Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The Headquarters of World Health Organisation (WHO) is located at

A. New York

B. Paris

C. Geneva

D. London

Correct Answer :

C. Geneva

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What is the correct answer?


AIDS is caused by

A. Blood cancer


C. Bacterium

D. TMV virus

What is the correct answer?


Cancer is related to

A. uncontrolled growth of tissues

B. non-malignant tumours

C. controlled division of tissues

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Surgical removal of gall bladder in man, would lead to

A. impairment of digestion of fat

B. impairment of digestion of proteins

C. jaundice

D. increased acidity in the intestine

What is the correct answer?


Infants who are not fed by breast milk usually suffer from

A. kwashiorkor

B. pellagra

C. beriberi

D. arasmus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a matching pair of the vector and the disease

A. Culexfilariasis

B. Houseflytyphoid

C. Body lousetyphoid

D. Sandflyplague

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is primarily concerned with destroying pathogens

A. Tonsils

B. Liver

C. Kidneys

D. Lymphatic tissues

What is the correct answer?


Passive immunity can be clamed by

A. antigens

B. antibodies

C. antibiotics

D. vaccination having weakened germs

What is the correct answer?


If vasa deferens of a man are surgaically cut or gutted (Vasectomy)

A. sperms in semen will be non-nucleated

B. semen will be without sperms

C. spermatogenesis will not occur

D. sperms will be non-motile

What is the correct answer?


The present rate of growth of human population is aproximately

A. 1.0% per annum

B. 1.5% per annum

C. 1.8% per annum

D. 2.0% per annum

What is the correct answer?


Diphtheria disease is connected with

A. lungs

B. liver

C. throat

D. blood

What is the correct answer?


The projected population of India in year 2001 is

A. 688 million

B. 839 million

C. 950 million

D. 1032 million

What is the correct answer?


Asthma is a respiratory disease caused due to

A. infection of trachea

B. infection of lungs

C. bleeding into the pleural cavity

D. spasm of bronchial muscles

What is the correct answer?


The clinical test used for screening blood samples before transfusion is

A. ELISA test

B. Hela test

C. Western blot test

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which one of these is a cancerous disease

A. Kwashiorkor

B. Angina

C. Leukaemia

D. Malaria

What is the correct answer?


Malaria day is observed on

A. 5th June

B. 15th August

C. 5th January

D. 20th August

What is the correct answer?


Addiction of LSD will eventually lead to

A. illucination

B. damage of lungs

C. mental and emotional disturbances

D. damage to kidneys

What is the correct answer?


Depletion of ozone in the stratosphere will lead to

A. increased incidence of skin cancer in man

B. global cooling

C. global warming

D. increased incidence of cardio * respiratory diseases in man

What is the correct answer?


A basic pathological process producing symptoms such as redness, heat, swelling and pain in the affected tissue or organ is

A. disease

B. infestation

C. inflammation

D. infection

What is the correct answer?


The fertility of woman ceases at about 49-59 years. This arrest of reproductive capacity is known as

A. gestation

B. menstruation

C. menopause

D. puberty

What is the correct answer?


Pulse rate is measured from

A. artery

B. nerve

C. vein

D. capillary

What is the correct answer?


Widal test is used for susceptibility to

A. malaria

B. cholera

C. yellow fever

D. typhoid

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an infectious disease

A. Malaria

B. Common cold

C. Influenza

D. Tuberculosis

What is the correct answer?


Adenoid is the disease in which

A. tonsils enlarge

B. thyroid enlarges

C. splem enlarges

D. glandular tissue at the back of nose enlarges.

What is the correct answer?


The Headquarters of World Health Organisation (WHO) is located at

A. New York

B. Paris

C. Geneva

D. London

What is the correct answer?


A pathogen in mid-way of structure of a virus and bacterium is called

A. viron

B. spirilla

C. spirochaete

D. rickettsiae

What is the correct answer?


Minamata disease is due to

A. Lead poisoning

B. Zinc poisoning

C. Mercury poisoning

D. DDT poisoning

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following disease is found in Negroes only

A. Haemophilia

B. Sickle cell anaemia

C. Tryponosomiasis

D. Filariasis

What is the correct answer?


The damage due to radiations depends upon

A. developmental stage of an organ

B. age and sex of the organism

C. type of organism exposed

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


The first AIDS case was reported in New York in

A. 1981

B. 1991

C. 1979

D. 19 77

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a helminth disease

A. Filaria

B. Filariasis

C. Diphtheria

D. Floriasis