Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The involuntary muscles are controlled by the

A. Cerebrum

B. Cerebellum

C. Medulla oblongata

D. Pons

Correct Answer :

C. Medulla oblongata

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The saliva contains an enzyme called

A. ptyalin

B. pepsin

C. trypsin

D. erepsin

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not caused by bacteria?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Typhoid

C. Cholera

D. Mumps

What is the correct answer?


The part of the human brain concerned with sight is the

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Temporal lobe

D. Occipital lobe

What is the correct answer?


Development without fertilization is called

A. parthenogenesis

B. asexual reproduction

C. sporulation

D. budding

What is the correct answer?


Saliva flows at the sight of food. This action is

A. involuntary

B. voluntary

C. a reflex

D. causative

What is the correct answer?


The association between leguminous plants and bacteria is

A. parasitic

B. saprophytic

C. symbiotic

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In one minute normally the heart beats

A. 60 times

B. 80 times

C. 100 times

D. 72 times

What is the correct answer?


Calcium and phosphorus assimilation will depend on sufficient intake of

A. vitamin B complex

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin C

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The hormone which is Popularly called as stress hormone is

A. Epinephrine

B. Cortisone

C. Thyroxine

D. Insulin

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following genetical disease is sex-linked?

A. Royal haemophilia

B. Tay-Sachs disease

C. Cystic fibrosis

D. Hypertension

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What are the symptoms of retinal deficiency?

A. Dry skin

B. Rough skin

C. Night blindness

D. Sensitiveness to light and ulcers

What is the correct answer?


Green plants synthesise carbohydrates by the

A. holozoic method

B. holophytic method

C. saprophytic method

D. parasitic method

What is the correct answer?


The cellular and molecular control o( programmed cell death is known as

A. Apoptosis

B. Ageing

C. Degeneration

D. Necrosis

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The 'father of genetics' is

A. Mendel

B. Morgan

C. Darwin

D. Muller

What is the correct answer?


Evergreen forests are confined to

A. Equatorial region

B. Temperate region

C. Alpine region

D. Arctic region

What is the correct answer?


Hormone promoting maleness in flowering plants is

A. Indole Acetic Acid

B. Kinetin

C. Cytokinin

D. Gibberellin

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a balanced fertiliser for plants?

A. Urea

B. Ammonium Sulphate

C. Nitrates

D. Compost

What is the correct answer?


Biocatalysts are

A. hormones

B. vitamins

C. enzymes

D. pheromones

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Kwashiorkor' is caused by deficiency of

A. carbohydrates

B. proteins

C. fats

D. vitamins

What is the correct answer?


The theory that believes that the first living organism came from another planet is known as

A. Catastrophism

B. Special creation

C. Organic evolution

D. Cosmozoic theory

What is the correct answer?


Most of the enzymes are

A. proteins

B. lipids

C. acids

D. alkalis

What is the correct answer?


The blood of cockroach shows the following characteristics except one. Mark it.

A. It serves to distribute nutrient directly to every part of the body

B. It contains several kinds of corpuscles without haemoglobin

C. It collects metabolic wastes

D. It carries oxygen

What is the correct answer?


Blood clot Inside blood vessels is prevented by

A. heparin

B. fibrinogen

C. thrombin

D. prothrombin

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is the best source of proteins?

A. apples

B. butter

C. beans

D. fish

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is not a degenerative disease?

A. Diabetes

B. Stroke

C. Myocardial infraction

D. Rabies

What is the correct answer?


Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy refers to

A. Brain Fever

B. Mad Cow Disease

C. Enteric Fever

D. Poultry Diarrhoea

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Niche' refers to

A. place of living

B. type of food

C. place of living and type of food

D. food and movement

What is the correct answer?


It Is not advisable to sleep under a tree at night because of release of

A. oxygen in a lesser quantity than the required levels

B. oxygen in large amounts

C. carbon monoxide

D. carbon dioxide

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following cows give maximum milk yields?

A. Jersey

B. Holstein

C. Red Sindhi

D. Sahiwal

What is the correct answer?


Hypogeal germination is found in

A. castor

B. onion

C. bean

D. bengal gram