Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The book "Origin of Species" was written by Charles Darwin in

A. 1859

B. 1885

C. 1883

D. 1897

Correct Answer :

A. 1859

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B. Environmental factors

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B. Birds

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B. maintenance of species

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A. occurrence of homologous and vestigeal organs

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B. China

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B. Scales

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C. Mai thus

D. Lovell

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B. Theory of natural selection

C. Bird flight mechanisms

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B. Coenozoic era

C. Palaeozoic era

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B. Pithecanthropus

C. Sinanthropus

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B. 2n = 46

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B. eohippus

C. merychippus

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The book "Origin of Species" was written by Charles Darwin in

A. 1859

B. 1885

C. 1883

D. 1897

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A. Wisdom teeth

B. Fossa ovalis

C. Muscles of ear pinna

D. Ileum