Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The planet that has got a well-developed set of rings is

A. Venus

B. Saturn

C. Mercury

D. Earth

Correct Answer :

B. Saturn

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The star nearest to the sun is

A. Proxima Centauri

B. Sirius

C. Aldebaran

D. Vega

What is the correct answer?


While crossing a suspension bridge, the soldiers are ordered to break steps because

A. the marching in steps will involve a big strain on them

B. the resonant vibrations caused by their marching can damage the bridge increasing the amplitude to dangerous proportions

C. the marching may obstruct other traffic

D. rumblings of their marching may disturb the surroundings

What is the correct answer?


The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places was

A. James Clerk Maxwell

B. Heinrich Hertz

C. Thomas Alva Edison

D. Baird

What is the correct answer?


The speed of sound in air at 0° C is approximately

A. 4 x 108 m/s

B. 1500 m/s

C. 330 m/s

D. 500 m/s

What is the correct answer?


The tiniest of the stars belong to the group known as

A. Giant stars

B. White Dwarf stars

C. Neutron stars

D. Super-giant stars

What is the correct answer?


The velocity of sound in air increases with

A. the rise of temperature

B. rise of its frequency

C. decrease in humidity

D. fall of temperature

What is the correct answer?


The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is

A. equal to half its focal length

B. equal to its focal length

C. twice its focal length

D. not related to its focal length

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following apparatus is used in the electrolysis of water?

A. Voltmeter

B. Voltameter

C. Ammeter

D. Potentiometer

What is the correct answer?


The SI unit of electric current is

A. the ampere

B. the volt

C. the ohm

D. the coulomb

What is the correct answer?


The SI unit of electric current is

A. the ampere

B. the volt

C. the ohm

D. the coulomb

What is the correct answer?


The shadow below a tree has bright spots in it because

A. light comes through circular gaps between the leaves

B. the leaves are circular

C. the rays bend to form circular spots

D. the gaps between the leaves act as pin holes

What is the correct answer?


The planet that has got a well-developed set of rings is

A. Venus

B. Saturn

C. Mercury

D. Earth

What is the correct answer?


Electromagnets are used in

A. the telephone ear piece

B. the telegraph

C. the electric bell

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its

A. momentum

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. inertia

What is the correct answer?


When a swing la drawn to a side Its potential energy In relation to the earth

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. is constant

What is the correct answer?


Commonly used safety fuse wire is made of

A. Tin

B. Lead

C. Nickel

D. An alloy of tin and lead

What is the correct answer?


The number of galaxies that are visible without telescope on clear dark nights and away from bright lights is

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. infinite

What is the correct answer?


The largest reserve of radioactive element which can be used in a nuclear reactor has been found in India, The name of the element is

A. Thorium

B. Uranium

C. Plutonium

D. Radium

What is the correct answer?


Which force is used when milk is churned to separate cream?

A. cohesive

B. centrifugal

C. frictional

D. gravitational

What is the correct answer?


A bar magnet tied in the middle with a thread is suspended at the South Pole of the earth. The magnet will be in

A. a horizontal position

B. a nearly vertical position with its South Pole downwards

C. a nearly vertical position with its North Pole downwards

D. a slanting position

What is the correct answer?


Velocity of sound in high altitudes is low because at such a height

A. the temperature is low

B. there is no air

C. the pressure is low

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Radio waves sent out by radio stations are reflected by

A. troposphere

B. stratosphere

C. mesosphere

D. ionosphere

What is the correct answer?


A piece of cork la embedded inside an ice block which floats in water. What will happen to the level of water when all ice melts?

A. It will go down

B. It will come up

C. It will remain at the same level

D. First it will go down and it will come up

What is the correct answer?


When the earth reaches its perihelion

A. it is nearest to the moon

B. it is nearest to the sun

C. it is nearest to Pluto

D. it is farthest from the sun

What is the correct answer?


Besides protons, the nucleus of an atom contains

A. electrons

B. neutrons

C. neutrons and electrons

D. electrons, neutrons and other particles

What is the correct answer?


The largest planet in the solar system is

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


Body A is kept in contact with body B. Heat will flow from A to B if

A. the heat content of A is greater than that of B

B. the temperature of A is greater than that of B

C. the specific heat of A is greater than that of B

D. the specific heat of B is greater than that of A

What is the correct answer?


The mass number and the atomic number of an element are X and Y respectively. The number oC neutrons in the atom of that element is

A. X

B. Y

C. X + Y

D. X Y

What is the correct answer?


The heat generated in a conductor carrying current is proportional to

A. the resistance

B. the square of the current flowing through it

C. the time the current flows

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The resistance of a wire depends on

A. the material of the wire

B. the length of the wire

C. the cross section of the wire

D. All the above