Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its

A. momentum

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. inertia

Correct Answer :

D. inertia

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What is the correct answer?


The sun continuously produces an enormous amount of energy. This is due to

A. nuclear fission

B. nuclear fusion

C. chemical combustion

D. boiling

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A man Jumping out of a moving train is thrown

A. forward

B. backward

C. sideways

D. None of the above

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Diamond shines because of its

A. purity

B. hardness

C. high density

D. high refractive index and low critical angle

What is the correct answer?


A solar eclipse occurs when the earth, the sun and the moon are in a straight line, and

A. when the moon passes between the sun and the earth

B. when the sun comes between the earth and the moon

C. when the earth comes between the sun and the moon

D. on a full moon day

What is the correct answer?


Hydrophone is an instrument used

A. for measuring relative density of liquids

B. by ships to pass on messages

C. for determining the depth of ocean bottoms etc.

D. by deaf people to aid hearing

What is the correct answer?


The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its

A. momentum

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. inertia

What is the correct answer?


When a whistling engine approaches a person standing on the platform, the frequency or the note

A. appears to increase

B. appears to decrease

C. does not change at all

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is

A. greater than the weight of the man

B. less than the weight of the man

C. same as the weight of the man

D. zero

What is the correct answer?


The velocity of sound in a medium is

A. directly proportional to its pressure

B. inversely proportional to the square root of its pressure

C. directly proportional to the square root of its pressure

D. independent of its pressure

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Tap water is placed in an open pad and allowed to evaporate. After some time the temperature of water

A. increases to a great extent

B. increases slightly

C. decreases slightly

D. decreases rapidly

What is the correct answer?


Skating on ice is possible because

A. the surface of ice is smooth

B. ice is cold

C. the pressure on the ice due to skate melts the ice by lowering its melting point forming a thin film of water

D. the pressure on the ice due to skate raises its melting point

What is the correct answer?


In an electrical circuit, a fuse is connected

A. in the live wire

B. in the neutral wire

C. in the earth wire

D. anywhere

What is the correct answer?


Separating particles from a suspension is effected by

A. centrifugal force

B. frictional force

C. gravitational force

D. distillation

What is the correct answer?


The weight of a body is

A. maximum at the equator

B. minimum at the equator

C. minimum at the poles

D. the same everywhere

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Out of the following, name the fluorescent substance.

A. quinine sulphate solution

B. paraffin oil

C. fluorescein solutions

D. All the above

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Electron-volt is a unit of

A. power

B. velocity

C. energy widely used in nuclear physics

D. number of electrons

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The device for tracking and locating the position of a moving object in space is called

A. Space ship

B. Lunar module

C. Radar

D. Rocket

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The end product in the uranium disintegration series is

A. lead

B. zinc

C. carbon

D. tin

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The distance between two bodies is halved. Now the force of attraction between them will be

A. half

B. one fourth

C. four times

D. two times

What is the correct answer?


The largest planet in the solar system is

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


The number of electrons in the outer orbits of a nucleus gives

A. the mass number

B. atomic number

C. atomic weight

D. absolute number

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A star contains

A. about 75% of hydrogen

B. 22% helium

C. traces of most other elements including oxygen, neon, carbon and nitrogen

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The instrument used to measure the strength of electric current at a point is

A. Ammeter

B. Altimeter

C. Adrinometer

D. Anemometer

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Heat is transmitted from one end of a metal rod to its other end by the method of

A. conduction

B. convection

C. radiation

D. sublimation

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The heat produced in a conductor due to the passage of a current through it is proportional to

A. the square of the current

B. the resistance of the conductor

C. the time for which the current flows

D. All the above

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When a charged rod is brought near a collection of small pith balls, the balls

A. will jump rapidly up and down for a short time

B. will remain unaffected

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. It will produce electric shock

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The light from the star nearest to the sun reaches the earth in

A. 8 minutes

B. 4.3 years

C. 12 seconds

D. 24 hours

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The rocket engine is motivated by jet propulsion which uses the famous

A. Kepler's Laws

B. Newtonian Third Law of Motion

C. Bernoulli's Principle

D. Law of Relativity

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On the Kelvin scale, the melting point of ice is

A. 0 K

B. 273 K

C. 373 K

D. 100 K

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The planet that spins Caster than any other planet is

A. Saturn

B. Jupiter

C. Earth

D. Mercury