Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The attraction of unlike molecules at the common surface is known as

A. adhesion

B. cohesion

C. surface tension

D. capillarity

Correct Answer :

A. adhesion

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What is the correct answer?


The unit of power in SI is

A. Joule

B. Newton

C. Joule/Sec

D. Erg/Sec

What is the correct answer?


The first Indian Satellite launched from a Russian Cosmodrome on April 16, 1975 was named

A. Bhaskara

B. Insat I-A

C. Aryabhatta

D. SLV-l

What is the correct answer?


The hydraulic jack to lift heavy vehicles in automobile service stations is one of the applications of

A. Pascal's law

B. Principle of Archimedes

C. Boyle's law

D. Hooke's law

What is the correct answer?


Radio waves sent out by radio stations are reflected by

A. troposphere

B. stratosphere

C. mesosphere

D. ionosphere

What is the correct answer?


An electric fan converts

A. electrical energy into heat energy

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

C. mechanical energy into electrical energy

D. mechanical energy into heat energy

What is the correct answer?


In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place?

A. kinetic energy

B. potential energy

C. acceleration

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Who discovered that the Cree Call acceleration Is the same for any object at a given place?

A. Newton

B. Pascal

C. Archimedes

D. Galileo

What is the correct answer?


If a bar magnet is broken into two pieces

A. both pieces will lose their magnetism

B. one piece will have North Pole on both ends and the other South Pole on its both ends

C. each will remain a magnet with North Pole at one end and South Pole at the other

D. the longer piece will behave as a bar magnet while the smaller will have no magnetism at all

What is the correct answer?


X-rays were discovered by

A. Wilhelm Roentgen

B. WO Coolidge

C. Henry Cavendish

D. William Watson

What is the correct answer?


An ohm is a unit of

A. potential difference

B. resistance

C. current

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The atmosphere gets heated up mainly by

A. direct sun's rays

B. radiation from earth's surface

C. radiogenic heat (resulting from radioactive decay)

D. cosmic rays coming from space

What is the correct answer?


A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. first decrease and then increase

What is the correct answer?


We see the sun before it actually rises on the horizon. This is due to

A. refraction

B. reflection

C. total internal reflection

D. parallax

What is the correct answer?


The base of an electric iron is brightly polished mainly

A. to make it smooth and frictionless

B. to make it rust - proof

C. to reduce heat loss by radiation

D. to make it more durable

What is the correct answer?


A piece of ice is Boating In water kept in a beaker. When all the ice melts the level of water will

A. first rise and then fall

B. fall

C. remain the same

D. rise

What is the correct answer?


The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is

A. Pyrometer

B. Eudiometer

C. Barometer

D. Hydrometer

What is the correct answer?


A stone floor feels cold to the bare feet but a carpet on the same floor feels warm. This is because

A. the floor and carpet are at different temperatures

B. the stone conveys the heat away from the feet more rapidly than the carpet

C. the carpet is a better conductor of heat than the stone

D. the human body maintains a constant temperature

What is the correct answer?


The filament used in the electric lamp is made of

A. nichrome

B. tungsten

C. copper

D. aluminium

What is the correct answer?


Which force is used when milk is churned to separate cream?

A. cohesive

B. centrifugal

C. frictional

D. gravitational

What is the correct answer?


Heat is transmitted from one end of a metal rod to its other end by the method of

A. conduction

B. convection

C. radiation

D. sublimation

What is the correct answer?


Before the invention of geostationary satellites, television stations could not transmit their programmes to far off places because

A. these signals are electromagnetic in nature

B. these are not electromagnetic in nature

C. their wavelength is very large

D. they are not reflected by the ionosphere but pass through it

What is the correct answer?


The tiniest of the stars belong to the group known as

A. Giant stars

B. White Dwarf stars

C. Neutron stars

D. Super-giant stars

What is the correct answer?


The extremely luminous objects located at the centre of some distant galaxies and which are sources of high energy electromagnetic radiation are known as

A. Nebulae

B. Quasars

C. Meteors

D. Comets

What is the correct answer?


The earth's nearest neighbour in space is

A. the Sun

B. the Moon

C. the Venus

D. the Mars

What is the correct answer?


A heavenly body similar in nature to the sun intensely hot glowing mass that produces its energy by thermonuclear reactions is

A. a planet

B. a meteor

C. a star

D. a comet

What is the correct answer?


An ammeter has

A. a high resistance

B. a very low resistance

C. no resistance at all

D. resistance of 400 ? w

What is the correct answer?


An electric fan converts

A. electrical energy into heat energy

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

C. mechanical energy into electrical energy

D. mechanical energy into heat energy

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°


What is the correct answer?


The theory that the earth constituted the centre of the universe around which the sun and the planets revolved was propounded by

A. Copernicus

B. Ptolemy

C. Newton

D. Kepler

What is the correct answer?


A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be

A. a parabola

B. a horizontal straight line

C. a vertical straight line

D. a circle