Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Red colour of the red algae is due to

A. y-phycocyanin

B. Xanthophyll

C. Carotene

D. y-phycoerythrin

Correct Answer :

D. y-phycoerythrin

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A. Spirogyra

B. Chlamydomonas

C. Anabaena

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B. Nostoc

C. Chlamydomonas

D. Spirogyra

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A. Nucleus

B. Cytoplasm

C. Chloroplast

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A. aplanospore

B. akinete

C. hypnospore

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A. jelly like structure

B. mucus

C. mucilage

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B. Cyanophyceae

C. Chlorophyceae

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A. non-photosynthetic pigment found in algae

B. photosynthatic pigment found in algae

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of these

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A. morphologically and physiologically different

B. physiologically different

C. morphologically different

D. morphologically similar physiologically different

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A. Chlorella

B. Oscillatoria

C. Chlamydomonas

D. Spirogyra

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A. Nostoc

B. Cystopus

C. Ulothrix

D. Aspergillus

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B. Ulothrix

C. Spirogyra

D. Chlamydomonas

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A. pyrenoids

B. branched filaments

C. discoid chloroplasts

D. rhizoidal branches

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A. isogamous

B. oogamous

C. morphologically anisogamous

D. physiologically anisogamous

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A. Zygote

B. Zoospore

C. Aplanospore

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A. Eukaryota

B. Prokaryota

C. Myxomycetes

D. None of these

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A. takes place by zoospore formation

B. has not been recorded

C. takes place by hypnospore formation

D. takes place by aplanospore formation

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A. Nostoc

B. Anabaena

C. Spirulitia

D. Oscillatoria

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A. Ulothrix

B. Chlorella

C. Oscillatoria

D. Spirogyra

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B. green algae

C. red algae

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B. Myxophyceae

C. Myxomycetes

D. Schizomycetes

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B. Batrachospermum

C. Polysiphonia

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B. Gymnosperms

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A. Lamitiaria

B. Sargassum

C. Batrachospermun

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Ulothrix is found in

A. hot sandy desert

B. slow running water

C. rocky places

D. sea

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Clump formation during sexual reproduction occurs in

A. Chlamydomonas

B. Oedogonium

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

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A. Cladophora

B. Ulothrix

C. Spirogyra

D. Anabaena

What is the correct answer?


Red colour of the red algae is due to

A. y-phycocyanin

B. Xanthophyll

C. Carotene

D. y-phycoerythrin