Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The statement that is executed automatically by the system as a side effect of the modification of the database is

A. backup

B. assertion

C. recovery

D. trigger

Correct Answer :

D. trigger

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What is the correct answer?


Which is the best file organization when data is frequently added or deleted from a file?

A. Sequential

B. Direct

C. Index sequential

D. None of the above

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SQL server stores index information in the _____system table

A. system indexes

B. syst indexes

C. sys indexes

D. sysind

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What is data integrity?

A. It is the data contained in database that is non redundant.

B. It is the data contained in database that is accurate and consistent.

C. It is the data contained in database that is secured.

D. It is the data contained in database that is shared.

What is the correct answer?


A _____ is used to define overall design of the database

A. code

B. data definition language

C. application program

D. schema

What is the correct answer?


Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a shared lock on R.

A. It will result in a deadlock situation.

B. It will immediately be rejected.

C. It will immediately be granted.

D. It will be granted as soon as it is released by A .

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………………… approach reduces time and effort required for design and lesser risk in database management.

A. Single global database

B. Multiple databases

C. Top-down approach

D. None of the above

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A ____ key specifies a uniqueness constraint that no two distinct tuples in any state r of relation R can have the same value for super key.

A. Sub

B. Parent

C. Candidate

D. Super

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Use of UNIQUE while defining an attribute of a table in SQL means that the attribute values are

A. distinct values

B. cannot have NULL

C. both (A) & (B)

D. same as primary key

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An advantage of views is

A. Data security

B. Derived columns

C. Hiding of complex queries

D. All of the above

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In b-tree the number of keys in each node is than the number of its children.

A. one less

B. same

C. one more

D. half

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If both the functional dependencies : X�Y and Y�X hold for two attributes X and Y then the relationship between X and Y is

A. M:N

B. M:1

D. 1:M

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The normalization was first proposed by .

A. Code

B. Codd

C. Boyce Codd

D. Boyce

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Which of the following is not a property of transactions?

A. Atomicity

B. Concurrency

C. Isolation

D. Durability

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Relationships among relationships can be represented in an-E-R model using

A. Aggregation

B. Association

C. Weak entity sets

D. Weak relationship sets

What is the correct answer?


A DBMS is a ____ user if at most one user can use the system and is mostly restricted to personal computer systems.

A. None

B. Multi

C. Single

D. Concurrent

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______is a preferred method for enforcing data integrity

A. Constraints

B. Triggers

C. Stored procedure

D. Cursors

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The fact that all employees of a particular organization should not have salaries more than $10000 is a _____ constraint.

A. Schema

B. Tuple

C. Domain

D. Relational

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Which of the following is not a logical database structure?

A. Chain

B. Network

C. Tree

D. Relational

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For using a specific database …………… command is used.

A. use database

B. database name use

C. Both A & B

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a

A. Hierarchical schema

B. Network schema

C. Relational Schema

D. All of the above

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______contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a column or data type.

A. Default

B. Index

C. Rule

D. View

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A data type or format is specified for each _________

A. Relation

B. Tuple

C. Database

D. Domain

What is the correct answer?


The ____ operator joins two or more conditions and displays rows only if that rows data satisfies all conditions specified.





What is the correct answer?


The common column is eliminated in

A. theta join

B. outer join

C. natural join

D. composed join

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Data items grouped together for storage purposes are called a

A. record

B. string

C. title

D. list

What is the correct answer?


In multiple granularity of locks SIX lock is compatible with



C. S


What is the correct answer?


DBMS is a collection of _____ that enables user to create and maintain a database.

A. Keys

B. Program

C. Translators

D. Language Activity

What is the correct answer?


The language that requires a user to specify the data to be retrieved without specifying exactly how to get it is

A. Procedural DML.

B. Non-Procedural DML.

C. Procedural DDL.

D. Non-Procedural DDL.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a relational database model?

A. Table

B. Tree like structure

C. Complex logical relationship

D. Records

What is the correct answer?


In a multi-user database, if two users wish to update the same record at the same time, they are prevented from doing so by

A. jamming

B. password

C. documentation

D. record lock