Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The default method of a WebForm is

A. Page_Load

B. WebForm_Load

C. Form_Load

D. Page_Init

Correct Answer :

A. Page_Load

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What is the correct answer?


The code file for WebForm1.aspx will be ___________

A. WebForm1.vbp

B. WebForm1.vb

C. WebForm1.frm

D. WebForm1.sln

What is the correct answer?


__________.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") creates a new connection.

A. Session

B. Request

C. Response

D. Server

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This property is inapplicable in DropDownList

A. SelectionMode

B. Items

C. DataMember

D. None of the above

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In Global.asax there are _______ general methods

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

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To open Microsoft Word from ASP.NET page use

A. Response.Content

B. Response.ContentType

C. Request.Content

D. Request.ContentType

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_________ is used to write/read into a leaf node

A. Value

B. InnerText

C. Text

D. InnerValue

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You need to modify an ASP.NET page to prevent the browser window from going blank after a postback and to maintain the correct control focus after events are processed. What should you do?

A. Add the following attribute to the HTML code for the controls that cause the postbacks:

B. Add the following attribute to the HTML code for the controls that cause the postbacks:

C. Add the following attribute to the Page directive for the aspx file:

D. Add the following attribute to the OutputCache directive for the aspx file:

What is the correct answer?


How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "post" method?

A. Request.QueryString

B. Request.Form

C. Response.write

D. Response.writeln

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While redirecting, values can be passed with it

A. True

B. False

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Why is Global.asax is used?

A. Declare Global variables

B. Implement application and session level events

C. No use

D. Both a and b

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File extension used for ASP.NET files.

A. .Web



D. None of the above

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What class does a Web Service Inherit?

A. System.Web.Services

B. System.Web

C. System.Services

D. System.Web.Page

What is the correct answer?


If a page name is WebForm1.aspx and it resides in ../Test/, then it will inherit from

A. WebForm1

B. WebForm1/Test

C. Test/WebForm1

D. Test.WebForm1

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In a DataSet if multible tables are used, they are identified by their

A. Names

B. Indexes

C. Any one of the above

D. None of the above

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Attribute must be set on a validator control for the validation to work.

A. ControlToValidate

B. ControlToBind

C. ValidateControl

D. Validate

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Web.config file is used...

A. Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called

B. To store the global information and variable definitions for the application

C. To configure the web server

D. To configure the web browser

What is the correct answer?


__________ and __________ event are the two most commonly supported server-side events. (Click and Change)

A. Click and Change

B. Click and DblClick

C. KeyUp and KeyDown

D. KeyEnter and KeyPress

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For Adrotator control the XML file is mentioned through ________ property

A. File

B. Name

C. Advertisement File

D. Ad File

What is the correct answer?


To count how many users have logged in the web site till date use

A. Increment Session Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file

B. Increment Session Variable in Aplication_Start event of Global.asax file

C. Increment Application Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file

D. Increment Application Variable in Application_Start event of Global.asax file

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Error handling can be done through Global.asax

A. True

B. False

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What are unique properties of RangeValidator control?

A. Maximum value

B. Minimum value

C. Type

D. All of the above

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Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS?





What is the correct answer?


One difference between ASP.NET and ASP is that ASP is more structure than ASP.NET

A. True

B. False

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To save an XML file from ASP.NET use

A. Save

B. Update

C. SaveXML

D. UpdateXML

What is the correct answer?


You have an image that is clickable and you want a pop-up window to display text that identifies the action that will be taken if the user clicks the image. What will you do?

A. For each image, set the AlternateText property to specify the text you want to display, and set the ToolTip property to True.

B. For each image, set the ToolTip property to specify the text you want to display.

C. In the onmouseover event handler for each image, add code that calls the RaiseBubbleEvent() method of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image class.

D. In the onmouseover event handler for each image, add code that calls the ToString() method of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image class.

What is the correct answer?


To count the number of times an user visited a page, use

A. Session variables

B. Application variables

C. Cookies

D. Server variables

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ASP.NET can be installed on Windows 98 machine

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


In case of a CompareValidator, a TextBox's value can be compared to an expression

A. True

B. False

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___________ sets the time out period for a particular page in seconds

A. Session.Timeout

B. Server.ScriptTimeout

C. Response.Expires

D. Response.ExpiresAbsolute

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____________ enables you to add, modify and delete records and you will see the changes made by other users

A. OpenForwardOnly

B. OpenKeyset

C. OpenDynamic

D. OpenStatic