Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Rotation of the camera at exposure about horizontal axis normal to the line of flight, is known as

A. Swing

B. Tilt

C. Tip

D. None of these

Correct Answer :

C. Tip

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What is the correct answer?


The maximum error in radial line assumption, is

A. h/H f tan θ

B. h/H f² tan θ

C. h/H f² sin θ

D. h/H f cos θ

What is the correct answer?


On vertical photographs, height displacement is

A. Positive for points above datum

B. Negative for points below datum

C. Zero for points vertically below the air station

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


To obtain photographs of an area of 1000 m average elevation, on scale 1 : 30, 000, with a camera of 30 cm focal length, the flying height is

A. 4000 m

B. 5000 m

C. 6000 m

D. 7000 m

What is the correct answer?


Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the azimuth when it is

A. At culmination

B. At elongation

C. Neither at culmination nor at elongation

D. Either at culmination or at elongation

What is the correct answer?


The Polaris remains below horizon at

A. 10° N

B. 50° N Latitude

C. Equator

D. 5° S latitude

What is the correct answer?


With standard meridian as 82° 30' E the standard time at longitude 90° E is 8 h 30 m. The local mean time at the place will be

A. 7 h 00 m

B. 7 h 30 m

C. 8 h 00 m

D. 9 h 00 m

What is the correct answer?


If E is the spherical excess and R the radius of the earth, the surface area of the triangle, is

A. πR²E/90°

B. πR²E/180°

C. πR²E/270°

D. πR²E/360°

What is the correct answer?


The point on the photograph where bisector between the vertical line through optical centre of the camera lens and the plate perpendicular meets, is known as

A. Principal point

B. Isocenter

C. Plumb point

D. Perspective centre

What is the correct answer?


Accidental errors

A. Do not follow any definite mathematical law

B. Cannot be removed by applying corrections to the observed values

C. Are generally small

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The angular distance of a heavenly body from the equator, measured along its meridian, is called

A. Declination

B. Altitude

C. Zenith distance

D. Co-latitude

What is the correct answer?


The station pointer is generally used in

A. Triangulation surveying

B. Astronomical surveying

C. Hydrographical surveying

D. Photogrammetric surveying

What is the correct answer?


The parallax equation Δp = BmΔh/H - h is applicable to entire overlap of the photographs only if parallax is measured

A. Normal to base line

B. Parallel to base line

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. Neither (a) nor (b)

What is the correct answer?


If two points differing by 1° of latitude and of the same longitude is 110 km apart on the earth, then two astronomical positions on the moon is about

A. 10 km

B. 25 km

C. 30 km

D. 50 km

What is the correct answer?


The station where observations are not made, but the angles at the station are used in triangulation series, is known as

A. Satellite station

B. Subsidiary station

C. Pivot station

D. Main station

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement for horizontal photographs.

A. Parallel lines do not appear parallel in central projection

B. The two sides of a road meet at the vanishing point

C. The lines parallel to the negative plane are projected as parallel lines

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the latitude when it is

A. At culmination

B. At elongation

C. Neither at culmination nor at elongation

D. Either at culmination or at elongation

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the in-correct statement from the following:

A. Correction for refraction is always negative

B. Correction for parallax is always positive

C. Correction for semi-diameter is always negative

D. Correction for dip is always negative

What is the correct answer?


The nearest star is so far away from the earth that the directions to it from two diametrically opposite points on the earth differs less than

A. 0.01 second

B. 0.001 second

C. 0.0001 second

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


At the first point of Aeries, the sun moves

A. Northward

B. Southward

C. From south to north of the equator

D. From north to south of the equator

What is the correct answer?


In a tropical year, the numbers of sidereal days are

A. One less than mean solar days

B. One more than mean solar days

C. Equal to mean solar days

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The value of geo-centric parallax to be added to the observed altitude of sun is

A. 9 cos α

B. 9 sin α

C. 9 tan α

D. 9 cot α

What is the correct answer?


The most convenient co-ordinate system for specifying the relative positions of heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere, is

A. Altitude and azimuth system

B. Declination and hour angle system

C. Declination and right ascension system

D. Declination and altitude system

What is the correct answer?


The position of the sun when its north declination is maximum is known as

A. Vernal equinox

B. Autumnal equinox

C. Summer solstice

D. Winter solstice

What is the correct answer?


Homologous point is

A. Photo principal point

B. Ground principal point

C. Ground isocenter

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The height displacement on a vertical photograph

A. Increases as the horizontal distance increases from the principal point

B. Increases as the ground elevation increases

C. Decreases as the flying height increases

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The flying height of the camera is 1, 000 m above mean ground level, the distance of the top of a building from a nadir point is 10 cm and the relief displacement of building is 7.2 mm. The height of the building, is

A. 52 m

B. 62 m

C. 72 m

D. 82 m

What is the correct answer?


The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth, is

A. Length of the equator between their longitudes

B. Length of the parallel between their longitudes

C. Length of the arc of the great circle passing through them

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


If the equatorial distance between two meridians is 100 km, their distance at 60° latitude will be

A. 1000 km

B. 800 km

C. 600 km

D. 500 km

What is the correct answer?


The zenith is the point on the celestial sphere

A. East of observer

B. West of observer

C. North of observer

D. South of observer

What is the correct answer?


The parallax of a point on the photograph is due to

A. Ground elevation

B. Flying height

C. Length of air base

D. All the above