Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The number of chromosomes present in sperms

A. 46

B. 23

C. 23 + X

D. 23+ Y

Correct Answer :

B. 23

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What is the correct answer?


Cri-du-chat syndrome in humans is caused by the

A. Trisomy of 21st chromosome

B. Fertilization of an xx egg by a normal y-bearing sperm

C. Loss of half of the short arm of chromosome 5

D. Loss of half of the long arm of chromosome 5

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Failure of the brain to grow in the foetus may result in:

A. Plagiocephaly

B. Craniostenosis

C. Anencephaly

D. Microcephaly

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An abnormal human male phenotype involving an extra x-chromosome (xxy) is found in....

A. Edwards syndrome

B. Klinefelters syndrome

C. Intersex

D. Downs syndrome.

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Total numbers of ovum released in the life time of a woman is approximately

A. 40

B. 400

C. 4000

D. 20000

What is the correct answer?


The number of chromosomes present in sperms

A. 46

B. 23

C. 23 + X

D. 23+ Y

What is the correct answer?


Layers of ovum from outside to inside are .

A. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane

B. Zona pellucida, corona radiata, vitelline membrane

C. Vitelline membrane, zona pellucida, corona radiata

D. Zona pellucida, vitelline membrane, corona radiate

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The functional unit of testis of man is ...

A. Uriniferous tubules

B. Malpighian tubules

C. Seminiferous tubules

D. Acini or lobules

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Pregnancy begins with implantation of

A. Embryo

B. Fertilized ovum

C. Blastopore

D. Blastocyst

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When is the best time to get FSH levels checked?

A. Day 7 of the menstrual cycle

B. Day 21 of the menstrual cycle

C. Day 3 of the menstrual cycle

D. Day 14 of the menstrual cycle

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Human female reaches menopause at the age of about ...

A. 25 years

B. 35 years

C. 50 years

D. 70 years

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In which phase of menstrual cycle ovulation occurs in

A. Luteal

B. Menstrual

C. Proliferative

D. Secretory

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is most correct about the human menstrual cycle.

A. The menstrual cycle in all women is a 28 day cycle

B. Ovulation always occurs at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle

C. A high body temperature indicates ovulation is occurring

D. The menstrual cycle is an endocrine cycle regulating reproductive physiological changes

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Prostate gland produces a secretion for ...

A. Attracting sperms

B. Stimulating sperm activity

C. Inhibiting sperm activity

D. None of the above

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Level of estrogen and progesterone are minimum at the time of

A. Follicular phase

B. Ovulation

C. Secretory phase

D. Onset of menstrual phase

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Immediately after ovulation, the ovum is covered by a membrane called

A. Chorion

B. Zona pellucida

C. Corona radiata

D. Vitelline membrane

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Menstrual phase is followed by .

A. Luteal phase

B. Follicular phase

C. Fertilization

D. Implantation

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Corpus luteum secretes

A. Lh

B. Estrogen

C. Progesterone

D. Fsh

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Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a

A. Recessive character carried by y-chromosome

B. Dominant character carried by y-chromosome

C. Dominant trait carried by x-chromosome

D. Recessive trait carried by x-chromosome

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Acrosome occurs in the sperm in

A. Tail part

B. Behind the nucleus

C. Middle piece

D. Tip

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Cryptorchidism is ...

A. Nondescent of testes in scrotum

B. Nondevelopment of testes

C. Removal of scrotum

D. Breaking connection of vas deferens

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Which layer of embryo is formed first

A. ectoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Endoderm

D. Mesenchyma

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In human embryo, the digestive system develops from the

A. Epithelium

B. Mesoderm

C. Endoderm

D. Ectoderm

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Human placenta is

A. Endothelial

B. Haemochorial

C. Epitheliochorial

D. Syndesmochorial

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Erythroblastosis foetalis is caused by fertilization between the gametes of

A. Rh -ve female and rh+ ve male

B. Rh+ ve female and rh -ve male

C. Rh+ ve female and rh+ ve male

D. Rh~ ve female and rh -ve male

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In ectopic pregnancy, foetus grows in ...

A. Vagina

B. Fallopian tube

C. Uterus

D. Body cavity

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Medical termination of pregnancy is safe till how many weeks of pregnancy?

A. 10 weeks

B. 12 weeks

C. 20 weeks

D. 22 weeks

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Human embryo is referred to as fetus from beginning of

A. 1st month of pregnancy

B. 2nd month of pregnancy

C. 3rd month of pregnancy

D. 4th month of pregnancy

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Human eggs are

A. Mesolecithel

B. Microlecithel

C. Macrolecithel

D. Alecithel

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During ovulation, for favourable sperm travel oestrogen causes

A. Cervical mucus to become stretchy and clear

B. Less cervical mucus production

C. Tenderness of cervix

D. Slight vaginal bleeding

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Which one of the following is produced early in the life of a human female?

A. Relaxin

B. Oxytocin

C. Prolactin

D. Progesterone