Current Affairs January 2024


Select the most appropriate set of words from the given choices to fill in the blanks.

What is the correct answer?


This approach would ________ the enormous illiteracy problem to be ________ in a holistic manner.

A. enable, tackled

B. focus, viewed

C. envision, dealt

D. combine, judged

Correct Answer :

A. enable, tackled

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


When indecision grips a nation, free men feel the need for an _____ruler and are prepared to throw democracy overboard.

A. optimistic

B. autocratic

C. eccentric

D. energetic

What is the correct answer?


Undoubtedly, English is the most___spoken language in the world today.

A. elaborately

B. greatly

C. widely

D. broadly

What is the correct answer?


Although I was _________ of his plans, I encouraged him, because there was no one else who was willing to help.

A. sceptical

B. remorseful

C. fearful

D. excited

What is the correct answer?


Every one will admit that swindling ones fellow beings is a necessary practice; upon it, is based really sound commercial success ___________.

A. sell what you cannot buy back

B. buy what you will sell to another at a higher price

C. buy cheap and sell dear

D. sell what you can, do not buy from a competitor

What is the correct answer?


I. The area under our eyes in connected to our kidneys, so any .......... change in the dark circles indicates dehydration or accumulating toxins.
II. Many Indian adults are struggling with weight, thus indulging in weight loss programmes that require .......... changes in their current lifestyle.

A. drastic

B. frequent

C. ambiguous

D. severe

What is the correct answer?


Every human being, after the first few days of his life, is a product of two factors: on the one hand, there is his __________ endowment; and on the other hand, there is the effect of environment, including _________

A. constitutional, weather

B. congenital, education

C. personal, climate

D. economic, learning

What is the correct answer?


Skeptics would not ___________ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it ___________ around the sun.

A. permit, orbits

B. accept, revolves

C. experience, circles

D. assume, went

What is the correct answer?


Although it has been more than 50 years since Satyajit Ray made Pather Panchali, ___________ refuse to go away from the mind.

A. the haunting images

B. its haunting images

C. its haunted images

D. the haunt of its images

What is the correct answer?


His remarks were filled with _____ , which sounded lofty but presented nothing new to the audience.

A. aphorisms

B. platitudes

C. bombast

D. adages

What is the correct answer?


Football evokes a ___________ response in India compared to cricket, that almost ___________ the nation.

A. tepid, boiling

B. lukewarm, electrifies

C. turbid, fascinating

D. apocryphal, genuinely fascinates

What is the correct answer?


The teacher _________ the concept by _________ practical examples.

A. showed, telling

B. gave, speaking

C. liked, citing

D. explained - quoting

What is the correct answer?


Our Constitution was based on the belief that the free ___________ of ideas, people and cultures is essential to the ___________ of a democratic society.

A. selection, concurrence

B. interchange, preservation

C. reversal, upholding

D. dissemination, congruence

What is the correct answer?


It is a penal_____to bribe a public servant.

A. charge

B. offence

C. code

D. tight

What is the correct answer?


The _______ of criminalisation of politics needs to be _________ far more seriously.

A. lacuna, dealt

B. issue, addressed

C. system, broken

D. continuation, suppressed

What is the correct answer?


His most striking _____ is the enthusiasm which he brings to everything he does.

A. factor

B. attitude

C. characteristic

D. character

What is the correct answer?


I am always the first to admit that I have not accomplished everything that I ___________ achieve five years ago.

A. set out to

B. went to

C. thought to

D. thought of

What is the correct answer?


_________ of illiteracy from a nation that is set to become the most populated in the world is by no ________easy.

A. Countering, task

B. Driving, measure

C. Curbing, way

D. Eradication, means

What is the correct answer?


______________ his being innocent of the crime, the judge sentenced him to one year imprisonment.

A. Inspite of

B. In case of

C. On account of

D. In the event of

What is the correct answer?


Take this medicine regularly and you will get rid __________ this disease.

A. at

B. from

C. of

D. over

What is the correct answer?


Brands __________ decision-simplicity strategies make full use of available information to __________ where consumers are on the path of decisions making and direct them to the best market offers.

A. diluting, divulge

B. tempting, maintain

C. imputing, overdrive

D. pursuing, assess

What is the correct answer?


What are you _________ in the kitchen cupboard?

A. looking in

B. looking on

C. looking to

D. looking for

What is the correct answer?


Can you please __________ my web site just before I publish it ?

A. find out

B. go through

C. set out

D. look up

What is the correct answer?


The human mind seems to have built-in ________against original thought.

A. prejudices

B. ideas

C. interests

D. safeguards

What is the correct answer?


Turn the lights ______ before you go to bed.

A. on

B. off

C. out

D. down

What is the correct answer?


That charming girl was the ____ of all eyes.

A. target

B. cynosure

C. doggerel

D. ambition

What is the correct answer?


Shanku was born_____ a silver spoon in his mouth and was very proud of his wealth.

A. with

B. along

C. on

D. within

What is the correct answer?


Cellular phone service has______ in a new phase of communication.

A. called

B. ushered

C. resulted

D. started

What is the correct answer?


She put____ a brief appearance at the end of the party.

A. on

B. in

C. across

D. up

What is the correct answer?


Happiness consists in being _________what we have?

A. contented to

B. contented with

C. contented for

D. contented in

What is the correct answer?


A great literary or artistic work is known as______.

A. par excellence

B. bete noire

C. peccadillo

D. magnum opus