Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The --------- command sorts lines of all the named files.

A. desc

B. cp

C. sort

D. ls -l

Correct Answer :

C. sort

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What is the correct answer?


sort file, will sort the contents of the file and the effect will be reflected in the file

A. True

B. False

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Linux is a ---------------Operating System

A. Single User

B. Multi User

C. Time Sharing

D. None of the above

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-wxrwx-x is equivalent to

A. 567

B. 675

C. 571

D. 672

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Samba is actually a

A. Share

B. File server

C. File

D. None of the above

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Hidden file can be viewed using

A. ls -l

B. ls -a

C. ls -h

D. None of the above

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Output of 'sort > shoppinglist' is

A. Sorting file but not save in file.

B. Without sorting but save in file.

C. Sorting and save in a file.

D. All of the above.

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To remove a directory which is not empty ____ is used

A. rmdir

B. rmdir -r

C. rm -r

D. rm

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To delete an user along with its home directory, the command is

A. userdel -d username

B. userdel -D username

C. userdel -r username

D. userdel -R username

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During Linux booting the init program is called by


B. Bootstrap

C. Sysinit

D. Kernel

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The symbol of wildcard(s) is

A. w

B. `

C. ? *

D. None of the above.

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Output of the command 'wc <filename>' is

A. Show only line

B. Show only word.

C. Show alphabet, line, word.

D. Show only file name.

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To give all permission to a file to all users the command is
all of the above

A. chmod a+777 file

B. chmod a+rwx file

C. chmod ugo+7 file

D. none of the above

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If there is any problem with the command, the error is given by

A. Kernel

B. Shell

C. root

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


_______ is used to change the file/folder permission

A. chown

B. chmod

C. mod

D. chgrp

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The type of shell mostly used for Linux is

A. bash

B. korn

C. bourne

D. C-shell

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An user can login without password

A. True

B. False

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Password is applied using

A. psswd

B. pssword

C. uerpasswd

D. passwd username

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Which command is used to see the content of a file

A. more

B. cp

C. cat

D. rmdir

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For a user _______ is an autoexec.bat equivalent file in Linux

A. .bashrc

B. .bash_rc

C. .bash_profile

D. .bashprofile

What is the correct answer?


ls j?e - output will be

A. Filenames with 3 charcter

B. Filenames with 4 charcter

C. Filenames with 5 charcter

D. Filenames with 10 charcter

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The command to view the partition information is

A. fsck

B. fstab

C. fdisk

D. diskdruid

What is the correct answer?


mkdir - p is used for

A. Making directory under parent directory.

B. Making directory non existing parent directory.

C. Specified the mode of directory.

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


To delete user the command is

A. rm <username>

B. delete <username>

C. userdel <username>

D. any one of the above

What is the correct answer?


The command for changing the permission relating to files is

A. ls-l

B. head

C. tail

D. chmod

What is the correct answer?


who -h is used to

A. Print column headings

B. Hide detail.

C. Hide user name.

D. All of the above.

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ls - t is used for

A. Sort by name

B. Sort by date

C. Sort by time stamp

D. Sort by alphabetic order

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User can be assigned to a group while creating the user. The command for this is

A. adduser -g

B. useradd -a

C. aduser -a

D. useradd -g

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the command 'tail sample'?

A. Last 10 lines of the file.

B. Last 15 lines of the file

C. Last 5 lines of the file

D. First 10 lines of file.

What is the correct answer?


To change the ownership of a file use

A. chmod

B. chgrp

C. chown

D. change

What is the correct answer?


chmod 632 stuff means

A. Gives read & write& execute permission for owner write & execute for group read permission for other.

B. Gives read & write permission for owner write & execute for group Write permission for other.

C. Gives write permission for owner write & execute for group Write permission for other.

D. Gives read & write permission for owner read & execute for group Write permission for other.