Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The metallic part of haemoglobin is

A. copper

B. molybdenum

C. nickel

D. iron

Correct Answer :

D. iron

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Afforestation means

A. study of forests

B. growing new forests

C. destroying the forests

D. go into the forests

What is the correct answer?


Temperature treatment which shortens the vegetative period and hastens the flowering is called

A. Phototropism

B. Photoperiodism

C. Vernalisation

D. Thermoregulation

What is the correct answer?


The waste product In the urine of man is

A. urea

B. uric acid

C. ammonia

D. non-nitrogenous

What is the correct answer?


Best growth of plants is attained if they are supplied with

A. low carbohydrate and high nitrogen

B. high carbohydrate and low nitrogen

C. high carbohydrate and moderate nitrogen

D. equal carbohydrate and nitrogen

What is the correct answer?


Bacteria utilising radiant energy to prepare food are

A. chemosynthetic bacteria

B. heterotrophic bacteria

C. photosynthetic bacteria

D. free living bacteria

What is the correct answer?


When one gene controls two or more different characters simultaneously, the phenomenon is called

A. Apomixis

B. Pleiotropy

C. Polyploidy

D. Polyteny

What is the correct answer?


Gases of Jupiter' are

A. Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen

B. Sulphur, Urethane, Oxygen

C. Carbon, Phosphorus and Oxygen

D. Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they

A. kill harmful insects

B. require little amount of water

C. help in Nitrogen fixation

D. are cash crops

What is the correct answer?


Vitamin D is known as anti-rachitic vitamin because it cures the deficiency disease called

A. Rickets

B. Beriberi

C. Xerophthalmia

D. Sterility

What is the correct answer?


Scurvy is prevented by vitamin

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

What is the correct answer?


Plantain is

A. a tree

B. an annual herb

C. a perennial herb

D. a shrub

What is the correct answer?


The human heart is

A. Neurogenic heart

B. Myogenic heart

C. Pulsating heart

D. Ampullary heart

What is the correct answer?


Plants growing in saline marsh habitats are called

A. Xerophytes

B. Aerophytes

C. Saprophytes

D. Halophytes

What is the correct answer?


Malarial parasite is brought to human host by

A. male anopheles mosquito

B. female anopheles mosquito

C. male culex

D. female culex

What is the correct answer?


The hormone secreted when one is frightened or excited

A. pituitrin

B. thyroxine

C. adrenaline

D. parathormone

What is the correct answer?


Eugenics is the application of genetics to improve

A. crop plants

B. fruit trees

C. cattle

D. human beings

What is the correct answer?


Haemophllia is a genetic disorder which leads to

A. decrease in haemoglobin level

B. rheumatic heart disease

C. increase in haemoglobin level

D. non-clothing of blood

What is the correct answer?


The two German scientists who proposed the 'cell theory' were

A. Mendel and 'Darwin

B. Theodore Schwann and Matthias Schleiden

C. Virchow and Purkinje

D. porter and Palade

What is the correct answer?


Nephantis is popularly called

A. coconut caterpillar

B. brown plant hopper

C. tobacco caterpillar

D. pulse beetle

What is the correct answer?


The tear glands help us in

A. sobbing

B. protecting the eye

C. preventing dust

D. providing a clean moist surface

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following contains the highest protein content per gram?

A. Groundnut

B. Soyabean

C. Apple

D. Wheat

What is the correct answer?


The natural defence of our body against foreign germs is formed by

A. red corpuscles

B. white corpuscles

C. platelets

D. lymph

What is the correct answer?


Vitamin D deficiency leads to

A. sterility

B. pellagra

C. rickets

D. capillary fragility

What is the correct answer?


Whooping cough is caused by

A. Salmonella

B. Bacillus pertussis

C. Variola

D. Vibriona

What is the correct answer?


Spiders can take only

A. solid food

B. liquid food

C. plant juice

D. flesh of dead animals

What is the correct answer?


Man is warm-blooded, frog is cold-blooded, Which one of the following is cold-blooded?

A. snake

B. peacock

C. parrot

D. camel atmospheric pressure

What is the correct answer?


What is the other name for the brain?

A. myelon

B. encephalon

C. cephalon

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Blood pressure is measured by

A. Auxanometer

B. Stethoscope

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Kaleidoscope

What is the correct answer?


Who coined the term gene?

A. Mendel

B. Devries

C. Jacob and Monod

D. Johanson

What is the correct answer?


Xerophthalmia is a deficiency disease. Deficiency of _________ causes it.

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin B

C. vitamin C

D. vitamin E