Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The line from the origin to a point on an isoquant shows:

A. The wages employment ratio

B. The capital rent ratio

C. The rent labor ratio

D. The capital labor ratio

Correct Answer :

D. The capital labor ratio

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What is the correct answer?


We get constant returns to scale when:

A. a = ½

B. � = ½

C. Both of them

D. None of them

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If in the long run all factor inputs are increased three times and the resulting output is four times as before, it is a case of:

A. Decreasing returns to scale

B. Variable returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Increasing returns to scale

What is the correct answer?


The budget constraint can be written as:

A. X.PX + Y.PY = 1

B. X.PX + Y.PY < 1

C. X.PX + Y.PY > 1

D. X.PX + Y.PY = 0

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Cardinal approach includes arranging:

A. The different combinations of X and Y higher and lower without actually measuring the difference of utility between them

B. The different combinations of X and Y higher and lower and measuring the difference of utility between them

C. Different combination of X, Y and Z

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


An optimum level of a firms output is:

A. Where marginal cost is minimum

B. Where average cost is minimum

C. Where both the marginal and the average cost curves are at their respective minimum

D. Where the firm earns the maximum profits

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An economic model describing the working of an economy consists of:

A. Functional relationships

B. Family relationships

C. Economic position

D. Stagnant relationships

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Economics define technology as:

A. Societys knowledge of production

B. Applied science

C. Knowledge of science and mathematics

D. None of the above

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If a straight line supply curve makes an intercept on the X-axis, the elasticity of supply is:

A. Equal to unity

B. Less than unity

C. More than unity

D. Zero

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Scarcity is:

A. A relative term

B. An economic term

C. A dynamic term

D. As a whole term

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The elliptical isoquant represents the:

A. Economic combinations of labor and capital

B. Uneconomic combinations of labor and capital

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

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In 1890, Principles of Economics was written by:

A. Prof. Robbins

B. Alfred Marshal

C. Prof. Senior

D. Adam Smith

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In sweezy model (kinked demand curve model), the overall increase in costs of production:

A. Do not effect equilibrium

B. Affect equilibrium

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

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The ordinal approach was presented by:

A. Marshal

B. J.R.Hicks

C. Adam smith

D. Rostow

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Economic problems arise because:

A. Wants are unlimited

B. Resources are scarce

C. Scarce resources have alternative uses

D. All of the above

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In discriminating monopoly (price discrimination), the cost of production in two markets are:

A. Different

B. Same

C. Zero

D. None of the above

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The central problem of economics is:

A. Declining productivity

B. Increasing consumption

C. Limited material wants

D. Limited resources and unlimited wants

What is the correct answer?


Demand is elastic when the coefficient of elasticity is:

A. greater than zero

B. less than one

C. greater than one

D. less than one

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A typical demand curve cannot be:

A. Convex to the origin

B. Concave to the origin

C. A straight line

D. Rising upwards to the right

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With which of the following concepts is the name of J.M.Keynes particularly associated?

A. Marginal propensity to consume

B. Marginal propensity to save

C. Liquidity preference

D. All of the above

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If we measure the elasticity of demand with the help of the average and marginal revenue, the formula is:

A. Ed = AR/ (AR- MR)

B. Ed = MR/ (AR-MR)

C. Ed = AR/(MR-AR)

D. Ed = AR/ MR

What is the correct answer?


An indifferent curve shows:

A. That how many utils are obtained from consuming different bundles of commodities

B. Different collections of two commodities the consumer considers to be of equal value

C. That if price increases there will be an increases in demand

D. None of the above

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Cartel is associated with:

A. Collusive oligopoly

B. Non-collusive oligopoly

C. Cartel

D. Perfect competition

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According to Diamond Water Paradox diamonds are more expensive than water because:

A. They yield higher total utility

B. They yield higher marginal utility

C. They are more useful

D. None of the above

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Law of Variable Proportions is regarding in:

A. Short-Run

B. Long-Run

C. Medium-Run

D. None of the above

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Price effect occurs on the higher IC in case of:

A. Slutsky approach

B. Hicksian approach

C. Marshallian approach

D. None of the above

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When at a given price, the quantity demanded of a commodity is more than the quantity supplied, there will be:

A. An upward pressure on price

B. A downward pressure on price

C. Price will remain unaffected

D. All of the above

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Chamberline introduces the concept of:

A. V-shaped selling cost

B. U-shaped selling cost

C. V-shaped purchasing material

D. U-shaped purchasing material

What is the correct answer?


Entry of new firms into a competitive market will shift the supply curve of the:

A. Firm to the left

B. Industry to the right

C. Firm to the right

D. Industry to the left

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The Tit for Tat strategy means cooperation by the 2nd firm if:

A. 1st firm does not cooperate

B. 1st firm cooperates

C. 1st firm collapses

D. None of the above

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A market demand schedule is obtained by adding individual demand schedules:

A. Horizontally

B. Vertically

C. Permanently

D. Perpetually