Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The clause alter table in SQL can be used to

A. add an attribute

B. delete an attribute

C. alter the default values of an attribute

D. all of the above

Correct Answer :

D. all of the above

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What is the correct answer?


Key to represent relationship between tables is called

A. primary key

B. secondary key

C. foreign key

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


A ____ key specifies a uniqueness constraint that no two distinct tuples in any state r of relation R can have the same value for super key.

A. Sub

B. Parent

C. Candidate

D. Super

What is the correct answer?


Precedence graphs help to find a

A. Serializable schedule.

B. Recoverable schedule.

C. Deadlock free schedule.

D. Cascadeless schedule.

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The keyword to eliminate duplicate rows from the query result in SQL is




D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is called a

A. Referential constraint.

B. Index.

C. Integrity constraint.

D. Functional dependency.

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The cost of reading and writing temporary files while evaluating a query can be reduced by

A. building indices

B. pipelining

C. join ordering

D. none of the above

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The ______ key of a relation is the attribute (column) or collection of attributes, which uniquely identify a given tuple.

A. Primary

B. Foreign

C. Candidate

D. Alternate

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Checkpoints are a part of

A. Recovery measures.

B. Security measures.

C. Concurrency measures.

D. uthorization measures.

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A data type or format is specified for each _________

A. Relation

B. Tuple

C. Database

D. Domain

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The size of a data item is called its _______, which can be a field of some record or may be a larger unit such as a record.

A. Similarity

B. Granularity

C. Dimensionality

D. Arity

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Which of the following ensures the atomicity of the transaction?

A. Transaction management component of DBMS

B. Application Programmer

C. Concurrency control component of DBMS

D. Recovery management component of DBMS

What is the correct answer?


When an E-R diagram is mapped to tables, the representation is redundant for

A. weak entity sets

B. weak relationship sets

C. strong entity sets

D. strong relationship sets

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The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is

A. View

B. Order by

C. Group by

D. Having

What is the correct answer?


The _____ category includes storage media that can be operated on directly by the computers central processing unit.

A. Primary storage

B. Secondary Storage

C. All

D. Tertiary Storage

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It is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher level entities

A. Generalization.

B. Specialization.

C. Aggregation.

D. Inheritance.

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_______ product was acquired by Informix, integrated into its RDBMS and introduced as the Informix Universal Server an ORDBMS.

A. Star

B. llustar


D. Cygnus

What is the correct answer?


DBMS helps achieve

A. Centralized control of data

B. Data independence

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

What is the correct answer?


The clause alter table in SQL can be used to

A. add an attribute

B. delete an attribute

C. alter the default values of an attribute

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


The ______ language consists of SQL statements for operating on the data (insert, Modify, Delete) in tables that already exist.

A. Data Manipulation

B. Data Definition

C. Data Control

D. None

What is the correct answer?


In E-R Diagram total participation is represented by

A. Double lines

B. Single line

C. Dashed lines

D. Triangle

What is the correct answer?


In an ER diagram the ___shape specifies the Attibute and a ____ shape specifies the primary key attribute.

A. Oval; An oval with an underlined attribute

B. Circle; A circle with bolded attribute inside it

C. Diamond; A bolded attribute

D. Square; An attribute within the square

What is the correct answer?


The full form of GUI is _________

A. Government Union Internet

B. Graphical Unit Interface

C. Graphical User Interface

D. Graphical University Interface

What is the correct answer?


Which one is true statement :

A. With finer degree of granularity of locking a high degree of concurrency is possible.

B. Locking prevents non-serializable schedules.

C. Locking cannot take place at field level.

D. An exclusive lock on data item X is granted even if a shared lock is already held on X.

What is the correct answer?


Immediate database modification technique uses

A. Both undo and redo.

B. Undo but no redo.

C. Redo but no undo.

D. Neither undo nor redo.

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_____ database is used to provide statistical information or summaries of values based on various criteria.

A. Statistical

B. Mathematical

C. Normalized

D. Un normalized

What is the correct answer?


The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is called as ......

A. schema

B. instance of the database

C. data domain

D. independence

What is the correct answer?


Which of the syntax is correct for insert statement?
i) insert into values
ii) insert into (column list) values

A. i-only

B. ii-only

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


_____ is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide auditing capability.

A. SQL server Profile

B. SQL server wizard.

C. SQL server service manager

D. SQL server setup

What is the correct answer?


The part of a database management system which ensures that the data remains in a consistent state is

A. authorization and integrity manager

B. buffer manager

C. transaction manager

D. file manager

What is the correct answer?


What are the desirable properties of a decomposition

A. Partition constraint.

B. Dependency preservation.

C. Redundancy.

D. Security.