Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Stefan Boltzmann law is applicable for heat transfer by

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Conduction and radiation combined

Correct Answer :

C. Radiation

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What is the correct answer?


The thermal diffusivities for gases are generally

A. More than those for liquids

B. Less than those for liquids

C. More than those for solids

D. Dependent on the viscosity

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Planck's law holds good for

A. Black bodies

B. Polished bodies

C. All coloured bodies

D. All of the above

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When α is absorptivity, ρ is reflectivity and τ is transmissivity, then for a diathermanous body,

A. α = 1, ρ = 0 and τ = 0

B. α = 0, ρ = 1 and τ = 0

C. α = 0, ρ = 0 and τ = 1

D. α + ρ = 1 and τ = 0

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In free convection heat transfer transition from laminar to turbulent flow is governed by the critical value of the

A. Reynold's number

B. Grashoff's number

C. Reynold's number, Grashoff's number

D. Prandtl number, Grashoff's number

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Temperature of steam at around 540°C can be measured by

A. Thermometer

B. Thermistor

C. Thermocouple

D. None of these

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Thermal conductivity of air at room temperature in kcal/m hr °C is of the order of

A. 0.002

B. 0.02

C. 0.01

D. 0.1

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When heat is transferred from hot body to cold body, in a straight line, without affecting the intervening medium, it is referred as heat transfer by

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Conduction and convection

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Heat is closely related with

A. Liquids

B. Energy

C. Temperature

D. Entropy

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The concept of overall coefficient of heat transfer is used in case of heat transfer by

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Conduction and convection

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Moisture would find its way into insulation by vapour pressure unless it is prevented by

A. High thickness of insulation

B. High vapour pressure

C. Less thermal conductivity insulator

D. A vapour seal

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Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The heat transfer in liquid and gases takes place according to convection.

B. The amount of heat flow through a body is dependent upon the material of the body.

C. The thermal conductivity of solid metals increases with rise in temperature

D. Logarithmic mean temperature difference is not equal to the arithmetic mean temperature difference.

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Which of the following is the case of heat transfer by radiation?

A. Blast furnace

B. Heating of building

C. Cooling of parts in furnace

D. Heat received by a person from fireplace

What is the correct answer?


The process of heat transfer from one particle of the fluid to another by the actual movement of the fluid particles caused by some mechanical means, is known as

A. Conduction

B. Free convection

C. Forced convection

D. Radiation

What is the correct answer?


The critical thickness of insulation for a sphere is

A. k/h₀

B. 2k/h₀

C. h₀/k

D. h₀/2k

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Depending on the radiating properties, body will be transparent when

A. P = 0, x = 0 and a = 1

B. P=1, x = 0, and a = 0

C. P = 0, T= 1, and a = 0

D. X = 0, a + p = 1

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In a shell and tube heat exchanger, baffles are provided on the shell side to

A. Improve heat transfer

B. Provide support for tubes

C. Prevent stagnation of shell side fluid

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


The time constant of a thermocouple is

A. The time taken to attain the final temperature to be measured

B. The time taken to attain 50% of the value of initial temperature difference

C. The time taken to attain 63.2% of the value of initial temperature difference

D. Determined by the time taken to reach 100°C from 0°C

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is correct?

A. A grey body is one which absorbs all radiations incident on it.

B. At thermal equilibrium, the emissivity and absorptivity are same.

C. The energy absorbed by a body to the total energy falling on it, is called emissivity.

D. A perfect body is one which is black in colour.

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Which of the following is expected to have highest thermal conductivity?

A. Steam

B. Solid ice

C. Melting ice

D. Water

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Depending on the radiating properties, a body will be opaque when

A. P = 0, x = 0 and a = 1

B. P=1, x = 0 and a = 0

C. P = 0, x = 1 and a = 0

D. X = 0, a + p = 1 Where a = absorptivity, p = reflectivity, X = transmissivity.

What is the correct answer?


The process of heat transfer from one particle of the body to another is called conduction, when the particles of the body

A. Move actually

B. Do not move actually

C. Affect the intervening medium

D. Does not affect the intervening medium

What is the correct answer?


Unit of thermal diffusivity is

A. m²/hr

B. m²/hr °C

C. kcal/m² hr

D. kcal/m. hr °C

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The most commonly used method for the design of duct size is the

A. Velocity reduction method

B. Equal friction method

C. Static regains method

D. Dual or double method

What is the correct answer?


Heat is transferred by all three modes of transfer, viz. conduction, convection and radiation in

A. Electric heater

B. Steam condenser

C. Boiler

D. Refrigerator condenser coils

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The product of Reynolds number and Prandtl number is known as

A. Stanton number

B. Biot number

C. Peclet number

D. Grashoff number

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The ratio of the emissive power and absorptive power of all bodies is the same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body. This statement is known as

A. Kirchoffs law

B. Stefan's law

C. Wien' law

D. Planck's law

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In convection heat transfer from hot flue gases to water tube, even though flow may be turbulent, a laminar flow region (boundary layer of film) exists close to the tube. The heat transfer through this film takes place by

A. Convection

B. Radiation

C. Conduction

D. Both convection and conduction

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A. Minimum energy

B. Maximum energy

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of these

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The unit of Stefan-Boltzmann constant is

A. Watt/mK

B. Watt/m²K²

C. Watt/m²K4

D. Watt/mK²

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Which of the following has least value of conductivity?

A. Glass

B. Water

C. Plastic

D. Air