Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Protonemal phase is represented as juvenile phase in

A. Riccia

B. Funaria

C. All mosses

D. All liver worts

Correct Answer :

B. Funaria

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What is the correct answer?


Cord moss is the common name of

A. Funaria

B. Marchantia

C. Rkcia

D. Sphagnum

What is the correct answer?


In bryophytes, simplest sporophyte is found in

A. Marchantia

B. Sphaeroatrpus

C. Funaria

D. Riccia

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Gametophvtic generation is dominant in

A. Pteridophytes

B. Bryophytes

C. Angiosperms

D. Gymnosperms

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Female garnet ophy tie structure of a bryophyte differs from that of a fungus in having

A. a unicellular stalk

B. a sterile jacket

C. a single cell only

D. none of these

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Sphagnum is popularly known as

A. peat moss

B. bog moss

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of these

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Bryophyta acts as a connecting link between

A. thallophyta and ptcridophyta

B. algae and fungi

C. pteridophyta and gymnosperms

D. terrestrial fungi and aquatic fungi

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The development of sporophyte from moss gametophyte without sexual fusion in called

A. (a) amphimixis

B. parthenogenesis

C. apospory

D. apogamy

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The scales in Riccia are

A. multicelled and appendiculate

B. multicelled and ligulate

C. unicelied and appendiculate

D. unicelied and ligulate

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The only positive evidence of the aquatic ancestory of bryophytes is

A. thread like protonema

B. ciliated an therozoids

C. their green colour

D. some forms are still aquatic

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Sporophyte of Funaria is

A. semi-parasite

B. total parasite

C. saprophyte

D. symbiotic

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Which bryophyte is of considerable economic value ?

A. Pogonatum

B. Sphagnum

C. Funaria

D. Marchantia

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Rhizoids of F unarm are

A. unicellular

B. mulboeUular

C. multinucleate

D. aseplate

What is the correct answer?


Sterile jacket around the sex organs is found in

A. algae

B. lichens

C. fungi

D. bryophytes and pteridophytes

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Annulus is moss capsule separates

A. operculum and columella

B. theca and columella

C. operculum and theca

D. columella and apophysis

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The centre of moss axis is occupied by

A. a large pith

B. the xylem

C. the so-called conduction tissue

D. none of these

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Conductive tissue in moss is composed of

A. coUenchyma

B. sderenchyma

C. parenchyma

D. all of these

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The largest bryophyte is

A. Powsonia

B. Mcgaccros

C. lunaria

D. Sphagnum

What is the correct answer?


Funaria is a bryophyte because

A. lacks root

B. lacks xyiem

C. no production of seed

D. has mukkeikd and jacketed sex organs

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The body of Funaria is

A. Simple rosette thallus

B. Differentiated into root, axis and leaves

C. Differentiated into rhizoids, short axis and leaves

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Venter is the part of

A. sporogonium

B. archegonium

C. gametophyte

D. antheridium

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The gametophyte of Funaria is :

A. dioecious

B. monoecious

C. monoecious and dioecious

D. heterothallic

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Gametophyte produced due to apospory will be

A. diploid

B. haploid

C. polypoid

D. aneuploid

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The first land inhabiting plants belong to

A. Bryophytes

B. Pteridophytes

C. Gymnosperms

D. Angiosperms

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The female reproductive organ of Pinus, Riccia and Funaria is

A. antheridium

B. egg

C. archegonium

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


In Funaria, the male and female reproductive organs are borne on

A. different plants

B. different branches of different plants

C. same branch of same plant

D. different branches of same plant

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Elaters of Mardmntia are

A. haploid

B. triploid

C. diploid

D. tetraploid

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Which of the following is a bryophyte ?

A. Peat moss

B. Irish moss

C. Reindeer moss

D. Club moss

What is the correct answer?


Protonemal phase is represented as juvenile phase in

A. Riccia

B. Funaria

C. All mosses

D. All liver worts

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Amphitheoum in Anthtceros gives rise to

A. theca

B. capsule

C. columella

D. sporogenous tissue

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In which of the following groups would you place a plant which produces spores and embryos but lacks seeds and vascular tissues ?

A. Fungi

B. Pteridophytes

C. Bryophytes

D. Gymnosperms