Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The country where commercial production of cultured pearls is undertaken on large scale is

A. India

B. Mexico

C. Netherlands

D. Japan

Correct Answer :

D. Japan

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The endocrine glands secrete

A. bile

B. harmones

C. sweat

D. genes

What is the correct answer?


The buffer substance in blood is

A. Calcium carbonate

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Sodium bicarbonate

D. Ammonia

What is the correct answer?


Necrosis is a symptom which is recognised by

A. pattern colouration on leaves

B. little leaves

C. out growth

D. death of tissues

What is the correct answer?


Pacemaker is the

A. Sinu-auricular node

B. Auriculo-ventricular node

C. Bundle of His

D. Purkinje fibres

What is the correct answer?


What do you mean by the term fauna?

A. plant kingdom

B. animal kingdom

C. both plant and animal kingdoms

D. A part of plant kingdom

What is the correct answer?


In phototropism, auxins

A. Promote growth of cells

B. Inhibit cell division

C. Inhibit growth of cells

D. Stimulate differential growth of cells

What is the correct answer?


Vitamin D is manufactured in a healthy human being by the action of _______ on the skin and absorbed in the blood stream.

A. ozone

B. radium

C. moonlight

D. sunlight

What is the correct answer?


The Green Revolution in India owes much to

A. MS Swaminathan

B. TS Venkataraman

C. Norman Borlaug

D. Prime Minister

What is the correct answer?


Riboflavin is otherwise known as

A. vitamin B-complex

B. vitamin B2

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin E

What is the correct answer?


The theory of use and disuse was used to explain evolution by

A. Lamarck

B. Darwin

C. De Vries

D. Wallace

What is the correct answer?


Maintenance of pregency is under the control of

A. Follicular stimulating hormone

B. Growth hormone

C. Estrogen

D. Progesterone

What is the correct answer?


Development without fertilization is called

A. parthenogenesis

B. asexual reproduction

C. sporulation

D. budding

What is the correct answer?


What is an antigen?

A. Toxic substance

B. A kind of protein

C. Blood platelets

D. Blood corpuscles

What is the correct answer?


Fat present below the skin surface in our body acts as a barrier against

A. loss of heat from the body

B. loss of essential body fluids

C. loss of salts from the body

D. entry of harmful micro-organisms from the environment

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is considered as completely eradicated from India, as no case of the same has been reported in last one year?

A. Polio

B. Tuberculosis

C. Cancer

D. Swine flu

What is the correct answer?


Bio indicators are

A. stains

B. pH indicators

C. weather indicators

D. soil indicators

What is the correct answer?


Xerophthalmia is a deficiency disease. Deficiency of _________ causes it.

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin B

C. vitamin C

D. vitamin E

What is the correct answer?


The two German scientists who proposed the 'cell theory' were

A. Mendel and 'Darwin

B. Theodore Schwann and Matthias Schleiden

C. Virchow and Purkinje

D. porter and Palade

What is the correct answer?


Which one is a water-soluble vitamin?

A. A

B. C

C. D

D. E

What is the correct answer?


The gestation period for the elephant is

A. 10 months

B. 15 months

C. 22 months

D. 30 months

What is the correct answer?


The grouping of blood is based on substances called

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. antitoxin

D. enzymes

What is the correct answer?


One of the following disease cannot be prevented by the DPT (triple-antigen) immunization of children.

A. Tetanus

B. Tuberculosis

C. Whooping cough

D. Diphtheria

What is the correct answer?


Diabetes is a disease which is

A. contagious

B. non-communicable

C. communicable

D. epidemic

What is the correct answer?


The function of a cell wall is

A. to give definite shape to the cell

B. to provide mechanical strength and protection to the cell

C. to prevent the cell from desiccation

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Scrub jungle Is characterised by

A. heavy rainfall

B. no rainfall

C. poor rainfall

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


The plants will stop growing if the shoot tip is cut off because

A. shoot tip produces growth hormones

B. shoot tip contains meristematic cells

C. shoot tip is the growing part

D. the plant dies

What is the correct answer?


Excess carbohydrates and insufficient proteins in dally diet will lead to

A. Kwashiorkor

B. Night blindness

C. Pernicious anaemia

D. Loss of hair

What is the correct answer?


Viruses have

A. DNA only

B. RNA only

C. Either DNA or RNA

D. Both DNA and RNA

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium and co-ordination is looked after by which part of the brain?

A. Cerebrum

B. Medulla oblongata

C. Cerebellum

D. Olfactory lobes

What is the correct answer?


What is 'atavism'?

A. The genes which show numerous phenolypic effects

B. Reappearance of traits after several generations

C. Effects of mutation

D. Intermediate inheritance of genes