Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The demand of the luxuries is:

A. More elastic

B. Less elastic

C. Unit elastic

D. Zero elastic

Correct Answer :

A. More elastic

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The Hicksian demand curve includes:

A. Substitution effect

B. Income effect

C. Both substitution and income effect

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Price leadership is associated with:

A. Collusive oligopoly

B. Non-collusive oligopoly

C. Cartel

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


Under competitive conditions, the industry will be in equilibrium:

A. When each firm is in equilibrium equating MC with MR

B. When all the firms are earning only normal profits

C. When firms outside have no tendency to enter the industry and those within, have no tendency to leave the industry

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


If Cobb-Douglas production function is homogeneous of degree less than one (n<1), then it shows:

A. Constant returns to scale

B. Increasing returns to scale

C. Decreasing returns to scale

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Time Preference Theory of Interest was presented by:

A. Adam Smith

B. Carl Menger

C. Ruskin

D. J.B.Say

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not characteristic of perfect competition?

A. Freedom of entry and exit

B. Each seller is a price taker

C. Perfect information about prices

D. Heterogeneous products

What is the correct answer?


In centralized cartel, the firms are like:

A. Price takers

B. Price setters

C. Price discriminators

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Identify the factor, which generally keeps the price elasticity of demand for a commodity low:

A. Variety of uses for that commodity

B. Its low price

C. Close substitutes for that commodity

D. High proportion of the consumers income spent on it

What is the correct answer?


In joint-profit maximization cartel, central agency sets the:

A. Output

B. Input

C. Demand

D. Price

What is the correct answer?


The proportionality rule in production requires that the ratios of MP and factor prices are:

A. Doubled

B. Equalized

C. Not equalized

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is normal then fall in price will result in:

A. Increase the quantity demanded

B. Fixed the quantity demanded

C. Decrease the quantity demanded

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Cournot equilibrium is attained where two reaction curves:

A. Repel each other

B. Represent each other

C. Intersect each other

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In the case of complements, the cross demand curve slopes:

A. Downwards to the right

B. Upwards to the right

C. Backwards to the top

D. Inwards at the bottom

What is the correct answer?


Each short run average cost curve:

A. Has to touch the long run cost curve

B. Has to cross the long run cost curve

C. Has to lie above all points on the long run cost curve

D. Coincides with the long run cost curve at some point

What is the correct answer?


From the resource allocation view point, perfect competition is preferable because:

A. The firms operate at excess capacity levels

B. There is a whole variety of output produced

C. There is no restriction on entry and exit of firms

D. There is no idle capacity

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, the cost curves of all firms are:

A. Uniform

B. Different

C. Dependent

D. Independent

What is the correct answer?


MC = MR = AC = AR shows the long run equilibrium position of the:

A. Competitive firm

B. Oligopolistic firm

C. Monopolist firm

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Some economists refer to iso-product curves as:

A. Engels curve

B. Production indifference curve

C. Budget line

D. Ridge line

What is the correct answer?


Increasing return to scales can be explained in terms of:

A. Optimal factor proportions

B. Fixed scale of plant

C. External and internal economies

D. Labor productivity

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a feature of isoproduct curves?

A. Are downward sloping to the right

B. Show different input combination producing the same output

C. Intersect each other

D. Are convex to the origin

What is the correct answer?


A decrease in demand lowers the price the most:

A. In the immediate run

B. In the short run

C. When the supply is perfectly elastic

D. When producers have sufficient time to fully adjust to the demand change

What is the correct answer?


The reaction curve of a firm is attained by joining the:

A. Isoprofit curve

B. Super profit curve

C. Normal profit curve

D. Indoprofit curve

What is the correct answer?


The cobweb model will convergent when the slope of:

A. Demand curve is more than supply curve

B. Supply curve is more than demand curve

C. Supply curve is equal to demand curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


7.In an economy based on the price system the decision on what shall be produced is made by:

A. Government

B. Consumer

C. Producer

D. Stock holder

What is the correct answer?


If a monopolist is producing under decreasing cost conditions, increase in demand is beneficial to the society because:

A. Consumers get better quality goods

B. Cost of production falls and hence price will follow

C. Goods will be sold in many markets

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Who is the founder of classical school of thought?

A. David Ricardo

B. Adam Smith

C. T.R.Malthus

D. J.S.Mill

What is the correct answer?


Consumers are likely to get a variety of similar goods under:

A. Monopoly

B. Perfect competition

C. Duopoly

D. Monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


Scarcity is:

A. A relative term

B. An economic term

C. A dynamic term

D. As a whole term

What is the correct answer?


With the change in the factor prices, the slope of the expansion path will:

A. Not change

B. Also change

C. Increase

D. Decrease

What is the correct answer?


Neutral Technological Progress can be defined as:

A. Technological progress that causes to raise the marginal product of capital and labor in the same proportion

B. Technological progress that causes the marginal product of capital to increase relative to the marginal product of labor

C. Technological progress that causes the marginal product of labor to increase relative to the marginal product of capital

D. None of the above