Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Rays similar to X-rays but of smaller wave length that are given off by radioactive substances are

A. �± -rays

B. �² -rays

C. �³ -rays

D. Cosmic rays

Correct Answer :

C. �³ -rays

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A piece of cork is embedded inside an ice block which floats in water. What will happen to the level of water when all ice melts?

A. It will go down

B. It will come up

C. It will remain at the same level

D. First it will go down and it will come up

What is the correct answer?


Which physical quantity is measured in watts

A. power

B. kinetic energy

C. momentum

D. impulse

What is the correct answer?


Body A is kept in contact with body B. Heat will flow from A to B if

A. the heat content of A is greater than that of B

B. the temperature of A is greater than that of B

C. the specific heat of A is greater than that of B

D. the specific heat of B is greater than that of A

What is the correct answer?


The base of an electric iron is brightly polished mainly

A. to make it smooth and frictionless

B. to make it rust - proof

C. to reduce heat loss by radiation

D. to make it more durable

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following rays has the highest penetrative power?

A. a -rays

B. � -rays

C. ? -rays

D. X-rays

What is the correct answer?


When the disturbed electrons of an exited atom transfer back into lower energy levels they emit energy in the form of electromagnetic wave pulses called

A. neutrons

B. electrons

C. phonons

D. photons

What is the correct answer?


The planet that moves fastest around the sun is

A. Mars

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mercury

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When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon Is known as

A. doppler effect

B. beats

C. resonance

D. echo

What is the correct answer?


A device used to measure heights above sea level is known as

A. altimeter

B. anemometer

C. dilatometer

D. potentiometer

What is the correct answer?


Bats flying in the dark avoid obstacles because

A. they can see very dearly only in darkness

B. they produce ultrasonic waves which guide them

C. their eyes are sensitive to darkness

D. their eye holes expand in darkness

What is the correct answer?


When sound waves travel from one medium to another, the quantity which remains unchanged is its

A. speed

B. frequency

C. wavelength

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The aneroid barometer uses

A. mercury

B. distilled water

C. alcohol

D. does not use any liquid

What is the correct answer?


Of the following which has got the highest frequency?

A. ultraviolet rays

B. gamma rays

C. radio waves

D. infrared waves

What is the correct answer?


Sound waves in air are

A. transverse

B. longitudinal

C. transverse and longitudinal

D. neither transverse nor longitudinal

What is the correct answer?


In the visible spectrum which colour has the shortest wavelength?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Violet

What is the correct answer?


Antiparticle of electron is

A. proton

B. antiproton

C. positron

D. neutron

What is the correct answer?


To produce beats it is necessary to have two waves

A. travelling in opposite direction

B. of slightly different frequencies

C. of equal wavelength

D. of equal amplitude

What is the correct answer?


X-rays were discovered by

A. Wilhelm Roentgen

B. WO Coolidge

C. Henry Cavendish

D. William Watson

What is the correct answer?


The escape velocity of a satellite projected from the surface of the earth is independent of

A. the mass of earth

B. the mass of the satellite

C. the radius of the earth

D. gravitation of the earth

What is the correct answer?


The speed of light is minimum while passing through

A. air

B. glass

C. vacuum

D. water

What is the correct answer?


When temperature decreases, resistance of metals to flow of electricity

A. increases

B. decreases

C. neither increases nor decreases

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°


What is the correct answer?


In experiments on static electricity the standard method for obtaining small amounts of positive electricity is to rub

A. a glass rod with flannel

B. an abonite rod with flannel

C. a glass rod with silk

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


The leader of the team who succeeded in constructing the first nuclear reactor (an atomic pile) in the world was

A. Albert Einstein

B. Enrico Fermi

C. HJ Bhabha

D. Sir Isaac Newton

What is the correct answer?


A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. When the ball is heated the volume of the cavity will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain unaffected

D. have its shape changed

What is the correct answer?


We always see only one side of the moon because

A. the sun comes in between the earth and moon

B. the moon is stationary

C. the time taken by the moon to rotate on its axis is the same as the time taken by it to revolve round the earth

D. moon revolves round the sun

What is the correct answer?


Electron-volt is a unit of

A. power

B. velocity

C. energy widely used in nuclear physics

D. number of electrons

What is the correct answer?


At temperature near OK, (zero kelvin) metals such as lead and tin become

A. insulators

B. semiconductors

C. superconductors

D. condenser

What is the correct answer?


You want a supply of a small but constant current. Which of the following cells will you prefer?

A. Daniell cell

B. Leclanche cell

C. Dry cell

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Solids have definite shapes. This is because

A. the forces of cohesion of the molecules within are very much less in them

B. the forces of cohesion are very large

C. the forces of adhesion are large

D. the forces of adhesion are less