Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


ScrollBars can be added to

A. Panel

B. GroupBox

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

A. Panel

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A. Help

B. Properties Window

C. Dynamic Help

D. Server Explorer

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A. DefaultButton

B. AcceptButton

C. DialogResult

D. None of the above

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A form can have only ______ Main Menu and _________ Context Menu

A. 1,1

B. 1,Multiple

C. Multiple,1

D. 1,2

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If a form call another form and the caller form is closed through code, then both forms are disposed

A. True

B. False

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Structured and Unstructured exceptions can't be mixed

A. True

B. False

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/*1. Class C
2. public notoverridable sub abc()
3. msgbox("Base Class")
4. end sub
5. end Class /* The Error in Line No.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. No Error

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If a Class in inherited, its constructor is inherited automatically and it is fired automatically

A. True

B. False

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FolderBrowserDialog displays

A. File

B. Folder

C. Drives

D. b and c

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Two commands can be written in the same line using

A. :

B. ;

C. ,

D. .

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Set method is used to

A. Assign a value to an user control

B. Read value from an user control

C. Both of the above

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For the same class "Me" and MyBase" are same

A. True

B. False

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A user wants that custom colors are visible when the Color Dialog Box is first Opened. What should he do?

A. Set AllowFullOpen to True

B. Set AnyColor to True

C. Set Open to True

D. Set FullOpen to True

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Use a _________ statement to make Visual Basic object the default object for a set of enclosed Visual Basic statements.

A. With

B. Using

C. Import

D. Inherit

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A single LinkLabel can support multiple links

A. True

B. False

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VB.NET supports Multi Level Inheritance

A. True

B. False

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This property of TrackBar is not present

A. TickStyle.Both

B. TickStyle.None

C. TickStyle.TopLeft

D. TickStyle.BottomLeft

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Finally is fired only when error occurs

A. True

B. False

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To redimension an array with its previous values intact use ___________ keyword

A. RedimPreserve

B. Preserve

C. Redim

D. Redim Preserve

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To retrieve the default path of the project use

A. Application.Path

B. Application.DefaultPath

C. Application.StartupPath

D. Application.ProjectPath

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If Option Explicit is on then Dim i as Integer="10" will produce an error

A. True

B. False

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To view Panels of a StatusBar set _________ to true

A. Panel

B. Panels

C. ShowPanel

D. ShowPanels

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In ListView the item that is currently selected is determined by

A. SelectedItem

B. Item

C. FocussedItem

D. GetSelected

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Only derived class can have shadows keyword

A. True

B. False

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ScrollBars can be added to

A. Panel

B. GroupBox

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

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The EventLog's ________ method is used to write an entry to a log file

A. WriteLine

B. WriteEntry

C. Add

D. Append

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A single OLEDBAdapter can have many DataSets

A. True

B. False

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If MustOverride is used then ____________ is also a must.

A. Overridable

B. Inherits

C. MustInherit

D. None of the above

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To add items stored in an array to a ListView use

A. List1.Add(name of the array)

B. List1.AddItem(name of the array)

C. List1.Items.Add(name of the array)

D. List1.Items.Addrange(name of the array)

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A. Clong

B. CLng

C. Lng

D. None of the above

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DataSet can be used to connect to Crystal Report

A. True

B. False