Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The ore of iron is

A. Dolomite

B. Magnetite

C. Bauxite

D. Anglesite

Correct Answer :

B. Magnetite

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The most abundant constituent in air is

A. hydrogen

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. noble gases

What is the correct answer?


Graphite la a good conductor of electricity because

A. it is an allotrope of carbon

B. it gives CO2 on heating

C. it contains free electrons

D. it is oxidised to graphitic acid

What is the correct answer?


On chemical analysis, a bottle cork is found to contain primarily

A. proteins

B. carbohydrates

C. tannins

D. lipids

What is the correct answer?


An acid which is used as a preservative for pickles is

A. hydrochloric acid

B. citric acid

C. tartaric acid

D. acetic acid

What is the correct answer?


The non-metal which is electropositive is

A. chlorine

B. nitrogen

C. sulphur

D. hydrogen

What is the correct answer?


The fertilizer which has the largest percentage of nitrogen is

A. urea

B. ammonium nitrate

C. ammonium sulphate

D. calcium cyanamide

What is the correct answer?


Deficiency of iron causes

A. nervous disorders

B. heart diseases

C. anaemia

D. impairment of vision

What is the correct answer?


In the nitrogen cycle, denitrifying bacteria

A. oxidise ammonia to nitrates

B. convert nitrogen into ammonia

C. oxidise ammonia to free nitrogen

D. oxidise ammonia to oxides of nitrogen

What is the correct answer?


Fructose is also called

A. dextrose

B. fruit sugar

C. beet sugar

D. blood sugar

What is the correct answer?


A substance used as a fire-extinguisher under the trade name of Pyrene is

A. carbon dioxide

B. chloroform

C. carbon tetrachloride

D. bleaching powder

What is the correct answer?


A drug that is usually administered for malaria is

A. sulphanilamide

B. quinine

C. methicillin

D. novocaine

What is the correct answer?


The gas used in balloons in the place of hydrogen is

A. nitrogen

B. helium

C. neon

D. argon

What is the correct answer?


The earliest known acid is

A. nitric acid

B. oxalic acid

C. carbonic acid

D. acetic acid

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a metalloid?

A. Tin

B. Silver

C. Iodine

D. Arsenic

What is the correct answer?


Cupellation is used in the purification of

A. Lead

B. Tin

C. Silver

D. Gold

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a food material?

A. silicate

B. protein

C. fat

D. carbohydrate

What is the correct answer?


A compound used both as a fungicide and as a disinfectant is

A. chlorine

B. carbon monoxide

C. sulphur dioxide

D. o-cresol

What is the correct answer?


What is 'oxygen mixture'?

A. A mixture of potassium nitrate and carbon

B. A mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate

C. A mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide

D. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and charcoal

What is the correct answer?


A burning substance which continues to burn in a jar of carbon dioxide is

A. zinc

B. red phosphorus

C. magnesium

D. sulphur

What is the correct answer?


Mild steel contains

A. iron with very low percentage of carbon

B. iron with high percentage of carbon

C. iron and chromium

D. iron and manganese

What is the correct answer?


Radium was isolated from

A. galena

B. dolomite

C. sylvine

D. pitchblende

What is the correct answer?


The purest form of carbon is

A. animal charcoal

B. coal

C. wood charcoal

D. sugar charcoal

What is the correct answer?


The function of nitrogen in air is

A. to make air a moderate supporter of combustion

B. to maintain the density of air constant

C. to prevent the hydrogen in air from exploding

D. to reduce the poisonous nature of ozone in air

What is the correct answer?


Marsh gas is

A. ethane

B. ethylene

C. acetylene

D. methane

What is the correct answer?


Brine is a solution of

A. sodium chloride in water

B. iodine in alcohol

C. sulphur in carbon disulphide

D. Potassium iodide in water

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not radioactive?

A. Astatine

B. Francium

C. Tritium

D. Zirconium

What is the correct answer?


Suspended impurities in water are effectively removed by

A. adding milk of lime

B. filtering through sand

C. adding filter alum

D. chlorination

What is the correct answer?


Solid carbon dioxide (Dry ice) is also known as

A. Thiokol

B. Drikold

C. Perhydrol

D. Mannitol

What is the correct answer?


Rooms in places infected by plague are disinfected using

A. bleaching powder

B. iodoform

C. sulphur dioxide

D. chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of potable water?

A. It must be free from suspended impurities

B. It must be free from harmful bacteria

C. It must contain traces of sodium bicarbonate

D. It must have a fishy odour