Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The unit of electrical energy is

A. Joule

B. Watt- second

C. Kilowatt hour

D. All of these

Correct Answer :

D. All of these

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A substance that attracts pieces iron

A. Conductor

B. Semiconductor

C. Magnet

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Two similar polesa each 1Wba placed 1 m apart in air will experience a repulsive force of

A. 63000 N

B. 63 × 10^-3 N

C. 8 × 10^12 N

D. 796 kN

What is the correct answer?


Formed when there exist distant electronic interactions between (opposite) charges present in the neighboring atoms or molecules.

A. Ionic bond

B. Covalent bond

C. Metallic bond

D. Van der Waals bond

What is the correct answer?


The straight line passing through the two poles of magnet is called

A. Real axis

B. Cartesian axis

C. Magnetic axis

D. Imaginary axis

What is the correct answer?


The science of adapting electronics to aerospace flight.

A. Avionics

B. Aerotronics

C. Aerodynamics

D. Astrionics

What is the correct answer?


Refers to the magnetic lines

A. Flux

B. Hysteresis

C. Current

D. Magnetomotive force

What is the correct answer?


What is the SI unit of conductance?

A. Siemens

B. Mhos

C. Ohms

D. 1/Ohms

What is the correct answer?


Which element has four valence electrons?

A. Conductor

B. Insulator

C. Semiconductor

D. Semi- insulator

What is the correct answer?


A theorem which states that an electric current flowing in a circuit produces a magnetic field at external points equivalent to that due to a magnetic shell whose bounding edge is the conductor and whose strength of the current.

A. Joule's law

B. Faraday's law

C. Volta's theorem

D. Ampere's theorem

What is the correct answer?


Who discovereda the relationship between magnetism and electricity that serves as the foundation for the theory of electromagnetism?

A. Luigi Galvani

B. Hans Christian Oersted

C. Andre Ampere

D. Charles Coulomb

What is the correct answer?


Permeance of a magnetic circuit is _________ the cross-sectional area of the circuit.

A. directly proportional to

B. inversely proportional to

C. dependent of

D. independent of

What is the correct answer?


Another term for corona discharge.

A. Lightning

B. Sparking

C. Aurora

D. Corona Effect

What is the correct answer?


Under ordinary conditionsa a body is considered

A. positively charged

B. neutral

C. negatively charged

D. stable

What is the correct answer?


The property of magnetic materials of retaining magnetism after withdrawal of the magnetizing force is known as

A. Retentivity

B. Reluctivity

C. Resistivity

D. Conductivity

What is the correct answer?


Hydrogen is an example of a _____ material.

A. Paramagnetic

B. Diamagnetic

C. Ferromagnetic

D. N on- magnetic

What is the correct answer?


Magnetic effects of the earth as a huge magnet with north and south poles.

A. Diamagnetic

B. Ferromagnetic

C. Terrestrial magnetism

D. Terrestrial ferromagnetism

What is the correct answer?


A length of wire has a resistance of 10 ohms. What is the resistance of a wire of the same material three times as long and twice the cross-sectional area?

A. 30 ohms

B. 20 ohms

C. 15 ohms

D. 7 ohms

What is the correct answer?


What type of bond is formed when there exists some form of collective interactions between the (negatively charged) electrons and (positively charged) nuclei in a solid?

A. Ionic

B. Covalent

C. Metallic

D. Van der Waals

What is the correct answer?


The force acting on a unit n- pole placed at that point is called

A. Magnetic field intensity

B. Electric field intensity

C. Electromagnetic field intensity

D. Intensity magnetization

What is the correct answer?


The electric potential across part AB of a circuit is 5 V; point A being at higher potential. If a charge of 5 Cmoves from A to Ba then energy released as

A. 5 joules

B. 25 joules

C. 10 joules

D. 100 joules

What is the correct answer?


The force between two magnetic poles is _____ their poles strength.

A. equal to

B. directly proportional to

C. inversely proportional to

D. directly proportional to the square root of

What is the correct answer?


The net electrical charge in an isolated system remains constant. This is known as

A. Law of conservation of charge

B. Coulomb's first law

C. Coulomb's second law

D. Law of conservation of energy

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a natural magnet?

A. Steel

B. Magnesia

C. Lodestone

D. S oft iron

What is the correct answer?


Magnetic fields do not interact with

A. Moving permanent magnets

B. Stationary permanent magnets

C. Moving electric charges

D. Stationary electric charges

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following materials has permeability slightly less than that of free space?

A. Paramagnetic

B. Non- magnetic

C. Ferromagnetic

D. Diamagnetic

What is the correct answer?


Why is it that the magnitude of magnetomotive force required for air gap is much greater than that required for iron part of a magnetic circuit?

A. Because air is a gas

B. Because air has the highest relative permeability

C. Because air is a conductor of magnetic flux

D. Because air has the lowest relative permeability

What is the correct answer?


A positively charged body has

A. deficit of electrons

B. excess of neutrons

C. excess of electrons

D. deficit of protons

What is the correct answer?


Materials that have very high permeabilities (hundreds and even thousands times of that of free space)

A. Paramagnetic

B. Non- magnetic

C. Ferromagnetic

D. Diamagnetic

What is the correct answer?


Electric field intensity is measured in

A. volts/meter

B. Newton/meter

C. Newton-meter

D. Amperes/meter

What is the correct answer?


Electric potential is a _______ quantity.

A. scalar

B. phasor

C. vector

D. variable