Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The Bankers algorithm is used

A. to prevent deadlock

B. to rectify deadlock

C. to detect deadlock

D. to slove deadlock

Correct Answer :

A. to prevent deadlock

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which buffering strategy is used for implementing synchronous communication?

A. Single message buffer

B. Unbounded - Capacity buffer

C. Finite-Bound Buffer

D. All can be used.

What is the correct answer?


The operating system is the most common type of ___ Software

A. System

B. Application

C. Word processing software

D. Communication

What is the correct answer?


The Network Time Protocol is similar to _______________algorithm in that synchronization is also performed using time servers and an attempt is made to correct for communication latencies.

A. Banker's

B. Divide and conquer's

C. Cristians

D. Xdelta's

What is the correct answer?


You can use print manage window

A. To cancel the print job

B. To check status of files in the print queue

C. To interrupt printing

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


__________ deals with when a modified page should be written out to secondary memory.

A. Cleaning policy

B. Fetch policy

C. Frame locking

D. None

What is the correct answer?


Because the I/O devices are not synchronized with the CPU, some information must be exchanged between the CPU and the device to ensure that the data is received reliably. This interaction between the CPU and an I/O device is usually referred to as ____________

A. polling

B. arbitration

C. handshaking

D. interrupting

What is the correct answer?


The find command is different from most UNIX commands in that each of the argument expressions following the beginning path name is considered a _____________

A. action expression

B. Boolean expression.

C. Boolean constant

D. Search qualifiers

What is the correct answer?


In Windows, start button is used to

A. Device setting

B. Run applications

C. All of above

D. Turn off the system

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In layered approach each layer uses the functions and services of ------------------

A. kernel

B. lower-level layers

C. higher-level layers

D. all of these

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Which of the following is not essential to shut down your computer?


B. Edit

C. Sys

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


_________, as a feature of good distributed file system, clients should be able to continue working if a file server crashes. Likewise, data must not be lost and a restarted file server must be able to recover to a valid state.

A. Scalability

B. Reliability

C. Flexibility

D. Fault tolerance

What is the correct answer?


The _____________ are based on modification of the original message in some manner, or on creation of a false message.

A. Passive attack

B. Release of message content attack

C. Traffic analysis attack

D. Active attack

What is the correct answer?


______________ refers to the technology in which some space in hard disk is used as an extension of main memory.

A. Cache memory

B. Paging

C. Virtual memory

D. Associative memory

What is the correct answer?


____________approach can place the data directly into the memory or take the data directly from the memory without direct intervention from the processor.


B. Daisy chain arbitration

C. polling

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


When resources have multiple instances ________ is used for deadlock Avoidance.

A. Bankers algorithm

B. Resource Allocation Graph

C. semaphores

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


All of the following are TRUE regarding virtual memory EXCEPT

A. Any amount of RAM can be allocated to virtual memory

B. The setting for the amount of hard disk drive space to allocate virtual memory can be manually change

C. This temporary storage is called the swap file or page file

D. Virtual memory is the physical space o the hard drive

What is the correct answer?


Which command is used to display the contents of the text file of DOS?

A. Copy

B. Copy con

C. Dir

D. Type

What is the correct answer?


In case of good process migration mechanism, _____________ means failure of any node other than the one on which the process is running should not affect the execution of the process.

A. Robustness

B. Efficiency

C. Transparent

D. Interference

What is the correct answer?


_____________typically contains temporary data such as subroutine parameter, return address, and temporary variables.

A. Current value of Program Counter

B. Value of the variables

C. The process stack

D. A data section

What is the correct answer?


The primary purpose of an operating system is:

A. To allow people to use the computer,

B. To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware

C. To make computers easier to use

D. To keep systems programmers employed

What is the correct answer?


______________ selects a process from among the ready processes to execute on the CPU.

A. CPU Scheduler

B. Loader

C. Dispatcher

D. Compiler

What is the correct answer?


______________approach simplifies debugging and system verification.

A. Kernel

B. Layered

C. Extended

D. Virtual machine

What is the correct answer?


A page fault occurs when

A. the page is not found in the memory

B. the page is found in the memory

C. the Segmentation starts

D. the Deadlock happens

What is the correct answer?


IDL stands for_____________________

A. Integrated Data library

B. Isolated Data Library

C. Interface Data Language

D. Interface Definition Language

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is suitable after you install new drivers?

A. Hibernate

B. Sleep

C. Restart

D. Shut Down

What is the correct answer?


What is dispatch latency?

A. The time taken by the dispatcher to stop one process and start another

B. The whole time taken by all processor

C. The time taken by the processor to write a file into disk

D. None of Above

What is the correct answer?


_______________refers to a strategy where whenever a resource is requested, it is only granted if it cannot result in deadlock.

A. Deadlock Prevention

B. Livelock

C. Deadlock avoidance

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


In case of ____________________transparency a file can transparently move to another server.

A. Location

B. Migration

C. Replication

D. Concurrency

What is the correct answer?


__ is the program run on a computer when the computer boots up

A. System software

B. Operating system

C. System operations

D. None

What is the correct answer?


An option commonly takes the form of a _____followed by __________characters.

A. dot, one or more

B. dash, only one

C. dash, one or more

D. dot,only two