Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Tincture iodine is

A. a disinfectant

B. an analgesic

C. a hypnotic

D. a dye

Correct Answer :

A. a disinfectant

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What is the correct answer?


Tincture iodine is

A. a disinfectant

B. an analgesic

C. a hypnotic

D. a dye

What is the correct answer?


Copper is purified by

A. poling

B. tempering

C. calcination

D. galvanising

What is the correct answer?


The gas evolved when ammonium nitrate is heated is

A. nitrogen

B. nitric oxide

C. nitrogen peroxide

D. nitrous oxide

What is the correct answer?


Reduction involves

A. loss of electrons

B. gain of electrons

C. gain of oxygen

D. removal of hydrogen

What is the correct answer?


The addition of a neutron to the nucleus of an atom

A. increases the atomic mass of the atom

B. decreases the atomic mass of the atom

C. increases the charge on the nucleus

D. decreases the charge on the nucleus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following process involves removal of the elements of water?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following biology laboratory?

A. Phenol

B. Benzaldehyde

C. Formaldehyde

D. Acetic acid

What is the correct answer?


Brine is a solution of

A. sodium chloride in water

B. iodine in alcohol

C. sulphur in carbon disulphide

D. Potassium iodide in water

What is the correct answer?


Acute diabetes patients smell of

A. acetone

B. ether

C. ethyl alcohol

D. methyl alcohol

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a chemical change?

A. Rusting of iron

B. Burning of magnesium

C. Sublimation of iodine

D. Electrolysis of water

What is the correct answer?


LSD is

A. an anaesthetic

B. a psychedelic drug

C. an antipyretic

D. an antibiotic

What is the correct answer?


In surgical operation, the anaesthetic commonly used nowadays is

A. iodoform

B. chloroform

C. nitrous oxide-ether mixture

D. chloroform-nitrous oxide mixture

What is the correct answer?


The noble gas which is present in microscopic quantities in air is

A. xenon

B. krypton

C. argon

D. helium

What is the correct answer?


Argyrol used as eye ointment is a solution of

A. hydrogen peroxide

B. silver nitrate

C. tincture iodine

D. m-cresol

What is the correct answer?


Gases have

A. a definite shape but not volume

B. a definite volume and shape

C. a definite volume but not shape

D. neither definite volume nor shape

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following act a both u oxidising and reducing agent?

A. nitric acid

B. ammonia

C. nitrous acid

D. nitrogen peroxide

What is the correct answer?


A burning substance which continues to burn in a jar of carbon dioxide is

A. zinc

B. red phosphorus

C. magnesium

D. sulphur

What is the correct answer?


When ants bite, they inject

A. glacial acetic acid

B. methanol

C. formic acid

D. stearic acid

What is the correct answer?


Biogas is obtained during

A. decomposition of petrol

B. fermentation of animal and plant waste

C. destructive distillation of coal

D. electrolysis of water

What is the correct answer?


The depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is due to -extensive use of

A. dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid

B. superphosphate of lime

C. chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)

D. dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane

What is the correct answer?


The process that takes place in the atom bomb is

A. nuclear' fusion

B. radioactive disintegration

C. nuclear fission

D. chemical decomposition

What is the correct answer?


Plastics are synthetic

A. rubbers

B. fibres

C. resins

D. sugars

What is the correct answer?


The non-metal which has a shining appearance is

A. sulphur

B. phosphorus

C. iodine

D. bromine

What is the correct answer?


The percentage of silver in German silver is

A. ten

B. twenty

C. zero

D. fifty

What is the correct answer?


Dry Ice is

A. solid carbon dioxide

B. liquid oxygen

C. liquid hydrogen

D. liquid. Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


According to the modern Periodic Law, the properties of elements are periodic functions of their

A. valency

B. atomic mass

C. number of neutrons

D. atomic number

What is the correct answer?


Quick lime has the formula

A. CaO

B. Ca(OH)2


D. Na2CO3

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of per cent by mass in the earth's crust?

A. Silicon

B. Oxygen

C. Carbon

D. Calcium

What is the correct answer?


Glass is a ______ mixture of metallic ______.

A. homogeneous, sulphates

B. heterogeneous, nitrates

C. heterogeneous, carbonates

D. homogeneous, silicates

What is the correct answer?


Calamine is a ore of

A. tine

B. magnesium

C. zinc

D. copper