Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The maximum power transfer theorem is used in

A. Power system

B. Electronic system

C. Refrigeration

D. Air conditioning

Correct Answer :

B. Electronic system

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What is the correct answer?


The ratio of W/VA in an ac circuit means

A. Power factor

B. Reactive factor

C. Quality factor

D. Load factor

What is the correct answer?


The ___ of an alternating quantity is defined as the fractional part of a period or cycle through which the quantity has advanced from selected origin.

A. Phase

B. Frequency

C. Amplitude

D. Waveform

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following represents the energy stored in a cap

A. CV2/2

B. 2Q2/C

C. C2/V


What is the correct answer?


What is the rms value of a square wave?

A. Equals its peak value

B. Equals its peak-to-peak value

C. Peak divided by square root of two

D. Peak divided by pi

What is the correct answer?


The maximum power transfer theorem is used in

A. Power system

B. Electronic system

C. Refrigeration

D. Air conditioning

What is the correct answer?


If a multiplate capacitor has 10 platesa each of area 10 cm2a then

A. 10 capacitors will be in parallel

B. 10 capacitors will be in series

C. 9 capacitors will be in parallel

D. 9 capacitors will be in series

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The wavelength of an alternating waveform depends upon the ___ of the variation.

A. Period

B. Number

C. Frequency

D. Amplitude

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The ratio between the reactive power and the apparent power of an ac load is called

A. Quality factor

B. Power factor

C. Power ratio

D. Reactive power

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the statement of Ohm�s law?

A. Electric current is directly proportional to both voltage and resistance

B. Electric current varies directly as the voltage and inversely as the resistance

C. Electrical power is directly proportional to the resistance and inversely as the current squared

D. Electrical power is directly proportional to both voltage squared and the resistance

What is the correct answer?


In a multiple capacitora the plate area is

A. Increased

B. The same

C. Decreased

D. Variable

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In an inductive coila the rate of rise of current is maximum

A. Near the final maximum value of current

B. At midvalue of current

C. At half-power points

D. After one time constant

What is the correct answer?


The current is ____ times the maximum current at half-power points of a resonance curve.



What is the correct answer?


A series RLCcircuit consists of a 10 resistor in series with L = 10 Ha and C= 100 F. Determine a new value of Ia for which the resonant frequency is one ±half the original value.

A. 40 H

B. 40 mH

C. 40 pH

D. 40 nH

What is the correct answer?


When the temperature of copper wire is increased its resistance is

A. Increased

B. Decreased

C. Constant

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


The ratio between the active power and the apparent power of a load in an ac circuit is called

A. Quality factor

B. Power factor

C. Power ratio

D. Power reactive

What is the correct answer?


The voltage lags the current by cycle in a

A. Purely resistive circuit

B. Purely inductive circuit

C. Purely capacitive circuit

D. Circuit containing resistancea capacitance and inductance

What is the correct answer?


What is the other name of relative permittivity?

A. Dielectric strength

B. Potential gradient

C. Breakdown voltage

D. Specific inductance capacity

What is the correct answer?


In a complex resistance-reactance planea XLis represented

A. By an axis opposite the R axis

B. By an axis perpendicular to the XC axis

C. By an axis opposite the XCaxis

D. By an axis parallel to the R axis

What is the correct answer?


When two coils of identical reactance are in parallel without mutual inductancea the reactance of the combination is ___ the reactance of each coil.

A. One half

B. Twice

C. Four times

D. One fourth

What is the correct answer?


The internal resistance of an ideal current source is

A. Infinite

B. Zero

C. Equal to the load resistance

D. To be determined

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following dielectric materials makes the lowest-capacitance capacitor?

A. Paper

B. Mica

C. Air

D. Electrolyte

What is the correct answer?


What is the most convenient way of achieving large capacitance?

A. By using multiplate construction

B. By using air as dielectric

C. By decreasing distance between plates

D. By using dielectric of low permittivity

What is the correct answer?


What maximum voltage can be applied across the capacitor of time?

A. Working voltage

B. Surge voltage

C. Stray voltage

D. Peak voltage

What is the correct answer?


What is the resonant frequency of a circuit when L of 3 microhenrys and C of 40 picofarads are in series?

A. 14.5 kHz

B. 145 MHz

C. 14.5 MHz

D. 145 kHz

What is the correct answer?


The mutual inductance between two coils is ___ the reluctance of magnetic path.

A. Directly proportional to

B. Inversely proportional to

C. Independent to

D. Equal to

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is also known as antiresonant circuit?

A. Parallel resonant circuit

B. Series resonant circuit

C. Tuned circuit

D. Tank circuit

What is the correct answer?


Electric energy refers to

A. Volt divided by coulomb

B. Voltampere

C. Volt-coulomb

D. Watt divided by time

What is the correct answer?


The electric field strength between capacitor plates has a unit

A. Volts per meter

B. Volts per mil

C. Amperes per meter

D. Amperes per mil

What is the correct answer?


For maximum power transfera what is the relation between load resistance RL and internal resistance R of the voltage source?

A. RL= 2 r

B. RL= 1.5 r

C. RL= r

D. RL= 3 r

What is the correct answer?


The Q-factor of a series resonant circuit is also known as

A. Current magnification factor

B. Voltage magnification factor

C. Load factor

D. Leakage factor