Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


____ table store information about database or about the system.


B. System

C. Nested

D. None of these

Correct Answer :

B. System

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What is the correct answer?


Relations produced from an E-R model will always be

A. First normal form.

B. Second normal form.

C. Third normal form.

D. Fourth normal form.

What is the correct answer?


In an ER diagram the ___shape specifies the Attibute and a ____ shape specifies the primary key attribute.

A. Oval; An oval with an underlined attribute

B. Circle; A circle with bolded attribute inside it

C. Diamond; A bolded attribute

D. Square; An attribute within the square

What is the correct answer?


In E-R Diagram total participation is represented by

A. Double lines

B. Single line

C. Dashed lines

D. Triangle

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Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS?

A. Query languages and utilities

B. DML and query language

C. Data dictionary and transaction log

D. Data dictionary and query language

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_____is a full form of SQL.

A. Standard query language

B. Sequential query language

C. Structured query language

D. Server side query language

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_____ database is used to provide statistical information or summaries of values based on various criteria.

A. Statistical

B. Mathematical

C. Normalized

D. Un normalized

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Which of the syntax is correct for insert statement?
i) insert into values
ii) insert into (column list) values

A. i-only

B. ii-only

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


The transactions like adding an employee, enrolling a student in a course are examples of _______

A. Logical

B. Physical

C. None

D. Theoretical

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An advantage of the database management approach is

A. data redundancy increases

B. data is dependent on programs

C. data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


What are the desirable properties of a decomposition

A. Partition constraint.

B. Dependency preservation.

C. Redundancy.

D. Security.

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The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is called as ......

A. schema

B. instance of the database

C. data domain

D. independence

What is the correct answer?


DBMS helps achieve

A. Centralized control of data

B. Data independence

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

What is the correct answer?


The data in the database at a particular moment of time is called the _______

A. Snapshot

B. Dynaset

C. Stateless

D. Stateful

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A relation is in attribute of other composite key. if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an

A. 2NF

B. 3NF


D. 1NF

What is the correct answer?


______contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a column or data type.

A. Default

B. Index

C. Rule

D. View

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………………… approach reduces time and effort required for design and lesser risk in database management.

A. Single global database

B. Multiple databases

C. Top-down approach

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If two relations R and S are joined, then the non matching tuples of both R and S are ignored in

A. left outer join

B. right outer join

C. full outer join

D. inner join

What is the correct answer?


The keyword to eliminate duplicate rows from the query result in SQL is




D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Relationships among relationships can be represented in an-E-R model using

A. Aggregation

B. Association

C. Weak entity sets

D. Weak relationship sets

What is the correct answer?


A transaction is in state after the final statement has been executed.

A. partially committed

B. active

C. committed

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a reason to model data?

A. Understand each user's perspective of data

B. Understand the data itself irrespective of the physical representation

C. Understand the use of data across application areas

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is true for network structure?

A. It is a physical representation of the data.

B. It allows many to many relationship.

C. It is conceptually simple.

D. It will be the dominant database of the future.

What is the correct answer?


The size of a data item is called its _______, which can be a field of some record or may be a larger unit such as a record.

A. Similarity

B. Granularity

C. Dimensionality

D. Arity

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not comparison operator?

A. <>

B. <

C. =<

D. >=

What is the correct answer?


The _______ is a set of programs to use and / or modify this data.


B. System

C. Program

D. Software

What is the correct answer?


operator is used to compare a value to a list of literals values that have been specified.

A. Like




What is the correct answer?


Which is the best file organization when data is frequently added or deleted from a file?

A. Sequential

B. Direct

C. Index sequential

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A DBMS is a ____ user if at most one user can use the system and is mostly restricted to personal computer systems.

A. None

B. Multi

C. Single

D. Concurrent

What is the correct answer?


In an ER model,_____ is described in the database by storing its data.

A. Entity

B. Attribute

C. Relationship

D. Notation

What is the correct answer?


Create a table with the following attributes: Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME of 10 characters)

A. Create table Employee(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

B. Create table Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME String(10));

C. Create table Emplo(EMPNO number, EMPNAME string);

D. Create table Emp(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));