Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The given figure shows the structure of filamentous blue green algae, Nostoc with a structure marked as X. Select the option which shows the correct identification of the X with its feature.

A. Spores - Reproduction

B. Heterocysts - Nitrogen fixation

C. Pellicle - Recycling of nutrition

D. Mucilaginous sheath - Photosynthesis

Correct Answer :

B. Heterocysts - Nitrogen fixation

Heterocysts are pale-yellow, thick-walled cells that are capable of nitrogen fixation and therefore play a major part in the nitrogen cycle.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Fungi are filamentous with the exception of X which is unicellular. Identify X.

A. Yeast

B. Algae

C. Bacteria

D. Lichen

What is the correct answer?


Dikaryon formation is the characteristic feature of

A. ascomycetes and basidiomycetes.

B. phycomycetes and basidiomycetes.

C. ascomycetes and phycomycetes.

D. phycomycetes and zygomycetes.

What is the correct answer?


Which scientist classify plants into trees, shrubs and herbs & animals into two groups having red blood cells and without red blood cells?

A. Aristotle

B. R. H. Whittaker

C. D. J. Ivanowsky

D. W. M. Stanley

What is the correct answer?


Plasmogamy is the fusion of

A. two haploid cells including their nuclei.

B. two haploid cells without nuclear fusion.

C. sperm and egg.

D. sperm and two polar nuclei.

What is the correct answer?


Clamp connection is found in

A. basidiomycetes

B. ascomycetes

C. saccharomycetes

D. haplomycetes

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following group of kingdom protista is being described by the statements given below ?
(i) This group includes diatoms and golden algae.
(ii) They are microscopic and float passively in water currents (plankton).
(iii) Most of them are photosynthetic.
(iv) They have deposits in their habitat; this accumulation over billion of years is referred to as diatomaceous earth.

A. Dinoflagellates

B. Chrysophytes

C. Euglenoids

D. Slime moulds

What is the correct answer?


Ustilago causes plant diseases (called smuts) because

A. they parasitize on cereals.

B. they lack mycelium.

C. they develop sooty masses of spores.

D. their affected parts becomes completely black.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about ascomycetes ?
(i) Neurospora, which is used in biochemical and genetic work is a member of this class.
(ii) They are mostly multicellular, e.g., Yeast, or rarely unicellular, e.g., Penicillium.
(iii) They are saprophytic, decomposers, parasitic or coprophilous.
(iv) Some examples are Aspergillus, Claviceps and Neurospora.

A. Both (i) and (ii)

B. Only (ii)

C. (i), (iii) and (iv)

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Bacteria and yeast are similar in all the following features except that

A. both are unicellular.

B. both are prokaryotes.

C. both are capable of causing fermentation.

D. both produce spores.

What is the correct answer?


Match the class of fungi given in column I with their examples given in column II and choose the correct option
(Class of fungi)(Examples)
A. AscomycetesI. Rhizopus
B. BasidiomycetesII. Penicillium
C. DeuteromycetesIII. Ustilago
D. PhycomycetesIV. Alternaria





What is the correct answer?


Bacteria are found to be primitive organisms because they

A. are small, microscopic which are not seen with naked eye.

B. cause serious diseases to human being, domesticated animals and crop plants.

C. produce endospores which are very resistant to adverse conditions.

D. possess incipient nucleus and show amitotic division.

What is the correct answer?


Choose the correct names of the different bacteria given below according to their shapes. 

A. A – Cocci, B – Bacilli, C – Spirilla, D – Vibrio

B. A – Bacilli, B – Cocci, C – Spirilla, D – Vibrio

C. A – Spirilla, B – Bacilli, C – Cocci, D – Vibrio

D. A – Spirilla, B – Vibrio, C – Cocci, D – Bacilli

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is/are example(s) of deuteromycetes?

A. Alternaria

B. Colletotrichum

C. Trichoderma

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a viral disease ?

A. AIDS and mumps

B. Small pox and herpes

C. Influenza

D. Cholera

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following class of fungi is being described by the given statements ?
(i) They are found in aquatic habitats and on decaying wood in moist and damp places.
(ii) Mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic.
(iii) Asexual reproduction takes place by zoospores (motile) or by aplanospores (non-motile).
(iv) Some common examples are Mucor, Rhizopus and Albugo.

A. Ascomycetes

B. Phycomycetes

C. Basidiomycetes

D. Deuteromycetes

What is the correct answer?


Why food can be kept for a longer time in cold house than in normal conditions ? Because,

A. insect cannot enter.

B. bacterial multiplication stops.

C. bacterial multiplication is reduced.

D. there is plasmolysis at low temperature.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs comes under the group chrysophytes ?

A. Diatoms and Euglena

B. Euglena and Trypanosoma

C. Diatoms and Desmids

D. Gonyaulax and Desmids

What is the correct answer?


Match the characters given in column I with their examples given in column II.
Column IColumn II
A. Long slender thread(i) Lichen like structures
B. Association of fungi with(ii) Mycorrhiza roots of higher plants
C. Parasitic fungi on mustard(iii) Neurospora
D. Fungi extensively used in(iv) Albugo biochemical and genetic work
E. An association in which(v) Hyphae algal component is called phycobiont

A. A-(v) B-(ii) C-(iv) D-(iii) E-(i)

B. A-(iii) B-(i) C-(iv) D-(ii) E-(v)

C. A-(ii) B-(i) C-(iii) D-(v) E-(iv)

D. A-(iii) B-(ii) C-(iv) D-(i) E-(v)

What is the correct answer?


How many organisms in the list given below are autotrophs? Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Streptomyces, Saccharomyces, Trypanosomes, Porphyra, Wolffia

A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

D. Three

What is the correct answer?


Read the following statements and answer the question.
(i) Some members are saprophytes or parasites while a large number of them are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling.
(ii) They reproduce only by asexual spores known as conidia.
(iii) Mycelium is septate and branched.
(iv) Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma are examples of this class.
Which of the following class of fungi is being described by the above statements ?

A. Phycomycetes

B. Deuteromycetes

C. Basidiomycetes

D. Ascomycetes

What is the correct answer?


A specimen of fungus is brought by a student for identification. Upon close examination, he discovered that its hyphae are completely septate and it has gills on the underside of the pileus. To which fungal group does it most likely belong ?

A. Basidiomycetes

B. Zygomycetes

C. Ascomycetes

D. Chytrids

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following groups of protozoan is not correctly matched with its feature?

A. Amoeboid - Marine forms have silica shells on their surface.

B. Flagellated - Either free living or parasitic.

C. Ciliated - Actively moving organisms due to presence of cilia.

D. Sporozoans - Move and capture their prey with the help of false feet.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is correct for dinoflagellates flagella ?

A. A single flagellum lies in the transverse groove between the cell plates.

B. A single flagellum lies in the longitudinal groove between the cell plates.

C. Two flagella, one lies longitudinally and the other transversely in a furrow between the wall plates.

D. Flagella are absent.

What is the correct answer?


Select the correct match from the given option.

A. Occurrence of dikaryotic stage - ascomycetes and basidiomycetes.

B. Saprophytes - They are autotrophic and absorb soluble organic matter from dead substrates.

C. Vegetative mean of reproduction in fungi - fragmentation, budding and sporangiophores.

D. Steps involved in asexual cycle of fungi - plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis in zygote resulting in haploid spores.

What is the correct answer?


Bladderwort and Venus fly trap are examples of

A. insectivorous plants

B. parasitic plants

C. N2 rich plants

D. aquatic plants

What is the correct answer?


Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria are named so because

A. they oxidize various inorganic substances such as nitrates, nitrites and ammonia and use the released energy for their ATP production.

B. they oxidize various organic substances and use the released energy for their ATP production.

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following characteristic(s) is used by Whittaker for the classification of organisms ?

A. Mode of nutrition

B. Thallus organisation

C. Phylogenetic relationships

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following statements with respect to characteristic features of the kingdom.
(i) In animalia, the mode of nutrition is autotrophic.
(ii) In monera, the nuclear membrane is present.
(iii) In protista, the cell type is prokaryotic.
(iv) In plantae, the cell wall is present.
Of the above statements, which one is correct ?

A. (i) only

B. (ii) only

C. (iii) only

D. (iv) only

What is the correct answer?


Fungi show asexual reproduction by all of the following kinds of spores except

A. conidia

B. oospores

C. sporangiospores

D. zoospores

What is the correct answer?


Protista includes

A. unicellular eukaryotes with well-defined nucleus only.

B. unicellular prokaryotes with membrane bound organelles.

C. unicellular eukaryotes with well-defined nucleus and membrane bound organelles.

D. both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes with welldefined nucleus and membrane bound organelles.