Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The golden age of Dinosaurs was

A. Palaezoic

B. Cenozoic

C. Mesozoic

D. Proterozoic

Correct Answer :

C. Mesozoic

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The wall of the heart is made of programmed cell death is known as

A. voluntary muscles

B. involuntary muscles

C. cardiac muscles

D. skeletal muscles

What is the correct answer?


The bile contains the pigments

A. haemoglobin and haemoerythrin

B. biliviridin and bilirubin

C. bilirubin and haemocyanin

D. haemoglobin and biliviridin

What is the correct answer?


Modern classification of the living world recognise ___________ kingdoms.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

What is the correct answer?


The theory that believes that the first living organism came from another planet is known as

A. Catastrophism

B. Special creation

C. Organic evolution

D. Cosmozoic theory

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Nephrons are found inside

A. Liver

B. Lung

C. Brain

D. Kidneys

What is the correct answer?


India's first transgenic crop was

A. Potato

B. Brinjal

C. Sugarcane

D. Bt cotton

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Who considered evolution as due to mutation?

A. Charles Darwin

B. Lamarck

C. Hugo de Vries

D. Cuvier

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Which one of the following is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland?

A. Gastric glands

B. Pancreas

C. Salivary glands

D. Liver

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Hormones are carried from their place of production by

A. Ducts

B. Blood

C. Lymph

D. Mucus

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When a movement of a plant organ is stimulated by contact with an object, it is termed

A. heliotropism

B. geotropism

C. haptotropism

D. gardening

What is the correct answer?


In case of a heart attack a hormone is injected as an emergency measure. Which one is it?

A. Thyroxine

B. Vasopressin

C. Heparin

D. Insulin

What is the correct answer?


What are top carnivores?

A. biggest carnivores

B. tigers

C. all carnivorous animals

D. carnivores that are not eaten by any other animal

What is the correct answer?


Which one is a water-soluble vitamin?

A. A

B. C

C. D

D. E

What is the correct answer?


The tallest tree in the world Sequoia™ is found in



C. former USSR

D. China

What is the correct answer?


Mouth and foot diseases in cattle are caused by

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungi

D. Pennicilium

What is the correct answer?


Vitamins A and C are predominantly present in

A. brinjal

B. lady's finger

C. potato

D. tomato

What is the correct answer?


The disease in which blood clotting does not take place is known as

A. Xerophthalmia

B. Haemopoeisis

C. Haemophilia

D. Haemoerythrin

What is the correct answer?


The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

What is the correct answer?


The white blood corpuscles the body because they are popularly called soldiers of

A. march at a regular pace

B. appear uniform

C. defend the body

D. are disciplined

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following acts as a communication system?

A. Blood

B. Nerve

C. Lymph

D. Enzymes

What is the correct answer?


The counting of RBCs is done with

A. haemocytometer

B. haemoglobinometer

C. clinostat

D. thermometer

What is the correct answer?


Saffron is the dried ________ of the saffron plant.

A. fruit

B. aril

C. stigmas and tops of styles

D. tender leaves and sprouts

What is the correct answer?


An organism eating its own species is called

A. carnivore

B. detritivore

C. cannibal

D. herbivore

What is the correct answer?


Injection of insulin causes

A. increase in glucose in blood

B. decrease in glucose in blood

C. increase in blood pressure

D. decrease in blood pressure

What is the correct answer?


Blood clotting requires vitamin

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. K

What is the correct answer?


Biologists have so far known, found and identified a large number of species in the plant and animal kingdom. In terms of numbers, the largest found and identified so far is from among the

A. fungi

B. plants

C. insects

D. bacteria

What is the correct answer?


Valve a are present inside

A. Arteries

B. Capillaries

C. Veins

D. Lymph vessels

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Blood plasma from which fibrinogen is removed is known as

A. serum

B. blood concentrate

C. lymph

D. antibody component

What is the correct answer?


Agroecology relates

A. crops and productivity

B. crops and environment

C. crop productivity and physiology

D. crop resistance to climatic changes

What is the correct answer?


Egg laying animals are referred to as

A. viviparous

B. oviparous

C. ovoviviparous

D. vegetative