Current Affairs January 2024


Each of the following sentences is followed by four words or group of words. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or group of words.

What is the correct answer?


The stock market is very_____ at the moment.

A. sensible

B. sensitive

C. intensive

D. remunerative

Correct Answer :

B. sensitive

If something is sensitive to a physical force, it is easily affected by it. A sensitive stock market implies that there are chances of big changes in the stock market index due to government changes or certain governmental decisions; etc.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The last____ were performed before the body was cremated.

A. rites

B. writes

C. rights

D. withers

What is the correct answer?


Our Constitution was based on the belief that the free ___________ of ideas, people and cultures is essential to the ___________ of a democratic society.

A. selection, concurrence

B. interchange, preservation

C. reversal, upholding

D. dissemination, congruence

What is the correct answer?


The first round of the contest had the students ___________ themselves and ___________ about their hobbies.

A. introducing, talking

B. sensitizing, sketching

C. showcasing, planning

D. acclimatizing, mentioning

What is the correct answer?


Traffic problems in Bombay are as serious as in any other city in India and they are complicated by digging of roads by the corporation on this or that ____.

A. aspect

B. pretext

C. intention

D. instance

What is the correct answer?


It is not ______________ for a man to be confined to the pursuit of wealth.

A. healthy

B. easy

C. possible

D. common

What is the correct answer?


The _______ of criminalisation of politics needs to be _________ far more seriously.

A. lacuna, dealt

B. issue, addressed

C. system, broken

D. continuation, suppressed

What is the correct answer?


Your present statement does not _________ what you said last week.

A. accord to

B. accord in

C. accord with

D. accord for

What is the correct answer?


The members were_____ of the date of the meeting well in advance.

A. communicated

B. conveyed

C. ignorant

D. inform

What is the correct answer?


Statistics __________ always my worst subject.

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. have

What is the correct answer?


China is a big country, in area it is bigger than any other country __________ Russia.

A. accept

B. except

C. expect

D. access

What is the correct answer?


It is inconceivable that in many schools children are subjected to physical _________ in the name of discipline.

A. violation

B. exercise

C. violence

D. security

What is the correct answer?


Ill take ______now as I have anothers appointment some where else.

A. departure

B. my leave

C. permission

D. leave from work

What is the correct answer?


To ___time, please go___ foot and not by bus.

A. spend, with

B. kill, towards

C. utilise, on

D. gain, on

What is the correct answer?


Serious threat to our ecology and environment can be ______ with organic cultivation.

A. hastened

B. impeded

C. aggravated

D. combated

What is the correct answer?


Regular exercise is conducive__________ heath.

A. in

B. to

C. for

D. of

What is the correct answer?


Few countries can____India in variety, colour and richness of dance-forms.

A. rival

B. depict

C. parallel

D. fight

What is the correct answer?


___________, the more they remain the same.

A. People all over the world change

B. The more people change

C. The more they are different

D. The less people change

What is the correct answer?


Gokhales patriotic speeches____ people to dedicate their lives to the nation.

A. forced

B. inspired

C. instigated

D. prompted

What is the correct answer?


We have not yet fully realised the _________ consequences of the war.

A. happy

B. pleasing

C. grim

D. exciting

What is the correct answer?


As the weekend finally rolled around. the city folk were only ___ happy to settle down and laugh their cares _____.

A. just, afar

B. too, away

C. extremely, off

D. very, up

What is the correct answer?


The Director pointed out in favour of the manager that the profitability of the plant had _____ since he had taken over.

A. arisen

B. increased

C. developed

D. declined

What is the correct answer?


The two brothers look so_____ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.

A. identical

B. same

C. similar

D. resembling

What is the correct answer?


Mr. Murugan has been in this college ________ 2010.

A. for

B. since

C. after

D. before

What is the correct answer?


What are you _________ in the kitchen cupboard?

A. looking in

B. looking on

C. looking to

D. looking for

What is the correct answer?


The influence of the environment on man is revealed by an_____ study.

A. anthropological

B. ecological

C. epigraphic

D. numismatic

What is the correct answer?


Skeptics would not ___________ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it ___________ around the sun.

A. permit, orbits

B. accept, revolves

C. experience, circles

D. assume, went

What is the correct answer?


It will take some time for many South Koreans to ___________ the conflicting images of North Korea, let alone to___________ what to make of their northern cousins.

A. reconcile, decide

B. understand, clarify

C. make out, decide

D. reconcile, understand

What is the correct answer?


He has not attained the age of 18. He was, therefore, no____ to vote in this election.

A. power

B. claim

C. right

D. authority

What is the correct answer?


________ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.

A. Although

B. However

C. Because

D. Despite

What is the correct answer?


Throw a stone ______ the fierce dog.

A. at

B. upon

C. on

D. above