Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Rules that are needed to be followed in SET Operators in SQL are

A. All columns must be identical in number and order.

B. There must be compatibility between data types.

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

C. Both A and B

Rules that are needed to be followed in SET Operators in SQL are –
a) All columns must be identical in number and order.
b) There must be compatibility between data types.

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B. Domain Integrity

C. User-defined Integrity

D. Entity Integrity

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A. Single Value

B. Multiple Value

C. Two Values

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A. BIT(Size)

B. CHAR(Size)


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A. -

B. _

C. !

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A. Table structure is dropped

B. Integrity constraints are dropped

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A. Web server logs

B. When something weird occurs

C. Both A) and B)

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Name of the operators in SET Operators is




D. All of the above

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What is the work of INSERT command?

A. Inserting records or data into the database tables is accomplished with this command. In addition to inserting records in single rows, we can insert records in multiple rows as well.

B. Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command.

C. One or more rows from one or more tables of the database can be accessed with this command. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.

D. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.

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A. 254

B. 255

C. 256

D. 257

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By constraining a SQL statement, we limit the ____ according to certain conditions or restrictions.

A. Row

B. Column

C. Table

D. Database

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What will be the output of the below SQL statement?

A. 2021-10-06 00:00:00.000

B. 2021-10-06

C. 2021 OCT 06

D. 06-10-2021

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A. Minimum

B. Maximum

C. Average

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Which of the following is/are TRUE about DDL command?

A. Our data is stored in a table that is described by the schema, thus DDL commands deal with the schema.

B. With the DDL commands, any structural changes can be made to the table, including creation, deletion, and alteration.

C. Both A. and B.

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


SELECT INTO statement -

A. Select the content from a table.

B. Rename the content in a table.

C. Copy the content from one table into another existing table.

D. None of the above

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What does the TRUNCATE TABLE Statement do?

A. In the database management system, this SQL statement deletes the existing database, together with all the database tables and views.

B. In this SQL statement, the data or records are inserted into an existing database table. One query statement can insert multiple records simultaneously using this statement.

C. By executing this SQL statement, all records in the SQL database will be deleted.

D. The data specified in this table or view is reported in this SQL statement.

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Which one if these is used to put the same value in all the rows?

A. Group by unique column

B. Group by single column

C. Group by one column

D. Group by same value

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When two or more columns are combined to be used to uniquely identify each row in the table, it is known as -

A. Primary Key

B. Unique Key

C. Composite Key

D. Foreign Key

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A. Ctrl+Shift+S

B. Ctrl+Shift+Q

C. Ctrl+Shift+N

D. Ctrl+Shift+O

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A. 12-hour format

B. 24-hour format

C. Both A. and B.

D. None of the above

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What does BOOL mean in MySQL Numeric Data Types?

A. A Boolean value is specified by this variable. When a value is nonzero, it is considered false, and zero is considered true.

B. A Boolean value is specified by this variable. When a value is nonzero, it is considered true, and zero is considered false.

C. A Boolean value is specified by this variable. When a value is nonzero, it is considered true, and zero is also considered true.

D. A Boolean value is specified by this variable. When a value is nonzero, it is considered false, and zero is also considered false.

What is the correct answer?


For one table, there can be ____unique key constraint(s).

A. 1


C. Many

D. None of the above

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What does the CREATE DATABASE Statement do?

A. Columns in the SQL database can be created, deleted, or modified with this SQL statement.

B. The table, its structure, views, permissions, and triggers will also be deleted or removed with this SQL statement.

C. In the database management system, this SQL statement deletes the existing database, together with all the database tables and views.

D. A new database will be created through this SQL statement.

What is the correct answer?


What is SQL CREATE Table used for?

A. To Update table

B. To Create table

C. To Delete table

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is TRUE about TCL?

A. Transactions can be saved to the database and rolled back with the help of TCL commands in SQL.

B. There will be certain privileges that each user has; consequently, the data can be accessed by them using TCL.

C. Our data is stored in a table that is described by the schema, thus TCL commands deal with the schema.

D. SQL TCL commands can be used to perform any kind of retrieval or manipulation of the data present in SQL tables.

What is the correct answer?


What is TRUE about NOT NULL Constraint?

A. In columns that are subject to the NOT NULL constraint, duplicate values are not allowed.

B. When a table's column is declared as NOT NULL, no record in the table can have an empty value for that column.

C. By applying the NOT NULL constraint, we will always ensure that the column contains a unique value and won't allow nulls.

D. The value will first be checked for certain conditions before inserting it into the column when a NOT NULL constraint applies to a column in the table.

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Which of the following is TRUE about Information Rule in the 12 Codd's Rules?

A. The primary key value, table name, and column name are characteristics that allow us to access the precise data (atomic value) logically from a relational database.

B. Null values are treated in database records according to this rule.

C. Database systems must update all views tables on a regular basis.

D. Databases contain a wide variety of information, and each row and column of each table must hold this information.

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You can also ____ the existing tables by using the UNIQUE constraint.

A. Change

B. Delete

C. Modify

D. Drop

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____ are the columns for the retrieval purpose.

A. Tables

B. WHERE Conditions

C. Expressions

D. None of the above

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In SQL, which statement can help in changing the name of the table?



C. Both A) and B)

D. None of the above