Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The medullary inspiratory centre is always under direct control of

A. chemicals

B. physical conditions

C. nerves

D. all of these

Correct Answer :

A. chemicals

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What is the correct answer?


In rabbits, respiration takes place in

A. Cells lining the lung cavities

B. Cells found in blood

C. All living cells of the body

D. RBC only

What is the correct answer?


The iron containing haemoglobin pigment is a

A. protein

B. polysaccharide

C. enzyme

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Internal respiration refers to

A. exchange of gases between lungs and blood

B. cellular respiration

C. exchange of gases between lungs and atmosphere

D. respiration in open air

What is the correct answer?


The functional unit of the lung is

A. neuron

B. alveolus

C. bronchus

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


The rate of respiration is lowest at

A. sleeping

B. running

C. eating food

D. playing

What is the correct answer?


The oxygen pressure in the alveolar air is

A. less than that is lung capillaries

B. equal to that in lung capillaries

C. double of that in lung capillaries

D. half of that in lung capillaries

What is the correct answer?


Pulmonary artery

A. returns highly oxygenated blood to the left heart for distribution throughout the body

B. returns highly oxygenated blood to right heart for distribution throughout the body.

C. delivers blood to lungs low in oxygen

D. delivers highly oxygenated blood in lungs

What is the correct answer?


Oxygen will diffuse through a membrane only if it is

A. moist

B. immersed in water

C. very thin

D. vascular

What is the correct answer?


The medullary inspiratory centre is always under direct control of

A. chemicals

B. physical conditions

C. nerves

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Among the following, the maximum amount of usable energy is released per-molecule of glucose by

A. yeast cell in fermentation

B. a liver cell in glycolysis

C. an Amoeba in aerobic respiration

D. a muscle cell in lactic acid formation

What is the correct answer?


The vibrations of which of these membranes produces vocal sounds?

A. Glottis

B. Vocal cords

C. Vocal sacs

D. Epiglottis

What is the correct answer?


The condition in which the body suffers from acute oxygen shortage is called

A. anaemia

B. deoxygenation

C. detoxification

D. hypoxia

What is the correct answer?


The respiratory portion of the respiratory tract consists of

A. Pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles

B. Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli

C. Respiratory bronchioles, alveola ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli

D. Bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli

What is the correct answer?


In all vertebrates, the oxygen transport is through

A. haemocyanin

B. haemoglobin

C. myoglobin

D. haemoerythrin

What is the correct answer?


The process of breathing-in of oxygen rich air from outside is called

A. expiration

B. inspiration

C. respiration

D. oxidation

What is the correct answer?


The regulatory centre for respiration is situated in the

A. cerebral cortex

B. hypothalamus

C. medulla oblongata

D. procencephalon

What is the correct answer?


The carbon dioxide pressure in the lung capillaries is

A. less than that in alveolar air

B. more than that in alveolar air

C. equal to that in alveolar air

D. similar to oxygen pressure in the capillaries

What is the correct answer?


Emphysema is a respiratory disease in which

A. the larynx is closed

B. the trachea gets narrowed

C. the gas exchange area of lungs is increased

D. the gas exchange area of lungs is decreased

What is the correct answer?


Oxygen is transported to every cell of the body through



C. Both (a) and (b)

D. RBC and hormones

What is the correct answer?


The impulses reaching voluntary muscles for forced breathing originate from

A. medulla oblongata

B. spinal cord

C. vagus nerve

D. cerebrum

What is the correct answer?


The term used to denote the difference in volume between the total lung capacity and the vital capacity is

A. tidal volume

B. ventilation rate

C. residual volume

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following can respire in total absence of air (anoxyliosis)?

A. Amoeba

B. Bed bug

C. Hydra

D. Tapeworm

What is the correct answer?


The capacity of lungs for air in a healthy man is about

A. 500 ml

B. 1000 ml

C. 2000 ml

D. 3000 ml

What is the correct answer?


Air directly enters the tracheae via the

A. external nares

B. pharynx

C. larynx

D. bronchi

What is the correct answer?


The greatest volume of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiratory affect, is its

A. residual volume

B. tidal volume

C. vital capacity

D. lung volume

What is the correct answer?


The substances undergoing slow oxidation in the body during respiration are known as

A. Oxidases

B. Metabolites



What is the correct answer?


Diaphragm is characteristic of

A. egg-laying mammals only

B. marsupial mammals only

C. eutherian mammals only

D. all the mammals

What is the correct answer?


The metal associated with haemoglobin is

A. Copper

B. Magnesium

C. Iron

D. Manganese

What is the correct answer?


Ciliated epithelium in the trachea of mammals helps in

A. sucking-in air

B. pushing expired air out

C. pushing mucus out

D. keeping the alveolar air in circulation

What is the correct answer?


To take air into the lungs, the diaphragmmust be

A. dome shaped

B. oblique

C. flattened

D. normal