Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The horizontal reaction at the support A of the structure shown in below figure, is

A. Zero

B. 2 t

C. 3 t

D. 1 t

Correct Answer :

A. Zero

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What is the correct answer?


A force P of 50 N and another force Q of unknown magnitude act at 90° to each other. They are balanced by a force of 130 N. The magnitude of Q is

A. 60 N

B. 80 N

C. 100 N

D. 120 N

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Joule is the unit of

A. Power

B. Impulse

C. Work

D. Momentum

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Two objects moving with uniform speeds are 5 m apart after 1 second when they move towards each other and are 1 m apart when they move in the same direction. The speeds of the objects are

A. 2 m/sec and 2 m/sec

B. 3 m/sec and 2 m/sec

C. 3 m/sec and 3 m/sec

D. 4 m/sec and 6 m/sec

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The maximum pull in a cable, carrying a uniformly distributed load and supported at two ends which are at the same level, is at

A. Supports

B. Quarter span

C. Mid span

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following for the structure shown in below figure.

A. The horizontal reaction at A is 2 √3t ←

B. The horizontal reaction at C is 2 √3t →

C. The vertical reaction at A is zero

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


If α and u are the angle of projection and initial velocity of a projectile respectively, the horizontal range of the projectile, is

A. u² sin α/g

B. u² sin² α/g

C. u² sin α/2g

D. u² sin² α/2g

What is the correct answer?


A Second's pendulum gains 2 minutes a day. To make it to keep correct time its length

A. Must be decreased

B. Must be increased

C. Is not changed but weight of the bob is increased

D. Is not changed but weight of the bob is decreased

What is the correct answer?


A bullet weighing 200 g is fired horizontally with a velocity of 25 m/sec from a gun carried on a carriage which together with the gun weighs 100 kg. The velocity of recoil of the gun, will be

A. 0.01 m/sec

B. 0.05 m/sec

C. 1.00 m/sec

D. 1.5 m/see

What is the correct answer?


A simple pendulum of length 1 has an energy E when its amplitude is A. If its amplitude is increased to 2 A, the energy becomes

A. E

B. E/2

C. 2E

D. 4E

What is the correct answer?


A body of weight w placed on an inclined plane is acted upon by a force P parallel to the plane which causes the body just to move up the plane. If the angle of inclination of the plane is θ and angle of friction is φ, the minimum value of P, is

A. w sin (φ - θ)/cos φ

B. w sin (θ - φ)/cos φ

C. w cos (θ + φ)/cos φ

D. w sinθ cos(θ - φ)/sin φ

What is the correct answer?


A point subjected to a number of forces will be in equilibrium, if

A. Sum of resolved parts in any two directions at right angles, are both zero

B. Algebraic sum of the forces is zero

C. Two resolved parts in any two directions at right angles are equal

D. Algebraic sum of the moments of the forces about the point is zero

What is the correct answer?


On a ladder resting on a rough ground and leaning against a smooth vertical wall, the force of friction acts

A. Downwards at its upper end

B. Upwards at its upper end

C. Perpendicular to the wall at its upper end

D. Zero at its upper end

What is the correct answer?


The bending moment in an arch is proportional to

A. Vertical ordinate of funicular polygon

B. Vertical ordinate of the arch

C. Intercept between the arch axis and the funicular polygon

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


A string of length 90 cm is fastened to two points A and B at the same level 60 cm apart. A ring weighing 120 g is slided on the string. A horizontal force P is applied to the ring such that it is in equilibrium vertically below B. The value of P is:

A. 40 g

B. 60 g

C. 80 g

D. 100 g

What is the correct answer?


Three forces which act on a rigid body to keep it in equilibrium. The forces must be coplanar and

A. Concurrent

B. Parallel

C. Concurrent parallel

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The unit of Moment of Inertia of a body, is

A. m

B. m2

C. m3

D. m4

What is the correct answer?


The angles between two forces to make their resultant a minimum and a maximum respectively are

A. 0° and 90°

B. 180° and 90°

C. 90° and 180°

D. 180° and 0°

What is the correct answer?


The centre of gravity of the trapezium as shown in below figure from the side is at a distance of

A. (h/3) × [(b + 2a)/(b + a)]

B. (h/3) × [(2b + a)/(b + a)]

C. (h/2) × [(b + 2a)/(b + a)]

D. (h/2) × [(2b + a)/(b + a)]

What is the correct answer?


A marble ball is rolled on a smooth floor of a room to hit a wall. If the time taken by the ball in returning to the point of projection is twice the time taken in reaching the wall, the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wall, is

A. 0.25

B. 0.50

C. 0.75

D. 1.0

What is the correct answer?


A projectile is fired at an angle θ to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when θ is


B. 30°

C. 45°

D. 90°

What is the correct answer?


A vehicle weighing w kg is to run on a circular curve of radius r. If the height of its centre of gravity above the road level is h and the distance between the centres of wheels is 2a, the maximum velocity, in order to avoid over turning, will be

A. gra/h

B. √(gra/h)

C. 3√(gra/h)

D. 4√(gra/h)

What is the correct answer?


A 50 kg boy climbs up a 8 m rope in gymnasium in 10 sec. The average power developed by the boy is approximately

A. 400 watts

B. 500 watts

C. 4000 watts

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


P is the force acting on a body whose mass is m and acceleration is f. The equation P - mf= 0, is known as

A. Equation of dynamics

B. Equation of dynamic equilibrium

C. Equation of statics

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following represents the state of neutral equilibrium?

A. A cube resting on one edge

B. A smooth cylinder lying on a curved surface

C. A smooth cylinder lying on a convex surface

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A projectile is fired with a velocity of 100.3 m/sec. at an elevation of 60°. The velocity attained by the projectile when it is moving at a height of 100 m, is

A. 70 m/sec

B. 75 m/sec

C. 80 m/sec

D. 90 m/sec

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Williot-Mohr diagram is used to determine deflection in

A. Trusses only

B. Beam only

C. Rigid frames only

D. Any type of structure

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A body of weight 14 g appears to weight 13 g when weighed by a spring balance in a moving lift. The acceleration of the lift at that moment was

A. 0.5 m/sec2

B. 0.7 m/sec2

C. 1 m/sec2

D. 1 cm/sec2

What is the correct answer?


Total no of instantaneous centres of a machine having n links, is

A. n/2

B. n

C. (n - 1)

D. n (n - 1)/2

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If a body is acted upon by a number of coplanar non-concurrent forces, it may

A. Rotate about itself without moving

B. Move in any one direction

C. Move in any one direction rotating about itself

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A cube on a smooth horizontal surface

A. Cannot be in stable equilibrium

B. Cannot be in neutral equilibrium

C. Cannot be in unstable equilibrium

D. Can be in any of these states