Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Solids have definite shapes. This is because

A. the forces of cohesion of the molecules within are very much less in them

B. the forces of cohesion are very large

C. the forces of adhesion are large

D. the forces of adhesion are less

Correct Answer :

B. the forces of cohesion are very large

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


An electric kettle used for boiling hard water has a white scale deposited on its heating element. This consists or

A. sugar

B. sodium carbonate

C. common salt

D. carbonates of calcium and magnesium

What is the correct answer?


The largest planet in the solar system is

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


Red Light is used as a dancer signal because

A. it is pleasing to the eye

B. it has a traditional colour

C. it is easily distinguishable

D. it is most sensitive to the human eye

What is the correct answer?


Commonly used safety fuse wire is made of

A. Tin

B. Lead

C. Nickel

D. An alloy of tin and lead

What is the correct answer?


To get 5 images of a single object one should have two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of

A. 72°

B. 60°

C. 36°

D. 90°

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following rays has the highest penetrative power?

A. a -rays

B. � -rays

C. ? -rays

D. X-rays

What is the correct answer?


If the speed of the rotation of the earth increases the weight of a body

A. will increase

B. will decrease

C. will have no change

D. will either increase or decrease

What is the correct answer?


Antiparticle of electron is

A. proton

B. antiproton

C. positron

D. neutron

What is the correct answer?


A radio set that uses valves does not start operating immediately when it is switched on whereas a set containing only tranaistors operates immediately. The reason for this is that

A. the valve filaments have low resistance

B. valve-radio sets work at a higher voltage

C. transistor set has a low resistance

D. filaments of the valves cake time to beat up and function

What is the correct answer?


Why is it cool near an open pond on a hot summer day?

A. Evaporation at the surface causes cooling

B. The heat obsorbed at the surface is passed on to the bottom

C. Because of impurity in the water

D. Because of convection currents set up inside water

What is the correct answer?


Sound waves In 'air travel faster if

A. frequency is higher

B. wavelength is smaller

C. pitch is smaller

D. air is warmer

What is the correct answer?


Atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called

A. isobars

B. isomers

C. isotones

D. isotopes

What is the correct answer?


A simple mercury barometer is found in a slightly slanting position. The atmospheric pressure

A. is found by measuring the slanting height of the mercury column

B. is given by the vertical height

C. cannot be measured with it

D. can be measured by both the methods described above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following wires of same dimensions offers least resistance to the ,flow of current?

A. copper

B. aluminium

C. silver

D. nichrome

What is the correct answer?


The asteroids belt lies between the orbits of

A. Earth and Mars

B. Venus and Earth

C. Mars and Jupiter

D. Moon and Mars

What is the correct answer?


We always see only one side of the moon because

A. the sun comes in between the earth and moon

B. the moon is stationary

C. the time taken by the moon to rotate on its axis is the same as the time taken by it to revolve round the earth

D. moon revolves round the sun

What is the correct answer?


Electromagnets are used in

A. the telephone ear piece

B. the telegraph

C. the electric bell

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The extremely luminous objects located at the centre of some distant galaxies and which are sources of high energy electromagnetic radiation are known as

A. Nebulae

B. Quasars

C. Meteors

D. Comets

What is the correct answer?


Changing of one element into another element is known as

A. transmutation

B. fission

C. fusion

D. radioactivity

What is the correct answer?


The shadow below a tree has bright spots in it because

A. light comes through circular gaps between the leaves

B. the leaves are circular

C. the rays bend to form circular spots

D. the gaps between the leaves act as pin holes

What is the correct answer?


When a swing is drawn to a side Its potential energy In relation to the earth

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. is constant

What is the correct answer?


The frequency of an ultrasonic wave is

A. the same as that of an audible sound

B. above the audible range

C. below the audible range

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Lightning is produced when

A. similar charges of electricity rush towards each other and then get repelled

B. clouds strike against impurities in air and the friction burns up these impurities

C. strong opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air

D. water vapour produces electricity in the clouds

What is the correct answer?


Out of the following, name the fluorescent substance.

A. quinine sulphate solution

B. paraffin oil

C. fluorescein solutions

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. When the ball is heated the volume of the cavity will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain unaffected

D. have its shape changed

What is the correct answer?


The shadow below a tree has bright spots in it because

A. light comes through circular gaps between the leaves

B. the leaves are circular

C. the rays bend to form circular spots

D. the gaps between the leaves act as pin holes

What is the correct answer?


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is located at

A. Thumba

B. Bangalore

C. Ahmedabad

D. New Delhi

What is the correct answer?


The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is

A. equal to half its focal length

B. equal to its focal length

C. twice its focal length

D. not related to its focal length

What is the correct answer?


A photon is

A. a quantum of electromagnetic radiation

B. light source used in photography

C. a photo film

D. sun-light

What is the correct answer?


Some persons are not able to see distant objects clearly because the image of the object is focused in front of the retina. This defect is known as

A. short sight

B. long sight

C. astigmatism

D. presbyopia