Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The force between two magnetic poles is _____ the relative permeability of the medium.

A. directly proportional to

B. independent of

C. inversely proportional to

D. equal to

Correct Answer :

C. inversely proportional to

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What is the correct answer?


A group of magnetically aligned atoms is called

A. Range

B. Lattice

C. Domain

D. Crystal

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A permanent magnet does not exert a force on

A. an unmagnetized iron bar

B. a magnetized iron bar

C. a moving electric charge

D. a stationary electric charge

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Residual magnetism refers to the flux densitya which exists in the iron core when the magnetic field intensity is

A. Minimized

B. Reduced to zero

C. Maximize

D. Unity

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Whenever a flux inking a coil or current changesa an emf is induced in it. This is known as

A. Joule's Law

B. Coulomb's Law

C. Faraday's first law of electromagnetic induction

D. Faraday's second law of electromagnetic induction

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What is the unit of reluctance?

A. Maxwell

B. Gauss

C. At/Wb

D. Weber

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What determines the atomic number of an element?

A. The number of protons

B. The number of electrons

C. The number of neutrons

D. The number of neutrons and protons

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What is the typical saturation flux density for most magnetic materials?

A. 4 Wb/m^2

B. 5 Wb/m^2

C. 1 Wb/m^2

D. 2 Wb/m^2

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What is the practical unit of electrical energy?

A. Watt

B. Kilowatt-hour

C. Kilowatt-second

D. Megawathour

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The permeability of permalloy is

A. Very much greater than permeability of air

B. Slightly greater than permeability of air

C. Slightly less than permeability of air

D. Equal to the permeability of air

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Which of the following materials has the highest dielectric strength?

A. Glass

B. Oiled paper

C. Mica

D. Air

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Who demonstrated the theory of electromagnetic induction in 1831?

A. Michael Faraday

B. Andre Ampere

C. James Clerk Maxwell

D. Charles Coulomb

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An atom or a group of atoms that carries a net electric charge.

A. Positive ion

B. Negative ion

C. Ion

D. Electron

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What revolves about the positive nucleus in a definite orbit?

A. Atom

B. Proton

C. Electron

D. Neutron

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The magnetic energy stored in an inductor is ______ current.

A. Directly proportional to

B. Inversely proportional to

C. Directly proportional to the square of

D. Inversely proportional to the square of

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Hysteresis is a phenomenon of _________ in a magnetic circuit.

A. setting up constant flux

B. lagging of H behind B

C. lagging B behind H

D. leading B ahead H

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Defined as the ratio of the volume occupied by the atoms or ions in a unit cell divided by the volume of the unit cell and is used to measure the compactness of a crystal.

A. Atomic packing factor (APF)

B. Ionic Packing Ratio (IPR)

C. Atomic compacting factor (ACF)

D. Ionic compacting ratio (ICR)

What is the correct answer?


A magnetic flux of 2.5 x10^4 Wb through an area of 5 x10^4 square meters results in

A. 5 Wb

B. 0.5 Tesia of flux density

C. 5x 10^-5 Wb of flux

D. 5000 Tesia of flux density

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Electric field intensity at a point due to a given charge ______ if the relative permittivity of the medium decreases.

A. decreases

B. remains unchanged

C. increases

D. b ecomes zero

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All matters (gasa liquid and solid) are composed of

A. Neutrons

B. Particles

C. Electrons

D. Atoms

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A. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

B. Wilhelm Rontgen

C. James Clerk Maxwell

D. Andre Ampere

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The unit of flux is _____ in cgs system.

A. Tesia

B. Gilbert

C. Maxwell

D. Oersted

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A law stating that the magnetic susceptibilities of most paramagnetic substances are inversely proportional to their absolute temperatures.

A. Curie's Law

B. Child's Law

C. CR Law

D. Curie-Weiss Law

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Who discovered superconductivity in 1911?

A. Kamerlingh Onnes

B. Alex Muller

C. GeoryBednorz

D. Charles Coulomb

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A substance that attracts pieces iron

A. Conductor

B. Semiconductor

C. Magnet

D. All of the above

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Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Silicon dioxide is a good

B. The current carriers in conductors are valence electrons

C. For conductorsa the valence electron are strongly attracted to the nucleus

D. The valence electrons are located in the nucleus of an atom

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Core materials of a good relay have _________ hysteresis loop.

A. large

B. narrow

C. very large

D. very narrow

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If the number of valence electrons of an atom is less than 4a then the substance is probably

A. a metal

B. an insulator

C. a non-metal

D. a semiconductor

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Paramagnetic substance has a relative permeability of

A. Slightly less than one

B. Equal to one

C. Slightly equal to one

D. Very much greater than one

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A negatively charge body has

A. deficit of electrons

B. excess of protons

C. excess of electrons

D. deficit of neutrons

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Lenz's law is the consequence of the law of conservation of

A. Energy

B. Charge

C. Field lines

D. Momentum