Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The theory that cells arise from the pre-existing cells was proposed by

A. Nageli

B. Virchow

C. Schleiden

D. Muller

Correct Answer :

B. Virchow

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Lactose and Rennin, the enzymes required to digest milk, disappear in the human body by the age of _______ years.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 5

D. 8

What is the correct answer?


Desert plants are called

A. Xerophytes

B. Bryophytes

C. Pteridophytes

D. Halophytes

What is the correct answer?


What is an antigen?

A. toxic substance

B. a kind of protein

C. blood platelets

D. blood corpuscles

What is the correct answer?


Chemical substances that called have effect on growth of plants are called

A. enzymes

B. catalysts

C. hormones

D. pesticides

What is the correct answer?


When the earth was formed it had an atmosphere with

A. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen

B. Water Vapour, Hydrogen and Oxygen

C. Oxygen, Carbondioxide and Nitrogen

D. Water Vapour, Ammonia and Methane

What is the correct answer?


The deficiency of Vitamin A which leads to poor vision during night is termed

A. nyctolopia

B. myopia

C. glaucoma

D. colour blindness

What is the correct answer?


The grouping o( blood is based on substances called

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. antitoxin

D. enzymes

What is the correct answer?


The blood clotting requires the vitamin

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. K

What is the correct answer?


From the end of the Triassic to the cretaceous period the earth was ruled by

A. eurypterids

B. cotylosaurs

C. dinosaurs

D. mammals

What is the correct answer?


Cancer is induced by certain viruses called

A. poxviruses

B. adenoviruses

C. oncogenic viruses

D. herpesviruses

What is the correct answer?


The dreaded virus which, on reaching the central nervous system, produces spasms of the muscles of the throat and the cheat while swallowing, and is sure to kill the patient is

A. Poliomyelitis virus

B. AIDS virus

C. Smallpox virus

D. Rabies virus

What is the correct answer?


Light compensation zone refers to

A. where light is available in plenty

B. where all light energy is used

C. where light is maximum

D. beyond which light does not penetrate

What is the correct answer?


Malnutrition is due to

A. undernourishment

B. want of balanced diet

C. overfeeding

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Scrub jungle Is characterised by

A. heavy rainfall

B. no rainfall

C. poor rainfall

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is an antigen?

A. Toxic substance

B. A kind of protein

C. Blood platelets

D. Blood corpuscles

What is the correct answer?


Tetrodotoxin is a potent poison that

A. erodes blood vessels

B. blocks conduction of nerve impulses causing respiratory paralysis

C. produces damage to the kidneys

D. produces intestinal bleeding

What is the correct answer?


When does the heart start functioning?

A. At birth

B. After birth

C. Before birth

D. After a week from birth

What is the correct answer?


At the end of a reaction enzymes are

A. left as they are

B. reduced

C. increased

D. neutralised

What is the correct answer?


Memory is the responsibility of

A. cerebrum

B. cerebellum

C. medulla oblongata

D. spinal cord

What is the correct answer?


The plants will stop growing if the shoot tip is cut off because

A. shoot tip produces growth hormones

B. shoot tip contains meristematic cells

C. shoot tip is the growing part

D. the plant dies

What is the correct answer?


Spontaneous generation signifying the development of living organisms from non-living has been termed

A. Biogenesis

B. Abiogenesis

C. Cosmozoic

D. Catastrophism

What is the correct answer?


The plant hormone which promotes ripening of fruits is

A. auxin

B. ethylene

C. gibberellin

D. cytokinin

What is the correct answer?


Gases of Jupiter' are

A. Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen

B. Sulphur, Urethane, Oxygen

C. Carbon, Phosphorus and Oxygen

D. Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Rh+ blood is due to genes which are

A. dominant

B. recessive

C. codominant

D. neutral

What is the correct answer?


Blood cancer is otherwise called

A. Leukaemia

B. Leucoderma

C. Leucocytopenia

D. Erythrocemia

What is the correct answer?


Leaves Call off branches In the winter because of

A. fall in atmospheric pressure

B. completion of the duration of life of the plant

C. formation of separation (absciss layer) just outside the cork

D. shortening of day time

What is the correct answer?


One of the following is called a feminine hormone. Which one is it?

A. Oestrogen

B. Testosterone

C. Pituitrin

D. Thyroxine

What is the correct answer?


Loss of blood is

A. clotting

B. receding

C. healing

D. drying up

What is the correct answer?


Which one is called anti-haemorrhagic vitamin?

A. A

B. C

C. E

D. K

What is the correct answer?


Bats can fly in the dark because

A. they have a better vision in the dark

B. the light startles them

C. they produce high pitched sounds called ultrasonics

D. None of the above