Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The Web driver is used

A. To execute tests on the HtmlUnit browser.

B. To design a test using Selenese

C. To quickly create tests

D. To test a web application against Firefox only.

Correct Answer :

A. To execute tests on the HtmlUnit browser.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which is the following is true in case of waitFor command?

A. waitForAlertPresent

B. waitForTextPresent

C. waitForFramePresent

D. waitForPageToLoad

What is the correct answer?


Out of the following which is NOT a wait command.

A. waitForTitle

B. waitForTextPresent

C. waitForActive

D. waitForAlert

What is the correct answer?


Which component of Selenium can create customized test results.

A. Web driver

B. Selenium RC

C. Selenium IDE

D. Selenium Grid

What is the correct answer?


The Selenium IDE is used

A. To create customized test results.

B. To deploy your tests across multiple environments using Selenium Grid

C. To test with HTMLUnit

D. To test a web application against Firefox only.

What is the correct answer?


Select the component which is NOT part of Selenium suite.

A. Selenium IDE

B. Selenium RC

C. SeleniumGrid

D. Selenium Web

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Which command should be used to confirm that test will pass in the future, when new element is added after page loaded?

A. waitForElementPresent

B. pause

C. assertElementPresent

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Select the variation which finds elements based on the driver's underlying CSS selector engine in Web driver Selenium.

A. By.cssSelected

B. By.cssSelection

C. By.cssSelector

D. By.Selectcs

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which retrieves the alert message and stores it in a variable that you will specify.

A. storeAlert

B. storedAlert

C. store_Alert

D. storesAlert

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Which is a faster component between the SeleniumWeb driver and Selenium RC?

A. Selenium RC

B. Selenium Web driver

What is the correct answer?


Which command can be used to enter values onto text boxes?

A. sendsKeys()

B. sendKey()

C. sendKeys

D. sendKeys()

What is the correct answer?


Which Navigate command takes you forward by one page on the browser's history in Web driver Selenium.

A. navigate.forward()

B. navigate().forward()

C. navigate()_forward()

D. navigate_forword()

What is the correct answer?


Where is XPath used in ?

A. XML documents

B. MS-Word documents

C. MS-Excel documents

D. MS-PowerPoint documents

What is the correct answer?


The Selenium RC is used

A. To run your test against different browsers (except HtmlUnit) on different operating systems.

B. To create tests with little or no prior knowledge in programming.

C. To test a web application against Firefox only.

D. To run a huge test suite, that can be executed on multiple machines.

What is the correct answer?


What is Selenium IDE ?

A. Windows Software

B. Firefox Plug-in

C. Java Software

D. Flash Plug-in

What is the correct answer?


Variable can be saved in which format?

A. ${variableName}

B. storedVars['variableName'].

C. Both of these

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which is used to compare the actual page title with an expected value.

A. verifyTitle

B. verifiedTitle

C. verifyTitles

D. verifiedTitles

What is the correct answer?


Can Google chrome be supported by Selenium IDE?

A. Yes

B. No

What is the correct answer?


The term AJAX expands to ________.

A. Asynchronous Java and XML

B. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

C. Accumulated Java and XML

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


What does the assertTitle checks ?

A. Element title

B. Page title

C. Block title

D. Title of element under focus

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which is used to pause execution until the specified element becomes present.

A. waitForElementPresent

B. waitForPagePresent

C. waitForTablePresent

D. waitForFieldPresent

What is the correct answer?


We use the dot (.) operator followed by either a * or a +. The + tells the regular expression that there will be instances between 0 and n, while the * tells the regular expression that there will be instances between 1 and n.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Select the variation which locates elements by the value of their id� attribute in Web Driver Selenium

A. By.id

B. By.idno

C. By.id_no

D. By.tag_id

What is the correct answer?


___________ finds the item ending with the value passed in. This is the equivalent to the XPath ends-with. Is concern with?

A. ^=

B. $=

C. *=

D. &=

What is the correct answer?


Which command is used to extend the time limit of WAITFOR command?

A. Extend waitFor (time in sec)

B. waitFor (time in sec) extend

C. setTimeout (time in sec)

D. setTimeout.

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which is NOT a type of assertion in Selenium IDE.

A. Assert

B. Verify

C. WaitFor

D. Wait

What is the correct answer?


Which two commands you use to validate a button?

A. VerifyTextPresent and assertTextPresent

B. VerifyElementPresent and assertElementPresent

C. VerifyAlertPresent and assertAlertPresent

D. VerifyAlert and assertAlert

What is the correct answer?


To delete a cookie we need to call the deleteCookie method, passing in two parameters.

A. The first parameter is the name of the cookie, and the second parameter is where it was created.

B. The first parameter is where it was created, and the second parameter is the name of cookie.

C. None of these

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Select the Browser which is supported by Selenium IDE

A. Google chrome

B. Opera mini

C. Mozilla Firefox

D. Internet Explorer

What is the correct answer?


Select the tab which gives feedback and other useful information when executing tests.

A. Information

B. Feedback

C. Reference

D. Element

What is the correct answer?


Method which selects the option which displays the text matching the parameter passed to it

A. selectVisibleText()

B. selectByVisibleText()

C. select_VisibleText()

D. select_ByVisibleText()