Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


This type of drawing shows two lines representing the pipe diameter:

A. Single-line

B. Double-line

C. Standard piping

D. Centerline piping

Correct Answer :

B. Double-line

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What is the correct answer?


These plans, made by the steel fabricator, are assembly drawings for the steel structure:

A. Welding plans

B. Assembly plans

C. Construction plans

D. Erection plans

What is the correct answer?


Isometric drawings are often used by ________ to help illustrate complex designs.

A. Mechanical engineers

B. Piping drafters

C. Aerospace engineers

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


When dimensioning piping drawings, you give the lengths of all runs of this type:

A. Straight

B. Angular

C. Filleted

D. Transverse

What is the correct answer?


These gears transmit power between shafts whose axes intersect at any angle:

A. Worm gears

B. Spur gears

C. Bevel gears

D. Racks

What is the correct answer?


This is a rounded exterior blend between surfaces:

A. Fillet

B. Round

C. Taper

D. Chamfer

What is the correct answer?


These are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation:

A. Contours

B. Elevations

C. Profiles

D. Hatches

What is the correct answer?


This is the theoretically exact size from which limits of size are determined:

A. Actual Size

B. Dimensioned size

C. Production size

D. Basic size

What is the correct answer?


This is the smallest diameter of a screw thread:

A. Internal thread diameter

B. Minor diameter

C. Major diameter

D. External thread diameter

What is the correct answer?


Understanding the Cartesian coordinate system will help the beginning drafter ________.

A. Control the accuracy of the drawing

B. Produce a visible grid system

C. Select a different text style

D. Choose various line types

What is the correct answer?


Baseline dimensions are referenced from a common geometric feature known as a ________.

A. Edge

B. Corner

C. Datum

D. Point of reference

What is the correct answer?


In the section view, the areas that would have been in actual contact with the cutting plane are shown with:

A. A cutting plane line

B. Section lining

C. Visible lines

D. Lines and arrows

What is the correct answer?


Auto-CAD refers to isometric ellipses as ________.

A. Ellipses

B. Iso-ellipses

C. Iso-circles

D. Circles

What is the correct answer?


A secondary auxiliary view is a projection off of the ________.

A. Front view

B. Top view

C. Primary auxiliary view

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


This type of axonometric drawing has equal foreshortening along two axis directions and a different amount on the third axis:

A. Dimetric

B. Multiview

C. Isometric

D. Trimetric

What is the correct answer?


Dimensions are used on the elevation plan to describe ________.

A. Finished floor elevations

B. Roof overhangs

C. Roof pitch angles

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


3.When lines intersect on a drawing at angles of this many degrees, it is customary not to dimension the angle:

A. 360

B. 180

C. 90

D. 45

What is the correct answer?


In this type of auxiliary view, a break line is used to indicate the imaginary break in the views:

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Revolved

D. Partial

What is the correct answer?


This type of solid has a polygon for a base and triangular lateral faces that intersect at a vertex:

A. Pyramid

B. Prism

C. Cone

D. Torus

What is the correct answer?


This allows the performance of structures to be analyzed and tested efficiently, accurately, and quickly:

A. Computer-aided manufacturing

B. Computer-aided design

C. Computer-aided engineering

D. Computer-aided prototyping

What is the correct answer?


A half-moon protractor is divided into how many degrees?

A. 360

B. 180

C. 270

D. 310

What is the correct answer?


On typical electronic diagrams, these items need not be shown unless they are needed for clarification:

A. Transmission diagrams

B. Operating relays

C. Closed relays

D. Terminal circles

What is the correct answer?


The Free Orbit tool is found on the ________ toolbar.

A. Rotate

B. Move

C. Modify

D. 3-D Move

What is the correct answer?


When filling an area with a hatch pattern in Auto-CAD the drafter needs to be able to ________.

A. See the entire bounding area to hatch

B. Set Ortho on

C. Turn ISO grid off

D. Set the layer to Defpoints

What is the correct answer?


This is a line terminated by arrowheads, indicating the direction and extent of a dimension:

A. Dimension line

B. Extension line

C. Arrowhead line

D. Centerline

What is the correct answer?


These breaks are used to shorten the view of an object:

A. Section breaks

B. Aligned breaks

C. Conventional breaks

D. Full breaks

What is the correct answer?


When creating your own blocks it is important to avoid drawing any portion of the block in the ________ layer.

A. Zero

B. Center line

C. Hatch

D. Hidden line

What is the correct answer?


Circular shapes appear in this fashion when viewed at an angle other than 90 degrees:

A. Circular

B. Elliptical

C. Lengthened

D. Angular

What is the correct answer?


The typical parts list should include the ________.

A. Part number

B. Manufacturing material

C. Number of parts needed

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


When drawing a line using the relative coordinate system a line is created from ________.

A. 0, 0

B. The ending point of the last line

C. The beginning point of the last line

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


This is the range of digital or hard copy documents that specify the physical function requirements for a product:

A. Product design

B. Product definition

C. Drawing definition

D. Engineering design