Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The evaporation rate depends on

A. the nature of the liquid

B. area of the exposed surface of the liquid

C. temperature of air and of the liquid

D. All the above

Correct Answer :

D. All the above

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


When sound waves travel from one medium to another, the quantity which remains unchanged is its

A. speed

B. frequency

C. wavelength

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Photocells are used

A. in burglar alarms

B. in automotive devices for light switches

C. television cameras

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Choose the correct answer

A. Microphone converts sound energy into electrical energy.

B. Electric fan converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

C. Battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A person does not sink in the Dead Sea because

A. the sea contains a large amount of other salts besides sodium chloride

B. the density of the person is less than the density of the Dead Sea water

C. of the surface tension due to salt water in the Dead Sea

D. of difference in mass

What is the correct answer?


In a refrigerator, the refrigerant is

A. Nitrogen

B. Oxygen

C. Chlorine

D. Freon

What is the correct answer?


A ruse wire is characterised by

A. high resistance and high melting point

B. high resistance and low melting point

C. low resistance and high melting point

D. low resistance and low melting point

What is the correct answer?


A workman was working on a rail track. A young boy at a distance holds his ear close to the railway track. The boy was able to hear the sound of each blow or the workman twice. It is because

A. speed of sound is greater in steel than in air

B. speed of sound is greater in air than in steel

C. part of sound waves is reflected between rail tracks

D. the boy's ears are at a different distance from the source

What is the correct answer?


The world's first artificial satellite Sputnik I was launched by Russia in

A. 1985

B. 1957

C. 1959

D. 1960

What is the correct answer?


Railway tracks are banked on curves so that

A. the necessary centrifugal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the weight of the train

B. the frictional force between the track and the wheels is avoided

C. the necessary centripetal force may be derived from the horizontal component of the weight of the train

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


In a microphone

A. sound energy is converted into electrical energy

B. electrical energy is converted into sound energy

C. sound energy is converted into mechanical energy

D. mechanical energy is converted into sound energy

What is the correct answer?


The method used to separate aluminium from a alumina is

A. electroplating

B. electrotyping

C. electrolysis

D. distillation

What is the correct answer?


Of the following which has got the highest frequency?

A. ultraviolet rays

B. gamma rays

C. radio waves

D. infrared waves

What is the correct answer?


It is easier to climb down a staircase than climb up because in climbing down

A. work is done against gravity

B. the steepness of the staircase isn't felt

C. gravity assists

D. there is no friction between the legs and steps

What is the correct answer?


We always see only one side of the moon because

A. the sun comes in between the earth and moon

B. the moon is stationary

C. the time taken by the moon to rotate on its axis is the same as the time taken by it to revolve round the earth

D. moon revolves round the sun

What is the correct answer?


Atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called

A. isobars

B. isomers

C. isotones

D. isotopes

What is the correct answer?


For detecting and, testing of small electric charges we use

A. an electrophorus

B. an electroscope

C. an electromagnet

D. an ammeter

What is the correct answer?


The freezer in a refrigerator is placed near the top

A. to keep it away from the hot compressor which is near the bottom

B. because of convenience

C. so that it can cool the whole interior by setting up convection currents

D. to prevent too much cooling

What is the correct answer?


Diamond shines because of its

A. purity

B. hardness

C. high density

D. high refractive index and low critical angle

What is the correct answer?


The electrical domestic tube light gives white fiourescent light because of

A. collision between molecules of filled gas under electric current

B. heavy current

C. vacuum inside the tube

D. falling of ultra violet rays on the white inner coating of the tube

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not electromagnetic waves?

A. heat waves

B. sound waves

C. radio waves

D. light waves

What is the correct answer?


We cannot see and without the aid of a telescope

A. Neptune and Pluto

B. Jupiter and Saturn

C. Venus and Mars

D. Venus and Saturn

What is the correct answer?


The ballistic missile, Agni 11, tested by India has a maximum range of

A. 1000 km

B. 1500 km

C. 2000 km

D. 500 km

What is the correct answer?


A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be

A. a parabola

B. a horizontal straight line

C. a vertical straight line

D. a circle

What is the correct answer?


When the disturbed electrons of an exited atom transfer back into lower energy levels they emit energy in the form of electromagnetic wave pulses called

A. neutrons

B. electrons

C. phonons

D. photons

What is the correct answer?


Mercury is used in a barometer because

A. its density being very high 13.6 g/cm3 the height of mercury column is conveniently small

B. at the ordinary temperature its vapour pressure is small

C. it is opaque and does not wet glass

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. they contain free electrons

B. their atoms are relatively far apart

C. their atoms collide frequently

D. they have reflecting surfaces

What is the correct answer?


The star nearest to the sun is

A. Proxima Centauri

B. Sirius

C. Aldebaran

D. Vega

What is the correct answer?


The weight of a body is

A. maximum at the equator

B. minimum at the equator

C. minimum at the poles

D. the same everywhere

What is the correct answer?


The earth's nearest neighbour in space is

A. the Sun

B. the Moon

C. the Venus

D. the Mars

What is the correct answer?


A device used to measure heights above sea level is known as

A. altimeter

B. anemometer

C. dilatometer

D. potentiometer