They were _________ to vacate that house as _________ as possible.

A. asked, soon

B. ordered, easy

C. shown, early

D. told, later

What is the correct answer?


The journey may be made by sea or___by road.

A. alternately

B. alteringly

C. conversely

D. alternatively

What is the correct answer?


The Chairman will come here at 5 p.m. to_____ a lecture.

A. attain

B. speak

C. talk

D. deliver

What is the correct answer?


___________, the more they remain the same.

A. People all over the world change

B. The more people change

C. The more they are different

D. The less people change

What is the correct answer?


It is not fair to cast___on honest and innocent persons.

A. aspirations

B. aspersions

C. inspiration

D. adulation

What is the correct answer?


After a recent mild paralytic attack his movements are_____ restricted otherwise he is still very active.

A. entirely

B. slightly

C. nowhere

D. frequently

What is the correct answer?


His answer was such______ I expected him to give.

A. that

B. which

C. as

D. like which

What is the correct answer?


A garden knife is ______used for right pruning.

A. generally

B. compulsorily

C. systematically

D. daily

What is the correct answer?


She was a devoted wife and looked____ her husband very well.

A. after

B. at

C. for

D. upon

What is the correct answer?


The teacher_____the boys comic which he was reading during the Mathematics period.

A. possessed

B. procured

C. abandoned

D. seized

What is the correct answer?


In spite of her other_____, Kasthuri still managed to find time for her hobbies.

A. occupations

B. preoccupations

C. predilections

D. business

What is the correct answer?


Today we have achieved a milestone by completing 60 years of independence. Its now the time for everyone or every Indian to undergo_________of the achievements we already made and also those that are to be still_________

A. self-introspection-achiver

B. self-examination-achieve

C. introspection-achieved

D. search-found

What is the correct answer?


This is about ___________ a sociological analysis can penetrate.

A. as far as

B. the outer limit that

C. just how far into the subject

D. just the relative distance that

What is the correct answer?


The final electoral rolls have been intensively revised through house-to-house_____.

A. documentation

B. categorisation

C. enumeration

D. investigation