Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Silent valley is situated in

A. Kashmir

B. Kerala

C. Africa

D. America

Correct Answer :

B. Kerala

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What will happen if our water resources are continued to be polluted by industrial wastes

A. Sufficient food will not be available to water organisms

B. Sufficient oxygen will not be available to water organisms

C. Drinking water will not be available

D. B.O.D value of water will decrease

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following functions performed by forests help most in controlling drought

A. Forest prevent soil erosion

B. Forests act as water sheds

C. Forests have lots of water plants

D. Forests bring rainfall, in monsoon

What is the correct answer?


Carbon cycle includes

A. producer - consumer - decomposer

B. decomposer - consumer - producer

C. producer - decomposer - consumer

D. consumer - producer - decomposer

What is the correct answer?


Radiation is a health hazard as it causes

A. leukaemia

B. polio

C. pneumonia

D. haemophilia

What is the correct answer?


Deforestation may reduce the chances of

A. frequent cyclones

B. rainfall

C. frequent landslides

D. erosion of soil surface

What is the correct answer?


Humus is an example of

A. soil structure

B. organic colloids

C. crystalloids

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


Autumn colouration of leaves appears only in

A. Tropical regions

B. Deserts

C. Temperate deciduous plants

D. Deserts

What is the correct answer?


Mark which is true

A. A food chain is a chain of food consumers

B. A food chain is chain of food producers

C. A food chain is a series of organisms through which food energy flows in an ecosystem

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


First link in any food chain is green plant because

A. green plants systhesize food

B. the green plants eat everything

C. they are fixed at a place

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


One of these is a renewable source of energy:

A. Solar energy

B. Hydro-power

C. Natural gas

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Primary treatment of sewage means

A. encouragement of growth of microbes to decompose sewage

B. disinfection of sewage

C. removal of heavy grit from sewage in the settling chambers

D. pumping of sewage into aeration tanks for increased microbial activity

What is the correct answer?


The food chain in which microorganisms break down the energy-rich compounds synthesized by producers is

A. parasitic food chain

B. consumer food chain

C. detritus food chain

D. predator food chain

What is the correct answer?


What is the major constituent of biomass of an organism

A. Nitrogen

B. Carbon

C. Phospnorus

D. Oxygen

What is the correct answer?


Hydrilla is a

A. suspended hydrophyte

B. submerged hydrophyte

C. floating and anchored plant

D. a free floating hydrophyte

What is the correct answer?


Vegetation in Delhi is predominantly

A. halophytic

B. mesophytic

C. xerophytic

D. hydrophytic

What is the correct answer?


Plankton, Nekton and Itenthon are not the components of one of the following ecosystems:

A. Marine

B. Freshwater

C. Grassland

D. Pond

What is the correct answer?


In grassland ecosystem the pyramid of energy is

A. upright

B. inverted

C. upright or inverted

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


The biggest herbarium of India is

A. Botanical Survey of India - Calcutta

B. St. Xavier's Herbarium - Mumbai

C. Central National Herbarium - Calcutta

D. IARI - New Delhi

What is the correct answer?


Commensalism is

A. when both organisms are benefited

B. when one organism is benefited without affecting the other

C. when one organism is affected

D. when both organisms are affected

What is the correct answer?


Which is the correct food chain

A. grass � wolf > deer > buffalo

B. bacteria � grass � rabbit > wolf

C. grass � insect � bird � snake

D. grass > snake �insect � deer

What is the correct answer?


Hie earliest settlers on barren lands are generally

A. Diatoms

B. Lichens

C. Mosses

D. Ferns

What is the correct answer?


Soil particles arranged in order of increasing size are

A. sand-silt and clay

B. silt-sand and clay

C. clay-sand and silt

D. clay-silt and sand

What is the correct answer?


A habitat of long severe winters and growing season limited to a few months of summer constitutes

A. Taiga ecosystem

B. Tundra ecosystem

C. Savannah ecosystem

D. Tropical rainforest

What is the correct answer?


Biologists celebrate 5th June as

A. Darwin's birthday

B. World hygiene day

C. World environment day

D. World population day

What is the correct answer?


Tropical evergreen forests are seen in

A. Himachal Pradesh

B. Haryana

C. Tamil Nadu

D. Assam

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is associated with the conservation of forest ?

A. Bharatpur

B. Kaziranga

C. Silent Valley

D. Gir

What is the correct answer?


The first stage of plant succession on earth is called

A. Adaptation

B. Acclimatisation

C. Colonisation

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Water plants usually have

A. a well developed root system

B. a well developed vascular system

C. a well developed stomatal system

D. a reduced vascular system

What is the correct answer?


The ultimate source of energy for fish is

A. Protozoa

B. Oxygen produced by plants

C. Sunlight

D. Manure in the soil

What is the correct answer?


An American plant which had become a troublesome weed in India is

A. Typha latifolia

B. Cyperus rotundus

C. Parthenium

D. Eichhornia