Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The Lambda or Langrange Multiplier is a:

A. Analyst

B. Catalyst

C. Pessimist

D. Optimist

Correct Answer :

B. Catalyst

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


To get more revenue, a Finance Minister impose tax on that commodity which has:

A. Inelastic demand

B. Elastic demand

C. Unit elasticity

D. Zero elasticity

What is the correct answer?


In the immediate run:

A. Supply curves are inelastic

B. Supply curves are perfectly elastic

C. Demand curves are elastic

D. Supply curves are elastic

What is the correct answer?


Increasing return to scales can be explained in terms of:

A. Optimal factor proportions

B. Fixed scale of plant

C. External and internal economies

D. Labor productivity

What is the correct answer?


Because of selling costs, the demand curve of a firm shifts:

A. Downward

B. Upward

C. Horizontal

D. Straight line

What is the correct answer?


If a commodity sold under monopoly is got free of cost, then MC will be:

A. Zero

B. Identical with the MR

C. A horizontal straight line

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


Who finalized the model of imperfect competition?

A. Ricardo

B. Marshal

C. Chamberlin

D. Mrs. Robinson

What is the correct answer?


The imaginary differentiation is attributed to difference in:

A. Style

B. Salesmanship

C. Locality

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Under conditions of perfect competition, price in the long-run is equal to:

A. Minimum of average variable cost

B. Minimum of marginal cost

C. Minimum of average fixed cost

D. Minimum of average cost

What is the correct answer?


While buying two goods X and Y with unequal prices, to maximize total utility from his income, a consumer should get:

A. Equal MU from both commodities X and Y

B. More MU from commodity X than from commodity Y

C. More MU from commodity Y than from commodity X

D. Equal marginal utility from the last rupee spent on commodity X and commodity Y

What is the correct answer?


Which is the correct statement?

A. The U shape of long-run cost curve is less pronounced than the short-run cost curves

B. The U shape of the short-run cost curves is less pronounced than the long-run cost curves

C. The U shape of the long-run cost curve is more pronounced than the short-run cost curves

D. The long-run cost curves are never U shaped

What is the correct answer?


If the demand curve is inelastic then:

A. It may be nearly vertical

B. Quantity demanded is very sensitive to income

C. Demand is hardly affected by income

D. Close substitutes for the good are abundant

What is the correct answer?


The cost of production is faced by a:

A. Producer

B. Consumer

C. Seller

D. Firm

What is the correct answer?


Suppose income increases by 10% and demand for commodity increases by 5% then the income elasticity of demand is:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Zero

D. Infinity

What is the correct answer?


Microeconomics is also known as:

A. Price theory

B. Demand theory

C. Supply theory

D. Income theory

What is the correct answer?


An individual consumers demand is not determined by:

A. Price of the commodity

B. Price of the substitutes

C. His household income

D. Size of countrys population

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote Mathematical Analysis for Economists?

A. J.P.Lewis

B. R.G.D.Allen

C. Paul A.Samuelson

D. E.D.Domar

What is the correct answer?


According to translog production function, elasticity of substitution is:

A. Greater than one

B. Less than one

C. Zero

D. Equal to one

What is the correct answer?


The slope of budget line shows the price ratios of:

A. Many goods

B. Few goods

C. Two goods

D. Three goods

What is the correct answer?


Nash Equilibrium is stable:

A. They involve dominant strategies

B. They involves constant-sum games

C. Once the strategies are chosen, no player has an incentive to deviate unilaterally from them

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the factors have to be employed in a fixed ratio, then the elasticity of substitution under Leontief technology is:

A. One

B. Zero

C. Two

D. Five

What is the correct answer?


If the production increases under decreasing returns to scale, the cost will:

A. Increase at decreasing rate

B. Increase at constant rate

C. Decrease at increasing rate

D. Increase at increasing rate

What is the correct answer?


Price elasticity of demand is best defines as:

A. Change in the tastes of consumers at different prices

B. The rate of response of demand to a change in supply

C. The change in costs when output is increased by one unit

D. The responsiveness of demand to a change in price

What is the correct answer?


Increasing returns imply:

A. Constant average cost

B. Diminishing cost per unit of output

C. Optimum use of capital and factor

D. External economies

What is the correct answer?


The production function can convey to a firm:

A. The cost of producing any given output

B. The various combinations of input that could be employed in production of any given quantity of output

C. The various combinations of input that should be used in producing any given quantity of output in an efficient manner

D. The maximum profit level of output

What is the correct answer?


The shape of the TC curve is:

A. U

B. V

C. P

D. S(inverted)

What is the correct answer?


When a consumer is in equilibrium then slope of indifference curve is:

A. Equal to the slope of budget line

B. Greater than the slope of budget line

C. Smaller than the slope of budget line

D. Parallel to the slope of budget line

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist will fix the equilibrium output of his product where the elasticity of his average revenue curve is:

A. Less than one

B. Equal to one

C. Greater than one

D. Less than one

What is the correct answer?


The horizontal demand curve for a commodity shows that its demand is:

A. Highly elastic

B. Perfectly inelastic

C. Perfectly elastic

D. Zero elastic

What is the correct answer?


The difference between laws of return and laws of return to scale is:

A. In case of laws of return, one factor of production is constant and other is variable while in laws of return to scale both factors of production are variable

B. In case of laws of return to scale, one factor of production is constant and other is variable while in laws of return, both factors of production are variable

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When total product increases at a decreasing rate:

A. MP = AP

B. MP < AP

C. MP > AP =0

D. MP > AP