Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The right of individuals to control productive resources is known as:

A. Monopoly

B. Private property

C. Workable competition

D. Oligopoly

Correct Answer :

B. Private property

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What is the correct answer?


Who wrote An Introduction to Positive Economics?

A. R.G.Lipsey

B. Paul.A.Samuelson

C. E.D.Domar

D. J.M.Keynes

What is the correct answer?


A demand curve which is horizontal and parallel to x-axis represents:

A. Infinitely elastic demand

B. Infinitely inelastic demand

C. Relatively elastic demand

D. Relatively inelastic demand

What is the correct answer?


The isoquant approach is based upon:

A. One output

B. One input

C. Two outputs

D. Two inputs

What is the correct answer?


The firm in cournot model:

A. face costs

B. face taxes

C. donot face taxes

D. donot face costs

What is the correct answer?


Economics is a:

A. Exact science

B. Inexact science

C. Pure science

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


We can write ordinal utility function as:

A. U = x1 x2

B. U = x1 + x2

C. U = y1 +x1

D. U = x1.x2

What is the correct answer?


MRSxy measures:

A. The amount of Y a consumer is willing to give up to obtain one additional unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curve

B. The amount of X a consumer is willing to give up to obtain one additional unit of Y and still remain on the same indifference curve

C. The amount of Y a consumer is willing to give up to obtain one additional unit of X and move to a higher indifference curve

D. The amount of X a consumer is willing to give up to obtain one additional unit of Y and move to a higher indifference curve

What is the correct answer?


If by doubling all inputs in the long run output is less than double, it is a case of:

A. Increasing returns to scale

B. Decreasing returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Variable returns to scale

What is the correct answer?


The Latin term citeris paribus means:

A. Other things being equal

B. Because of this

C. Due to this

D. All the factors changes at the same rate

What is the correct answer?


The fixed cost of a firm:

A. Are fixed even in the long period

B. When expressed as an average, show a continuous decline with increase of output

C. Do not reflect diminishing marginal returns

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The normal long-run average cost curve is influenced by the:

A. Principle of diminishing returns

B. Economies and diseconomies of large scale production

C. Principle of constant return to scale

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Elasticity (E) expressed by the term, 1>E>0, is:

A. Perfectly elastic

B. Relatively elastic

C. Unitary elastic

D. Relatively inelastic

What is the correct answer?


Selling costs are incurred under monopolistic competition to:

A. Attract more customers

B. Prevent its customers from going to others

C. Establish superiority of its product on the others

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Demand is elastic when the coefficient of elasticity is:

A. greater than zero

B. less than one

C. greater than one

D. less than one

What is the correct answer?


Indifference curve approach (ordinal approach) is superior to utility approach (cardinal approach) because:

A. In ordinal approach we can separate the income effect from the substitution effect of a price change

B. In ordinal approach we can study the consumer behavior more closely

C. In ordinal approach the consumer is assumed more rational

D. In ordinal approach the consumer has more income

What is the correct answer?


Capital Saving Technological Progress can be defined as:

A. Technological progress that causes to raise the marginal product of capital and labor in the same proportion

B. Technological progress that causes the marginal product of capital to increase relative to the marginal product of labor

C. Technological progress that causes the marginal product of labor to increase relative to the marginal product of capital

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The number of sellers in oligopoly are:

A. Two

B. Many

C. Four

D. Very few

What is the correct answer?


A firm enjoys maximum control over the price of its product under:

A. Monopoly

B. Perfect competition

C. Oligopoly

D. Imperfect competition

What is the correct answer?


If two goods are complements then indifference curve (IC) will be:

A. Straight line

B. Convex to origin

C. Concave to origin

D. Lshaped

What is the correct answer?


Compared to perfect competition, a monopolist will charge:

A. Charges a high price

B. Produce more output

C. Increase economic efficiency

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve of a firm in monopolistic competition is:

A. Negatively sloped

B. Vertical

C. Horizontal

D. Positively sloped

What is the correct answer?


Marginal cost curve cuts the average cost curve:

A. At the left of its lowest point

B. At its lowest point

C. At the right of its lowest point

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Whish of the following represents the average revenue curve of a firm?

A. The curve representing the cost per unit of output

B. The demand curve of consumers for the firms product

C. Total receipts realized by the firm

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


At the point where a straight line demand curve meets the quantity axis (x-axis), elasticity of demand is:

A. Equal to zero

B. Equal to one

C. Equal to infinite

D. More than one

What is the correct answer?


Some farm land can be used to produce either corn or soybeans. If the demand for corn increases then:

A. The demand for soybeans should increase

B. The supply of soybeans should increase

C. The demand for soybeans should decrease

D. The supply of soybeans should decrease

What is the correct answer?


Supply of commodity is a:

A. A stock concept

B. A flow concept

C. Both stock and flow

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Smith, by value we mean the value with respect to use, and the price we mean the value with respect to:

A. Production

B. Consumption

C. Exchange

D. Formation

What is the correct answer?


Supply curves are most elastic:

A. In the long-run

B. In the short-run

C. For luxuries

D. In the immediate-run

What is the correct answer?


If the price of coffee increases, you would predict that:

A. Demand curve for sugar will shift downward (leftward)

B. Supply curve for sugar will shift leftward (upward)

C. Demand curve for bread will shift downward (leftward)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist has control over the price he charges for his product. He will be able to maximize his profit by:

A. Lowering the price, if the demand curve is elastic

B. Lowering the price, if the demand curve is inelastic

C. Rising the price, if the demand curve is elastic

D. None of the above is applicable