Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The law of demand is most directly a result of:

A. The law of comparative advantage

B. The law of diminishing returns

C. The principle of substitution

D. Economics of large scale production

Correct Answer :

C. The principle of substitution

The law of demand states negative relationship b/w quantity demanded and price and forms negative sloped demand curve. One of the reasons of negative sloped demand curve is the substitution effect (S.E) which states that as the price of a commodity raises then consumer decreases quantity demanded of that commodity and substitutes it with some other commodity.

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What is the correct answer?


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A. Negatively sloped

B. Vertical

C. Horizontal

D. Positively sloped

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A. Political economy

B. Household Management

C. Production and consumption

D. Financial Accounting

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Which of the following oligopoly models is concerned with the maximization of joint profits?

A. Price leadership model

B. Bertrands model

C. Collusive model

D. Edgeworths model

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Marginal cost is found with the help of changes in:

A. Total cost or total variable cost

B. Total explicit cost

C. Total fixed cost

D. Total implicit cost

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A. W.W. Leontief

B. E.D.Domar

C. R.G.D.Allen

D. J.M.Keynes

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The number of sellers in oligopoly are:

A. Two

B. Many

C. Four

D. Very few

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An optimum level of a firms output is:

A. Where marginal cost is minimum

B. Where average cost is minimum

C. Where both the marginal and the average cost curves are at their respective minimum

D. Where the firm earns the maximum profits

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A monopolist:

A. Can not influence the market

B. Can influence the market

C. Is a price taker

D. None of the above

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If demand is elastic and supply is inelastic then the burden of a tax on the good will be:

A. Borne mostly by producers

B. Borne mostly by consumers

C. Borne mostly by government

D. Shared equally by producers and consumers

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Price discrimination is undertaken with the aim of:

A. Increasing sales and maximizing profits

B. Reducing sales and raising prices

C. Minimizing cost and maximizing revenue

D. Serving the markets without earning profits

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If price exceeds AVC but in smaller than AC at the best level of output, the firm is:

A. Making a profit

B. Incurring a loss but should continue to produce in the short-run

C. Incurring a loss and should stop producing immediately

D. Making a normal profit

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Isocost line shows the combinations of labor and capital where a firms budget is:

A. Fully spent

B. Half spent

C. Partially spent

D. Nearly spent

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AR curve under perfect competition:

A. Slopes downwards to the right

B. Slopes upward to the right

C. Is vertical to the x-axis

D. Is horizontal to the x-axis

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A good tends to have relatively inelastic demand, if:

A. Close substitutes are available

B. It has a high price

C. It is a luxury

D. It has no very close substitutes

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The Cambridge School of Thought refers to the group of English economists who came under the influence of:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. J.M.Keynes

C. Paul A.Samuelson

D. A.C.Pigou

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The short-run periods in monopolistic competition are:

A. Parallel to each other

B. Dependent upon each other

C. Independent of each other

D. Zero

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7.The costs which the firms have to face in order to change the price tags of their products and services are called:

A. Product costs

B. Real costs

C. Menu costs

D. Nominal costs

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Utility is a function of:

A. Price

B. Quantity

C. Supply

D. Demand

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The fixed cost of a firm:

A. Are fixed even in the long period

B. When expressed as an average, show a continuous decline with increase of output

C. Do not reflect diminishing marginal returns

D. None of the above

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A. Bellow the lower ridge line

B. Above the upper ridge line

C. Between the two ridge lines

D. On the upper ridge line

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Who stated explicitly for the first time the Law of Camparative Costs?

A. David Ricardo

B. Adam Smith

C. James Mill

D. A.C.Pigou

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A budget line shows:

A. Quantities of commodity X which a consumer could buy with no amount of Y

B. Quantities of commodity Y which a consumer could buy with no amount of X

C. The different combinations of X and Y that the consumer could buy

D. All of the above

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A. Conditional

B. Moral by nature

C. Predicted

D. Like laws of sports

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Excess capacity is concerned with the:

A. V-shaped traditional cost curves

B. S-shaped traditional cost curves

C. Modern cost curves

D. U-shaped traditional cost curves

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When the consumer is in equilibrium not only his income is fully spent, but the ratio of marginal utility and price is:

A. Increased

B. Equalized

C. Prominent

D. Zero

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If at the unchanged price, the demand for a commodity goes up, or the quantity demanded remains the same when its price goes up, it is called:

A. Contraction of demand

B. Decrease in demand

C. Increase in demand

D. Extension of demand

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Which is the other name that is given to the average revenue curve?

A. Profit curve

B. Demand curve

C. Average cost curve

D. Indifference curve

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A. Increase demand for the good

B. Increase supply of the good

C. Reduce the equilibrium price of the good

D. None of the above

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A. Every consumer

B. Most consumers

C. All consumers

D. Some consumers and not for others

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A. Ricardo

B. Marshal

C. Chamberlin

D. Mrs. Robinson