Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Sunspots are

A. undulations on the solar surface

B. huge magnetic storms on the solar surface

C. places with adequate sunshine

D. places of tourist importance

Correct Answer :

B. huge magnetic storms on the solar surface

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The difference between day and night increases as one moves

A. From equator to poles

B. From poles to equator

C. From tropics to equator

D. From plains to mountains

What is the correct answer?


How much time (approximately) does the light from the nearest star to the Sun take in reaching the earth?

A. 4.3 seconds

B. 4.3 years

C. 4.3 minutes

D. 4.3 hours

What is the correct answer?


Presently the farthest planet from the Sun is _____.

A. Pluto

B. Neptune

C. Uranus

D. Venus

What is the correct answer?


Nearest star from the earth after Sun is

A. Proxima Centaury

B. Alfa Centaury

C. Dog Star

D. Constellation

What is the correct answer?


What is the geographical term for land's end, that tip of land which projects into the sea?

A. A headland

B. A spit

C. A peninsula

D. A cape

What is the correct answer?


Sun revolves around galaxy once in every 250 million years, this length of time is called _____.

A. Cosmic or Galactic Year

B. Mean Solar Year

C. Sidereal Year

D. Leap Year

What is the correct answer?


Outside Antarctica, which is the deepest part of the earth?

A. The Dead Sea

B. The Aral Sea

C. The Caspian Sea

D. Lake Baikal

What is the correct answer?


A celestial body which revolves round a planet just as a planet revolves round the Sun is called _____.

A. Moon

B. Asteroid

C. Satellite

D. Great Bear

What is the correct answer?


How much Is the average distance of the Sun from the Earth?

A. 150 million km

B. 145 million km

C. 155 million km

D. 140 million km

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are the Outer Planets?
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Uranus
4. Neptune

A. 1 and 2

B. 1, 2and 3

C. 1, 2, 3 and 4

D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

What is the correct answer?


The Sun experiences magnetic storms and this Interferes with the magnetic field oC the Earth and produces light which are called

A. Quasars

B. Polar Auroras

C. Meteorites

D. Pulsar

What is the correct answer?


The solar eclipse takes place when

A. The Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon

B. The Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth

C. The Sun comes between the Earth and the Moon

D. The Planets of the Solar System lies on the same plane

What is the correct answer?


Earth ranks _____ in the Solar System away from the Sun.

A. 5th

B. 4th

C. 6th

D. 3rd

What is the correct answer?


The term 'syzygy' is referred to when the

A. Earth is at prihelion and Moon at perigee

B. Earth is at aphelion and Moon at apogee

C. Moon and Sun are at right angles with reference to the Earth

D. Moon, Sun and Earth lie along a straight line

What is the correct answer?


Halley's comet visits us after every.

A. 66 years

B. 76 years

C. 86 years

D. 96 years

What is the correct answer?


What do you call a narrow neck oC land that connects two larger landmasses?

A. Peninsula

B. Isthmus

C. Cape

D. Strait

What is the correct answer?


Deimos and Phobos are the satellites of

A. Earth

B. Mars

C. Uranus

D. Neptune

What is the correct answer?


Which planet is called 'red planet'?

A. Mars

B. Jupiter

C. Mercury

D. Venus

What is the correct answer?


Which star la called the brightest star (Dog star)?

A. Sirius

B. Proxima Centaury

C. Orion

D. Pole Star

What is the correct answer?


How much time does the earth take in completing one rotation on its axis in relation to sun?

A. 23 hours 56 minutes

B. 24 hours

C. 23 hours 46 minutes

D. 24 hours 4 minutes

What is the correct answer?


The Jupiter's atmosphere comprises mainly of

A. Hydrogen and oxygen

B. Carbondioxide and oxygen

C. Hydrogen and hydrogen compounds

D. Nitrogen and helium

What is the correct answer?


How much is the variation In distance between the Earth and the Sun during aphelion and perihelion?

A. 5000000 km

B. 500000 km

C. 50000 km

D. 5000 km

What is the correct answer?


A family or system of millions and millions of stars are called ____.

A. Universe

B. Solar System

C. Galaxy

D. Asteroids

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is known as the Cold Planet?

A. Mars

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Venus

What is the correct answer?


What is the temperature of the sun estimated at approximately?

A. 5000°C

B. 6000°C

C. 7000°C

D. 212°C

What is the correct answer?


How much time does earth take in making one rotation on its axis with respect to a fixed star at infinite distance?

A. 23 hours 56 minutes

B. 24 hours

C. 23 hours 46 minutes

D. 24 hours 4 minutes

What is the correct answer?


A 'black hole' is a body in space which does not allow any radiation to come out. This property is due to its

A. Very small size

B. Very large size

C. Very high density

D. Very low density

What is the correct answer?


Polar diameter of the Eearth is.

A. 17214 km

B. 12741 km

C. 12714 km

D. 17124 km

What is the correct answer?


What is the primary cause of seasonal change on the surface of the earth?

A. Earth's revolution and inclination of its axis

B. Revolution

C. Earth's rotation and inclination of its axis

D. Rotation

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements prove(s) that the earth Is spherical?
The Sun rises and sets at different lines in different places.
The shadow cast by the earth on the moon during the lunar eclipse is always circular.
Pictures taken from high alti

A. Only 1

B. 2 and 3

C. I, 2 and 3

D. Only 2